Anyway, I mostly play as the Ostheer (I'd like to be decent at at least one faction!) and since WFA was released, I get mostly US Forces opponents. I like having the US back in Company of Heroes, but I find matches against them to be a sort of grueling grind that in the end just isn't very fun. At least as Ostheer. This has to do with the constant blob attacks I run into in what seems every match. Maybe it's just the level of opponents I'm playing against, but it seems to always play out similarly. Make MG42s, equip Grenadiers with LMG42s, and throw out Ostwinds. Prepare for incoming blobs.
I'm not complaining that it's too hard or too easy; I win some against them, I lose some against them. I do, however, find it feeling repetitive and grindy.
Here's a recent replay of mine versus a US Forces player (yeah, yeah, I know, neither player in it is the greatest example of skill) where it felt like the whole game was just fending off blobs:
Also, because I like it, here's a cool screenshot from it: