nice try Razor.
(except for may be removing the [removed by razor] Statements) :-)
Maybe he have already removed all the [removed by 12azor] and replaced them with his own [removed by 12azor]
A twist worthy of m.night shamylayian.

Posts: 486
nice try Razor.
(except for may be removing the [removed by razor] Statements) :-)
Posts: 45
He just takes it to far in his quest to be right, if he would post it without the gloating it would be ok I guess.
Posts: 630 | Subs: 2
Posts: 45
Can I just ask nicely that we all stick to the topic at hand? Sega has bought Relic - we will have more details once they are available =).
Posts: 881
My point exactly Razor but how much longer are we supposed to w8?
Posts: 1582 | Subs: 4
My point exactly Razor but how much longer are we supposed to w8?
Posts: 630 | Subs: 2
Posts: 82
Posts: 64
Posts: 486
Also, did anything ever happen to Lynx (besides him getting fired of course.) I thought at one point he was talking with Sega?
Posts: 213
The only quote about Sega is "When they're ready [for the beta], we'll be ready". It's in the context of Relic continuing to work on the game in this period of uncertainty, so that when things are finalized they can jump out ahead.
You're adding the "rift" in with your wannabe doomsday journalism. I'm with Ami that it really isn't welcome here.
Posts: 77
Tychus has the right to say what he wants yes. But he seems to enjoy the bad news and enjoys the reaction he gets to that. Freedom of speech is good when it is used in a civil and respectable way, which I feel Tychus doesn't do completely. He just takes it to far in his quest to be right, if he would post it without the gloating it would be ok I guess.
Posts: 35
What amazes me, is that all of you that have a problem with Tychus going too far to the negative, have NO problem what so ever with the THQ and Relic mouth pieces going toooo far to the positive! It seems to me, that you all need a healthy dose of Tychus!
Your close mindedness is childish and rather unrealistic
Posts: 108
Posts: 90
Posts: 44
link was provided .. read it.
as far as "doomsday" goes.. have you been watching the layoffs in the gaming industry and the balance sheets of great companies like Nintendo?
i am appropriately pessimistic.
thankfully, Nintendo has returned to profitability after its first losing quarter in like ... forever.
BUT, they also lowered their sales projections for the WII U.
as i've said in other places..
these are big orgs...
we should wait at least a week
and IF Quinn and/or Sega can not add anything to what has been stated thus far THEN its time to start getting concerned.
Posts: 1620 | Subs: 2
What amazes me, is that all of you that have a problem with Tychus going too far to the negative, have NO problem what so ever with the THQ and Relic mouth pieces going toooo far to the positive! It seems to me, that you all need a healthy dose of Tychus! If some of you had listened to him instead of complaining, you wouldn't NOW be looking for a job, you'd have already had one lined up! Life is not butterflies and unicorns people. Every opinion whether too far to the left or too far to the right has something of value. Your close mindedness is childish and rather unrealistic. But that is just MY opinion! Flame me as I know you will, since contemplation does not seem to be a skill set for most of you.
Posts: 213
Posts: 1164
i sold ATVI 3 years ago.
Posts: 213