Something I noticed when I tuned into Freestyler's stream (and when I saw Pfuschers' skins awhile ago) recently was the Swastika's and Sig Runes displayed prominently on the Skin being used. Now I know that the display of Nazi symbolism is illegal in Germany and Austria and is punishable in Germany by a maximum of 5 years in jail. The only exception to this rule is when Swastika's and so on are displayed in an 'historically appropriate' manner - i.e, school history textbooks.
Now my question is, how are you guys able to have this symbolism visible in your streams and on your skins?
I'm wondering if there's there some grey area on the internet or relating to the 'historically appropriate' exception? or are you just hoping no-one from the Verfassungschütz (the German govt. watchdog that spies on subversive groups) or the BKA (the German FBI) is tuning in?
I'm not trying to troll or register a moral idignation or troll, i'm just curious about the situation. Cheers