1. If you use voice communication, yell into your mic.
2. Speak a language that nobody understands.
3. Talk/Write all the time.
4. Go your own way, even though your team says otherwise.
5. Drop the most useless smokes, even better if they screw your team.
6. Be afk at the start.
7. Make out of everything a problem, rage like a crazy person.
8. When you have a AI in your team, press "attack here" as fas from the enemy as you can.
9. Block teammates with vehicles, wires, tank traps.
10. Buy useless units, even better when you do it at the last VPs.
11. If someone tells you to play somewhere else, be stubborn and say ♥♥♥♥ you.
12. If you're low on hp, priority is to stay alive and never retreat, because you are a PRO!
13. Call your teammates ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥s and noobs even though you didnot do anything.
14. If you lost the match, blame your teamates and threaten to report them.
15. Make sure you call the enemy team stupid noob players at half time. This is make them sad

16. When you lost all your unit, start typing to all where your team is/units have.
17. If you want surrender, but your team dont, start building paks and destroy your teammates base.
18. If you have a cheater in your team, attack his units/base so he can't help you/your team.
1. Follow your team or listen to advice.
2. Build a medic bunker or a cache.
3. Call a postion of an enemy, when you know where he is.
4. Play good, but with artillery miss every barage if you can, better if you shoot your own team.
5. Capture the VP or an important building.
6. Give compliments when one of your team does something nice.
7. Cover spots, so your teammates can be backraped at any time.
8. Repair vehicles.
9. Attack the enemy, better if you press "move" on their base, your squads wont hit that much, and then you give them free veterancy.
You want to be the ultimate scumbag?
Get a maphack, or drophack, or whatever is out there! You'll be the most scumbag one can be!