
russian armor

Walking Stuka

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18 Jul 2014, 19:55 PM
avatar of reefermadness

Posts: 43

Any player can aim artillery at retreat paths or bases.

No other artillery in the game is laser guided perfect accurate with that much damage in that many shells over that much area of effect.

Welcome to Trois point. A fight is going bad, you pull out with four or five squads. The woosh of a stuka firing for the first time this game happens and a competent player can precision draw down your retreat path and wipe 1000mp+ of vetted squads for an utterly trivial input.

No Kat or Werfer could do that. No field arty or offmap could do that.

No priest could ever pull that off- not even a vet 1 one that spends 50 munitions for a creeping barrage, because the priest takes a reload between every shell when it draws a line.

Funnily enough, retreating has to happen. That's the only time I usually fire my stuka- I know where his infantry will be and can be assured a squad wipe (or 3) my opponent cannot avoid because retreating squads are uncontrollable.

The firepower is not the problem.

The basic accuracy & area saturation is the problem.

Sounds like a blob of infantry that YOU set up for your opponent to take out. 4-5 squads, all taking the same retreat path at the same time?

Welcome to Trois point, where in many 2v2's it comes down to the island with the 2 VP's. Stuka has range but not that much range, if you're constantly getting squads wiped with a stuka on your retreat paths, you either have no map control or just let them drive that up to the front lines.

I agree that the Priest should have a quicker creeping barrage ability but it's a normal artillery piece that isn't shooting 300KG rockets.

Stukas are devastating but are not OP. Vetted support weapons can survive stuka strikes as well as infy.

What do you propose we do to the stuka, then? Make it less accurate, like the rockets go in a line but not perfectly until it's got some vet. Okay, so instead of a line, you'd rather have it hit all around that line, so instead of only killing 1 machine gun, it also gets the conscripts next to it without intending.

Let's make the bombs weaker. Stuka strikes no longer kill off squads, = maxim/AT spam and/or blobbing. Then OKW is left with the ISG, which is good but not great at effectively forcing an enemy off of a certain area as the rounds it fires are not that damaging until it's vetted up.

I play mostly soviet/USF 2v2's and I have got to say I have never had anyone wipe my squads on retreat with the Stuka. It's usually the thing causing the retreat. I've faced the stuka multiple times on Trois Point as well as other smaller maps and they are not that hard to kill or avoid for that matter.

Nerfing this would make it as useless as the rest of the mobile arty pieces in the game. In my opinion, i'd rather have to deal with a strong arty unit as opposed to never seeing it like a Kat or Werfer and having OKW just spam infantry into tanks.
18 Jul 2014, 22:11 PM
avatar of malecite

Posts: 139

All I can say is FUCK this unit. Play 3 v 3 and it's a rush to ober soldatten then fucking stuka spam. Honestly those of you saying this shit is balanced haven't tried playing against an okw team that knows how to spam these in conjunction with an infrared half track and ISGs. I lost 2 Sherman to their goddamn rockets so no these things are no longer in the realm of blob control.

The amount of bullshit surrounding OKW indirect fire support weapons is amazing.

They need to be nerfed into the fucking ground or completely redesigned and brought into line with other artillery. Add scatter, reduce range, fuck I don't know but their current incarnation is bull shit.
18 Jul 2014, 22:32 PM
avatar of Dullahan

Posts: 1384

I think they should indicate where the rockets are going to fall somehow.

There was a similar unit called the Manticore in Dow2 and what it did was it had a red circle that designated the center of it's targeting area. The player could manually aim eachof the 4 rockets anywhere in a radius of about 25 or so emitting from that circle, so as long as you took the shortest path away from the circle you could usually avoid being hit but it still allowed for some sneaky placement that would "trick" your opponent.

This just drops down some smoke and you have no idea which way to run to avoid the bombs.
18 Jul 2014, 22:52 PM
avatar of FrikadelleXXL

Posts: 390

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Why do you put an :) at the end of nearly every post? Even with after insults? Whats wrong with you?

Why don't you just let me write the way I want? What's wrong with you, Mr. tolerance?
19 Jul 2014, 00:11 AM
avatar of austerlitz

Posts: 1705

All I can say is FUCK this unit. Play 3 v 3 and it's a rush to ober soldatten then fucking stuka spam. Honestly those of you saying this shit is balanced haven't tried playing against an okw team that knows how to spam these in conjunction with an infrared half track and ISGs. I lost 2 Sherman to their goddamn rockets so no these things are no longer in the realm of blob control.

The amount of bullshit surrounding OKW indirect fire support weapons is amazing.

They need to be nerfed into the fucking ground or completely redesigned and brought into line with other artillery. Add scatter, reduce range, fuck I don't know but their current incarnation is bull shit.

