I hope you guys have seen this, it's hilarious:
What if England won the World Cup? http://imgur.com/a/Eh9y0
Ye its tru, it was 12 years old Garry in PS3 Kappa. And of couse i forget about Suares, the best volleyball player in Uruguay

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4
Permanently BannedI hope you guys have seen this, it's hilarious:
What if England won the World Cup? http://imgur.com/a/Eh9y0
Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12
Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12
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Posts: 403
Mmmm, I still call it Soccer. #Merika'
Posts: 164
No European country has ever won on the American continent, due to climate conditions, home crowd disadvantages etc. This is why Brazil and Argentina are the top two favourites.
Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15
Posts: 336
In sports, past events have no effect on future results. Had 2010 been anywhere in the world Spain still would have won.
Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2
Posts: 336
Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4
Permanently BannedSomeone forgot to tell the Riddler that sports is about emotions, not statistics.\
Germany has one of the strongest squads, hell I'd call them a favourite, depsite what your odds and logic dictates.
Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12
Posts: 336
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Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12
Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2
Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12
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Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2