edit: full size image
g'day guys. I made a doctrine based off the S.S. Kaminski Brigade. They were basically a anti-partisan force who had a very bad rap... because... well this quote sums it up "The capture of a liquor supply was more important for the brigade than the seizure of a position commanding the same street"
credit to ginnungagap. i used his wunderwaffen parody fan doctrine as a template. i hope that's okay.
suggestions? improvements? is it too OP? do you like it? tell me what you think!
Here are the abilities in more depth
Russian Liberation Volunteers - 270 MP - CP0
Squad Size - 5 (4 slightly modified osttruppen models, 1 pg model)
Population cost - 15
Weapons - 5x Kar98k
Armor - Same as conscripts
Health - between ostruppen and grens
Abilities - Loot Building (passive) When garrisoned in a house when not under fire, they will generate 10+mp per squad member alive.
Patch up (requires vet 1, 20mu) When garrisoned in a house the squad can activate this ability to heal. cannot fire out of the house until they reach full HP. can leave the house to cancel it early. must not be under fire to activate it.
Note: maximum of 2 squads to reflect the small brigade size IRL, and for balance reasons.
Vet 1 - Patch Up
Vet 2 - Rifle Accuracy Increased
Vet 3 - Rifle cool-down decreased, armor increased.
Anti-Partisan Techniques
Gives grens, pio,s pg's and Russian Liberation Volunteers one following abilities:
Russian Liberation Volunteers - Scorched Earth Tactics - 20 munis. click ability and click on garrison-able building to set it on fire. ability takes 10 seconds. the squad will encircle each corner of the house and light it on fire.
Panzer-Grenadier - Execute - click ability and click wounded solider, squad-member walks up to point blank range and shoots the wounded once. buffs the squad for damage.
Grenadier - Basic Defenses - allows squad to build wire
Pioneer - Expanded Defenses - Sandbags
Prisoner Quotas
Click Ability. Click on Wounded Soldier, single squad member leaves the squad (disabled when squad only has 1 man) and grabs wounded, gets him on his feet, and leads him to the closest base spawn point. He is very slow moving and can be killed extremely easily. when he dies the prisoner also dies. Escort 4 prisoners off map and it will randomly select one of the lists, and give you one of the following rewards.
30% chance pioneer squad
15% chance gren squad
15% chance uncrewed motar spawns at base
10% chance uncrewed HMG42 spawns at base
10% chance panzershreck spawns at base
10% chance 2x panzerbuche spawns at base
5% chance panzergren squad
3% chance sniper spawns at base
2% chance stug spawns at base
Captured t34/76 medium tank - 320MP 105 Fuel - CP8
Health - Same as t34/76
Armor - Same as t34/76
Rate of fire - Same as command panzer 4
Damage/Penetration - Same as command panzer 4
Abilities - Blitzkrieg - 30 Munis
Increased fire-rate for all units surrounding the command tank.
Note - Maximum of 1 t34 command Tank at any time
Vet 1 - Blitzkrieg
Vet 2 - Same as t34/76
Vet 3 - Same as t34/76
Shoot To Disable!
Togglable on all units with AT capabilities (panzerfausts not included), cooldown is 20 seconds. Decreases fire rate and accuracy of tank(or unit) when activated. but significantly increases chance that tank is abandoned. does not destroy the turret or cause engine damage.