
russian armor

Unreleased Units

25 Dec 2013, 22:49 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Which weights more: balance or marketing/sales?
I mean, they made a mistake 2 times. Depends on you if you believe they are gonna do the things right or go for a 3rd strike and an out.

I know how the units works so im i will just talk using the info collected from this thread.
Double flamethrowers pgrens, a squad of 5 G43s, T34-85s vet3 (ala TA), they should have a proper cost, timing and accesible non DLC commander option in order to be able to deal with them.
28 Dec 2013, 00:47 AM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

The jaeger infantry ( the dudes with 5xG43's) just SHRED infantry, they don't care if it's shocks, penals or cons coming at them... Their reinforce cost however is huge so in a way they are balanced but I had the time of my life playing with that unit :D
28 Dec 2013, 01:36 AM
avatar of James Hale

Posts: 574

Can I assume Jaeger Infantry are a beta unit, and you're breaking your NDA? ;)
28 Dec 2013, 01:43 AM
avatar of Mackie

Posts: 254

my god, the horror of incoming dlc.
28 Dec 2013, 01:50 AM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

Jaeger infantry, but no jaeger gewehrs. GJ Relic. Go suck a big one. *cries*
28 Dec 2013, 03:05 AM
avatar of synThrax
Donator 11

Posts: 144

This ace bull****... Will it be like countering an ace with an superior ace+ , but then the triple ace rolls out....wtf.

Why do we have a rts with a diversity of units when we can just have one superoverpoweredmultifunctionalswissarmyknifetoolunit?
A unit so strong that every other unit is useless anyway, but its direct counterpart. It can cap, it can lay wire and shit mines.
So unilke the ace you are really fighting one unit now and not the opponent at all. A single left click on the enemies base is all you have to do.
...And then you can play other games while having you godmode unit being attacked by flies.

Sounds ike the most interesting matchup to me..
28 Dec 2013, 03:09 AM
avatar of DietBrownie

Posts: 308

I hope you all realize that you cannot judge balance, sometimes not even design concepts of units and abilities based off some leaked pictures.

Furthermore a lot of things have been in the game files for quite some time: Puma, Wirbelwind, Fallschirmjäger, medic upgrade for the sd,fz 251, defensive upgrades for trenches and many more.

While we probably will see most of these things eventually some are also simply ideas and tests.

Sure you could argue that "an ability a unit like that can never be balanced" or "look at what Relic did with previous commmanders" but just remember that Relic learns from their mistakes and has always fixed commander-related issues asap

Overall its sad to see that people are rather pi%%ed of about new things they see instead of being excited about them. Yes a veteran t34/85 might be OP as hell, it might just as well not be. But a veteran t34/85 is definitely a cool thing.

But in all seriousness,

"I hope you all realize that you cannot judge balance, sometimes not even design concepts of units and abilities based off some leaked pictures."

True, when we saw industry, we really didn't mind it but when it was actually implemented into the game, then we saw the balance issues. Once we saw the elite troops doctrine, we knew right away that buying veterancy was going to be OP, and look it still is an overpowered doctrine.

"but just remember that Relic learns from their mistakes and has always fixed commander-related issues asap"

You made me chuckle there, are you kidding me? It took them 3 weeks for them to nerf industry while it took them 1 day to nerf assault grenadiers. They knew the extreme backlash about the assault grenadiers, yet they still released 2 broken doctrines. Everyone in the community laughs at relic for them over-nerfing units but they still continue to do it. I can keep going on with a tremendous list.

"Overall its sad to see that people are rather pi%%ed of about new things they see instead of being excited about them. Yes a veteran t34/85 might be OP as hell, it might just as well not be. But a veteran t34/85 is definitely a cool thing."

People are pissed off because it could DESTROY BALANCE in the game. What's so special about a t34-85 vet anyways, it's already in the god damn game. Relic are lazy when it comes to implementing new units. Most of the crap the added in doctrines came from the campaign or Tow. Or just grab a unit and twist it around like assault grenadiers, flamethrower PGrens or tiger ace. Or they make overpowered or gimmicky abilities that no one uses, "cough" cough" urban defense tactics"The only "cool" thing that they added are storm-troopers and KV-2.

Let's make a list here:

Partisans: In campaign and TOW

KV-1: TOW and campaign

Mini-AT-Gun: campaign and TOW

Ostruppen: TOW and Campaign

Repair Stations: Campaign

203mm Howitzers: Campaign and TOW

STUG E: Campaign and TOW

A 60 Dollar game at launch, which contained little content in the multiplayer having only 5 doctrines and 7 skins. In the god-damn 2 week when the game released, there was more DLC commanders than in game commanders, what 60 dollar game even does that. And worst of all at launch, the game still felt like in beta with the awful balance.

Even the major community members called out Relic for their crap. In SNF, Ami embarrassed noun when he was happy that there was no DLC commanders. I would be happy if these doctrines: Add completely new units like: stormtroopers, king tiger, panzer III, jagdpanzers, SU-122, and I can go on. And please for the love and god actually balance these units and listen to the beta testers. I'm not even in the beta, and a majority of the testers dislikes Stefan Haines because he refuses to nerf units like the 2x T34 for price of 1 t34.

Majority of us wanted a proper doctrine system since Alpha.

P.S. I hope stromtroopers won't be 1 CP when the doctrine releases.
28 Dec 2013, 04:32 AM
avatar of MadeMan

Posts: 304

Or they make overpowered or gimmicky abilities that no one uses, "cough" cough" urban defense tactics

But I play Urban Defense commander... sometimes. It's tough to use effectively in 1v1 but it's fun sometimes...

A return of Fallschirmjägers (or however it's spelt) from PE days would be pretty boss though.
28 Dec 2013, 05:03 AM
avatar of VonMecha

Posts: 419

P.S. I hope stromtroopers won't be 1 CP when the doctrine releases.

Of course they won't. Stormtroopers are German. It'll be more like an 8 cp call in unit, that require you set all your pioneers on fire.
28 Dec 2013, 06:43 AM
avatar of JohanSchwarz

Posts: 409

The jaeger infantry ( the dudes with 5xG43's) just SHRED infantry, they don't care if it's shocks, penals or cons coming at them... Their reinforce cost however is huge so in a way they are balanced but I had the time of my life playing with that unit :D

28 Dec 2013, 08:41 AM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

Can I assume Jaeger Infantry are a beta unit, and you're breaking your NDA? ;)

I have no idea, I'm not in beta ( thus not breaking any NDA :) but there is a way, explained here on this forum so you can use this unit.
once again, I'm NOT in beta :p
28 Dec 2013, 15:12 PM
avatar of pgmoney

Posts: 86

I will not be buying any more false advertised commanders. they market it one way and change it the next with ass grens or a month with windustry. yes I know they need to be balanced but when they released them they knew they was not balanced which is poor quality control or lack of.

this will be their 3rd strike and your out if they release these and they are not balanced from the start.
28 Dec 2013, 15:15 PM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

I think everybody feels that way, if they are releasing stuff and it's misery, a lot of people will lose their patience... But, we must keep the faith in Relic and the balancers :)
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