Aye and vet rifles,maxims,Rifle LMG DPS,bullshit m15 halftrack needs to be nerfed into the groudn with it.That'll fix things.If the blob goes..the blob buster can go.
19 Jul 2014, 00:21 AM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

SOMEONE FOR THE LOVE OF TRIPE POST A REPLAY OF A 1v1 and 2v2 with a Walking Stuka attaining more than 30 kills! By this thread it must be every game. It must be leveling an entire army by itself!!!11111 And yet somehow RNGesus hates me and mine can get a Zis right in its line and kill one crewman...

Seriously one of you guys has to have a replay of this...or are you all 3v3 and 4v4 at which point who cares?

More than what you are asking for.

19 Jul 2014, 00:45 AM
avatar of malecite

Posts: 139

Aye and vet rifles,maxims,Rifle LMG DPS,bullshit m15 halftrack needs to be nerfed into the groudn with it.That'll fix things.If the blob goes..the blob buster can go.

Vet rifle commander is bullshit and is getting nerfed, maxim spam already got hammered, m15 is still too cheap and isn't fucking countered by a the werfer, and stop calling it a fucking blob buster.

Vanilla arty punishes blobs, thus unit fucks whatever it hits right out of the game with whisper quiet virtually unavoidable nukes with pin point accuracy.

It's bullshit and the people defending it are completely absurd. There are issues with balance besides this unit yes, but this is one of the most blatant currently.
19 Jul 2014, 00:47 AM
avatar of Sarantini
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Posts: 2181

Did you know The vet4 fire barrage and the regular barrage are on seperate cooldowns. That should probably be fixed.
19 Jul 2014, 01:06 AM
avatar of CookiezNcreem
Senior Strategist Badge
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Did you know The vet4 fire barrage and the regular barrage are on seperate cooldowns. That should probably be fixed.

Not really. you deserve to be burned and blasted to death on no cooldown if you allow it to survive and kill its way to vet 4.

19 Jul 2014, 04:19 AM
avatar of wongtp

Posts: 647

Stuka is not overpowered at all. As he said, OKW is meant to have units that are EFFECTIVE but EXPENSIVE.

Kat and Pwerf could use a slight buff so that even when firing at blobs, every rocket doesn't spread out and miss but stuka is pretty fine where it is. The few times i've tried to use a kat against OKW hasn't really done much for me but I may need some practice.

To those complaining about getting squad wiped on retreat, that's not the stukas fault, you played someone smart enough to drop rockets on your retreat path while you're there. Would you say that if I was using a preist to do that as well? How about don't retreat when you hear the rockets coming if they are landing on your retreat path, just advance forward or move to the left/right.

Secondly, Stuka has a distinct sound when firing, that can be heard and give you just enough time to move units. Whenever I hear that thing fire in a game, I move my units. Most importantly, I move my AT guns/MGs.

Thirdly, its an artillery piece that launched HE rockets. It's gonna fuck shit up and decrew weapons, that's its design and it's really fucking good at it. All that means is not to just place a static support weapon somewhere and think that area is locked down. Keep moving. Change positions.

390 + 100 fuel is a big deal to lose. Flank the stuka. It's not hard, in most of my 2v2 games I can get some infy behind enemy lines and deal with it. One AT nade and shock troops and the thing is dead is no time. When I see or hear a stuka for the first time on a map, especially early game, I instantly try to sneak around and hunt that thing down. The longer you wait the deadlier it will become.

If they go for the quick stuka, that's fuel not going to any other tanks or vehicles as well as the fact that the only AT capabilities that that player has is the raketenwerfer and the puma, both of which can easily be killed by combined arms attack.

TL;DR Don't line up your shit.

who are you playing against who doesnt move their stuka back to base after firing? good luck flanking that with infantry.

who are you playing against, who doesnt protect their stuka with their entire army? good luck trying to stop a stuka with shocks and conscripts. maybe if you moved up the ladder a little more, people there will protect it to the death. they know its power and they know its a game winner.

a combined arms attack can be pushed off, god forbid if the stuka was firing on your guys too, then you will be in for a bad time. the time a stuka comes, its impossible to get more than 2 tanks, you are going to assume a rakentenwerfer and a schreck and 100% penetration is not good enough against a t34?

i have shown how instant retreat dont save squads, even more so when there is no smoke or indicator where they are firing at. so to play allies i need to be professor x? the degree of error is almost 0 and the shells come down so fast, make the wrong guess and poof goes a squad. do it twice, it would have paid for itself. good luck facing players who plan attacks around the stuka and fires only on engagement, rather than blind firing into the fog. tell me how you are going to relocate your support teams when they are firing on something.

it can launch nukes or v1 for all i care, or even do the space marine orbital strikes. thing is, it should not devastate troops like that, for balance purposes.
19 Jul 2014, 05:14 AM
avatar of braciszek

Posts: 2053

I guess people still dont know how to use USF units properly, or dont know that the units they have have more function than they think,, but im wondering what the Allied team does with their fuel...

