Since I started writing a couple of comments in several CoH related forums, I wanted to take the chance and present myself in here ^^
My Name is Hendrik "IceH" Ruhe and I'm not only the leader of the German team "Sgeht" (
but I'm also a Manager at the German eSports agency "Freaks 4U Gaming".
But let me tell you the story of my eSports life so far:
Once upon a time I studied "Media and Entertainment Management" at Stenden University in Leeuwarden (Netherlands). My dream was to work in either Game Development/Publishing or in Football management (or soccer for all those Non-Europeans).
During my studies I always wanted to start gaming again. Like: Real. I played a lot of Unreal Tournament '99, or rather the CS like mod "Tactical Ops", but I wanted more.
One German online download store had one listing mistake and offered CoH Gold Edition for 20€ and Tales of Valor, which was just released, for 9,99€. I love games, know every game release quite well and so I realized the mistake, remembered the great game of a LAN Event, and bought it. I didn't just buy it but I simply made all my buddies buy it as well. Was quite a job but in the end like 5 of the gamer buddies I got during studying joined me on this ride to hell. It was an amazing time. We played almost every evening, participated in the first GR Tournaments and watched the very first Sunday Night Fight on my beamer in the living room with popcorn and my girlfriend bringing us beer. It was a wonderful time.
By that time, I was fascinated by the number of viewers during the SNF. Around 200-300 people watched it and it felt like a big number. I started loving the glamour around the game and that development to a real competition with all that show around. After a while, playing CoH was still fun but I wanted more of that show effect. That was when I heard of the release of StarCraftII. I informed myself about the buzz of SC1 before and I was amazed by the Korean scene. So by the release, I switched to SC2 and became an admin at the 4Players League. Didn't take too long and while I was studying during the day, I was head of the tournament administration at night. Viewers went through the roof and, as you all know, SC2 was the door opener for Dota2 and LoL when it comes to the even in the Western World well known eSports scene of today. One might say SC1 did already open the door and it might be the correct answer but I still tend to think that SC2 was like... the big bang.
My personal project, the Clan Sgeht, was already an idea of mine before (thats why the Xfire and Steam group of Sgeht is older then our original founding date) but during that time I started my Clan project. We are already a wonderful community and it is a lot of fun but we didn't reach the heights of pro gaming yet ^^
By now, we have quite the impressive SC2 team but all the other areas are still lacking of the competitive quality it might need.
Anyways, I started realizing that being a 4Players Admin wasn't what I wanted to achieve. I started considering eSports as a serious choice of career but not like this. I finished my studies and went back to Germany in order to do an internship in different companies in Berlin, until I finally got the chance to work at one of the 2 major eSports companies in my country. At Freaks 4U Gaming.
With international communities like and as well as German communities like and, the company is well placed in the gaming scene. Australian Dota2 Caster TobiWan sits next to me in my office, just like German oldschool caster Knochen, SC2 Caster Mori, most beautiful woman Soe or tournament hoster legend and Valve consultant HolyMaster.
The most genius people in all eSports are sitting around me and doing there thing, sharing their experiences and their knowledge of eSports. I already organized ESWC Paris aswell as covered DreamHack and it have been amazing moments in my life.
Now, to get the round, I wanna help making CoH(2) as big as it can be. In a healthy and growing environment, this game shall profit that it made me start with eSports and that it is still, more than SC2 can ever become, my favorite RTS game in the world. I will make my Clan one of the leading ones in CoH (and also other games) and... just do my job

PS: In case you want to help me with CoH or any other game: I would love to get message with questions, topics of discussion and, more than anything else, if you wanna join Sgeht and look into a bright future: You can also write me a message

PS: I'm German and my English might not be absolutely free from mistakes. so sorry for that ^^
PPS: Sorry for that wall of text