Most realistic and non-exaggerated WWII film I've ever had the pleasure of viewing would have had to have been Saving Private Ryan. The original squad took several casualties and by the end of it even the main protagonist in Tom Hanks as the Captain died.
Hell you even view one of the Americans gun down a surrendered prisoner of war in that film, which by American standards is pretty damn dark. (Watch the end, you'll see the pussy of an American soldier who couldn't be bothered to bring MG ammo to his squad blast the German who knifed his buddies in the face with an M1-Garand.)
SPR is certainly one of the best 'murican war movie ....
But the ending scene is the typical propaganda aspect of the brave GI Joes and ze stupiud Krautz marching in a enemy controled region like they're on a shopping tour through Munich ^^
Best scene a Kraut throws a Stielhandgranate, but no need to be afraid Jonny simply throws it back.

I mean srsly can't they just show war how it was in reality?? Both sides suffered from the fighting heavily espacially in the Normandy!