CheatCommands Mod ULE
Current Version: Ultra Light Edition 1.6
For those of who don't know what this mod is all about, here's a short intro:
CheatCommands Mod is an utility mod for CoH2. In can be used for, but not limited to:
Singleplayer Cheating, Testing units, Balancing, Debugging maps, Setting up scenes for screenshots/videos and so on. Your imagination is the limit. Even though this is the super ultra light edition. Even lighter than the Light Edition.
Most of you probably know that December 10th update broke CheatCommands Mod. While this update effectively disabled mods, Relic re-introduced -dev mode and thus Scar code can be executed via console. This version of CheatCommands Mod has less features but at least the key features are available at the moment:
(I will be adding more features in the future)
Control + Shift + F1: This help page
Control + Shift + F2: Squad Spawning Hotkeys
Control + Shift + F3: Entity Spawning Hotkeys
Control + F1: Toggle Fog of War On/Off
Control + F2: Toggle TaskBar Visibility On/Off
Control + F3: Infinite Resources
Control + F4: Toggle Instant Production On/off
Control + F5: Toggle Instant Ability Recharge On/Off
Control + F6: Toggle Instant Construction On/Off
Control + F7: Toggle Global AI On/Off
Control + F8: Take Over Selected Player
Control + F12: Clear screen from prompt messages
Control + PageUp: Increase selection movement speed
Control + PageDown: Decrease selection movement speed
Control + Shift + I: Toggle selection invulnerability
Control + C: Copy selection
Control + V: Paste Selection
Control + Enter: Increase selection veterancy rank by one
Control + Insert: Toggle Selected squad / entity owner
Control + Space: Toggle Selected Race for spawning (Soviet/German)
Control + Shift + Space: Toggle Help Page
Control + Delete: Delete selected squads / entities (buildings/constructions)
Shift + Delete: Kill selected squads / entities (buildings/constructions)
Control + Alt + 1: Toggle Spawn table between Pre-defined and Raw
Control + Shift + A: Abandon selected vehicle
Control + [a-z]: Spawn squads of selected army
Shift + [a-z]: Spawn Entities of selected army
Control + NumPad0: Game Speed * 0.125
Control + NumPad1: Game Speed * 0.25
Control + NumPad2: Game Speed * 0.5
Control + Numpad3: Game Speed * 0.75
Control + NumPad4: Game Speed * 1
Control + NumPad5: Game Speed * 1.25
Control + NumPad6: Game Speed * 1.5
Control + NumPad7: Game Speed * 2
Control + NumPad8: Game Speed * 4
Control + NumPad8: Game Speed * 8
Older downloads
How to install and use?
1. Extract the downloaded archive to your CoH2 installation folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2
2. Make sure you now have a folder called "ccm" in your CoH2 installation folder
3. Launch CoH2 with -dev mode
3.1 Goto your steam games collection, right click CoH2 and select Properties.
3.2 Under the General tab click the Set launch options... button.
3.3 Add "-dev" without quotation marks (Make sure to leave space between additional tags such as "-nomovies", e.g. "-dev -nomovies") and click OK.
3.4 Close the game's Properties window and launch CoH2.
4. Start a match, Open Game console by pressing Control + Shift + ~ (tidle)
In a keyboard which contains Scandinavian letters such as ö, ä, å, please use ö instead of ~ (tidle), e.g. Control + Shift + Ö
5. Paste in this text and press enter:
Close the console by pressing the same hotkey again. You are now good to go!
For example, press Control + 1 to spawn pioneer / combat engineer squad and Control + Delete to remove it (if selected)
List of German Squad Spawn Hotkeys
List of Soviet Squad Spawn Hotkeys
Oh my god! Every single thread by Janne252 has a conclusions part!
Well, I'd like to have one to gather in some thoughts.
I got kinda hit in the face by the fact that I would be unable to continue on developing mods. I thought it was the last nail to the coffin but it just wasn't. Others could say -dev mode without mods is useless but I'd say otherwise. It's a damn nice. Of course December 10th update was not the end of the modding. Relic has already stated that there is going to be a Steam WorkShop support for CoH2 mods.
This mod actually has a feature which has not been in CheatCommands Mod since open beta. This feature is the ability to modify game speed. Press Control + NumPad[0-9] to try different speeds. NumPad4 is the default.
In case you have feedback, questions, suggestions, or whatever, please let me know in the comments!