Lets focus on those I already presented, shall we?
Those jumping figures also correspond to overall increasing popularity of the game due to sales and mouth-to-mouth advertising of SNF. One cant easily distinguish between those and facebook and twitter messages by THQLynx.
As soon as Lynx posted a link to the SNF stream on the CoH social media. Viewernumbers went up 50-100% instantly each week. Seem clear enough to me, how about you?

The misinformation does not deal with the boundaries of the statements, its rather about the correctness, which is what the average reader cares about.
Like he would say that THQ was going bankrupt.. I highly doubt Lynx new much more about the situation then we did. He said what he was allowed to say with the knowledge that he had at this point. If you were the CM at that time, and you'd say that THQ was going down. You would've been fired. It's always easy to point afterwards, saying that Lynx gave 'false' information. I'm pretty sure you would've done the same if you were in his place.
There are more solutions to solving maphacking than a section on GR.
As Tommy said.. We would LOVE to hear your fantastic solution mate..