Welcome to The Angry Bears. As a new bear joining the great hunt these are the things you need to know. Failure to comply will result in a severe mauling and potential removal from the pack.
- Accept the invite to the steam group and add all members of the group to your steam list. These are your fellow pack members.
- Napalm leads the US time zone hunt, somenbjorn leads the EU time zone hunt.
- We use Teamspeak for voice communication. When you are looking for a game or just want to talk please be on TeamSpeak. It makes finding a game much easier.
- Add ~TAB~ tags to your steam profile name (required).
- Read the Bear Vision. It is the packs guiding principles.
"The bears are hungry for good games. Bears can be independent hunters but sometimes they hunt as a group. They are graceful in defeat and modest in their wins. Bears like casual fun and messing up the status quo. Bears support each other but may eat each other if they are too hungry. If the bears get bored they'll hibernate. Some bears strive to make top 10 and compete with their fellow bears."
Happy hunting new bear.