I'm still quite new to coh but after around 100 matches against human players (and about 400 shoutcasts of Krebs, Inverse, R&P and ImperialDane and not to forget the fantastic SNF season 4

Anyway, there is something that made me feel very uncomfortable with coh from the very beginning: players that name themselves or their custom games after famous nazis or using racist names/terms that are insulting and provoking. Today I watched a livestream where the player casting was constantly harassed by some idiot using ingame pm to troll and transport his or her racist idology.
I know what many of you might think now: I should ignore this since there will always be idiots like that or that I should relax and don't make a great fuss about nothing or you might say that this is the other side of the coin of freedom of speech. Well, first of all I don't want to ignore this since I don't think that games should be a plattform of an ideology, espacially not one that advocates violence. Secondly I am quite calm but I just don't like being harassed and more or less unable to stop that. Thirdly I am not saying people shouldn't have their own oppinions but there is a difference between having an oppinion and rubbing it into someones face.
1. I would like to see some proper functioning of muting/ignoring players ingame and inmenu in coh2 (bound to their keys not damn accounts), most games still miss these functions and I have no clue why.
2. I would like to have the ability to report players inmenu with the ability to attach replays/screens in coh2 (nobody wants a witch hunt).
3. I am supporting the idea of dictionary filters for creating user names and custom games in coh2 that make it more difficult to use inappropriate terms.