By then USF can get an M15 and wreck shop, or Soviets can get a T34. By the time i rush for a Puma, Soviets are close to getting a t34. If OKW goes for a Stuka zu Fuss as their first vehicle, then they made the mistake of having 0 armor and there really is nothing stopping a tank from meeting the stuka. The raketenwerfer, a short ranged, 4 man, not as accurate AT gun?

And if its any later into the game, then surely your stuff has been free of proper indirect fire as for you to know what to do with yourself.

As USF, the stuka zu fuss is the least of my problems...

As Soviets, everything is a problem because of faulty faction design...
20 Jul 2014, 23:43 PM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

That unit is OP as hell. There's no way to have any support weapon in the field when the stuka is in the battlefield. Even knowing where is the barrage landing and hearing the sound, there's not enough time to evacuate all support teams from the incoming death.

And no, in some maps is nearly imposible to flank it (semois i.e)

Cost and effectiveness should be reduced and make it slighty better than katyusha and panzerwerfer. Or decrease AoE... but something must be done with that unit.

Btw, I'm talking as soviet player. USF should have less problems with stukas.
20 Jul 2014, 23:52 PM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

What's the matter? Maxim spam not so easy anymore?
21 Jul 2014, 00:44 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

What's the matter? Maxim spam not so easy anymore?

The funny thing is that you think that I do maxim spam.

I think that I made clear in other topic that I don't spam maxims because I lost nearly all the games I did that, neither I enjoy doing it, so for now I'll continue playing with penals + shocks. If you want to troll, I'm sure there are a lot of other topics where you can have more fun.

That doesn't invalidates the fact that a standard unit that instakills everything (full vetted units with 100% health) where its barrage lands (destroying buildings too), without warning smoke, ammo cost, etc is fucking OP.
Infantry still can leave the area when you hear the noise, but support weapons or garrisoned units can only retreat or die, and sometimes even retreating is not quickly enough to avoid the barrage.

Its AoE is fucking huge, and the rockets are so close one each other that nothing inside the AoE can survive.
Seriously, I can't understand how any player, independently his favourite faction, can think that unit is fine. How can anything instakill vet 3 units whitout possibility to escape and still think is balanced?

If that unit is so fucking expensive and delays tech so much, then reduce price someway but it really needs a BIG nerf.

No soviet artillery, even 200 ammo doctrinal abilities, can do such damage (and that easily) to infantry, support weapons and light vehicles in the game.
21 Jul 2014, 01:02 AM
avatar of wooof

Posts: 950 | Subs: 1

well you dont come off as an angry soviet player at all
21 Jul 2014, 01:18 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Jul 2014, 01:02 AMwooof
well you dont come off as an angry soviet player at all

I was angry at the moment of the game when a barrage instakilled my two vet3 ZiS and a vet3 mortar who couldn't escape of the barrage even being all three quite spread from each other and after trying to move them the very moment I heard the barrage. I'm not angry now, but still I can't understand how a "Wipe Enemies" button can be balanced for anyone here.
What difference is between Stuka's barrage and ISU instakilling infantry units? Isn't ISU expensive too? Losing full vetted squads with only one shot is always frutrating and the game should avoid that.

OKW needs a blob deterrent unit, that's true, but not one as the current Stuka because it's TOO effective, not only against blobs but all support weapons, garrisoned units or static units like howitzers. Obviously, its efficiency depends a lot on map size and number of players, but in 2vs2 and little size maps is too powerful. (Semois, Crossing the woods...)

Nothing should instakill full healed vetted units whitout a chance to retreat, I don't care how expensive was the unit. Reduce its power, its price and give the barrage suppresion or whatever you want to make it still a good antiblob unit. But in its actual state, that unit only makes players angry seeing how their vet3 ZiS guns got annihilated being unable to do anything to save them, because you can move them too fast to avoid the barrage.

By the way, as an apart, it is possible to talk about anything in this forum whitout being accused by people that has never seen you play about being a spamer, a whiner o anything?
It seems that critisizing the poster is the rule here instead of discussing his arguments.
The same goes about calling people "Soviet player" or "Axis fanboy" as if that was some kind of insult and invalidates his arguments. Not everyone likes, or has time to play and master, every faction.
21 Jul 2014, 01:30 AM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

When you consider Stuka's cost you'll realize this unit under performs.
21 Jul 2014, 01:36 AM
avatar of Greeb

Posts: 971

When you consider Stuka's cost you'll realize this unit under performs.

Lower the cost then.
But give support and static units a chance to avoid death when that thing shoots.

I repeat myself. Nothing should be able to kill a full health vet3 unit with only a shot. No Stukas, neither ISU, nor Tigers or such.
Losing a vet3 unit with only a unavoidable shot is unfair, frustrating and takes the fun of the game.
21 Jul 2014, 02:15 AM
avatar of elchino7
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Deploys smokes are blitz aways from the thread.
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