
russian armor

Stug III e needs some love

17 Dec 2013, 14:14 PM
avatar of VonMecha

Posts: 419

This thing has a gun right?, It is shooting fairly large explosive shells but yet ...

It cant penetrate a Su 76 very well,

It can barely deal with a t70(unless the t70 user isn't brain dead). A alert t70 user can eat 4 to 5 shells before circle strafing the Stug IIIe to death

1 can barely handle a conscript squad. 2 or 3 become much more effective, but unless you have a group of them they are not worth buying. Especially considering 2 costs almost as much as a tank that does 10 times better. Only way I've ever got any use from them is combating shock trooper spam, but only because they have no at nades.

4 Stug IIIe 's cant beat 1 t34.

It dies within 2 shots of at guns and anything heavier than a t34.
2 shots from t34 and its non functional, 3 its dead.

It takes 4 shots for it to kill a half trak(if it hits).

It does very little damage vs buildings.

This thing is really the most weak sauce version of a stug that has ever been conceived.
The only thing this has going is the mp cost. I rarely don't regret calling these things in. This thing needs something to make it viable. Range increase maybe, free spotting scope, inf aura something, it is just bad. Or maybe remove the Stug IIIe and replace it with a regular stug for slightly cheaper.
17 Dec 2013, 14:36 PM
avatar of MoerserKarL
Donator 22

Posts: 1108

It dies by one satchel charge as well ;) A little buff would be nice!
17 Dec 2013, 14:38 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

Stug III e was an excellent close support vehicle. It deserves to be increased in price and receive much better stats. This would allow it to function in that role nicely. The target weak point for it is also silly. Stug III e's were primarily used against emplacements and infantry almost never in direct tank to tank combat by 1944. Changing it to something else could better help it fill the role.
17 Dec 2013, 14:49 PM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

Are you guys crazy? It counters T34-85's and IS-2's. Its a great moving PaK, just micro it better.
17 Dec 2013, 14:50 PM
avatar of Chuck Norris

Posts: 93

This unit is greatly under-performing in all roles. Its AI capabilities are sub-par at best and it can't effectively deal with light armor (not counting half-tracks as light armor).

It is also extremely fragile even when compared to its long-barreled brother.

It might be effective in large numbers but the overall cost is just not worth it.

17 Dec 2013, 14:50 PM
avatar of Chuck Norris

Posts: 93

Are you guys crazy? It counters T34-85's and IS-2's. Its a great moving PaK, just micro it better.

Whatever you're smoking, I want some.
17 Dec 2013, 14:52 PM
avatar of rofltehcat

Posts: 604

You repeatedly mention its lacking anti vehicle performance but I'd rather like to see its anti infantry performance improved. It is an infantry support assault gun and just turning it into a weaker version of the Stug 3G with the same over-specialization as it is a bad idea. Still, I'll examine both anti vehicle performance and anti infantry performance.
It costs the same as a T-70, yet performs much worse than it in nearly all areas.

When it comes to fighting vehicles, it has the same penetration and deals more damage per shot, but the T70 still does roughly 15% more damage against vehicles because it shoots much faster. It is also a lot less mobile and has no turret. Its only edge is its armor but its armor is still useless: The only weapons the armor does anything is against are the T70's gun, (which will utterly outmaneuvre it), the Su-76 (which will outrange and outDPS it) and Guards Rifles.
So yeah, its anti vehicle performance is very bad, even worse than a T70.

As for anti infantry purposes: It has the same AoE as the T-70, its higher damage means nothing when compared to the 2.3 times faster firing rate of the T-70 and it even scatters further than the T-70. It doesn't even have a machine gun (unlike the T-70).

So yeah, it just plain sucks in all areas.

As for what to do to improve it. I think there are three options of which at least one should be taken.
The first would be to simply make it shoot faster. This would really solve many of the unit's problems.
The second option would be to increase its AoE distances (e.g. from 0.625/1.25/2.5 to 1/2/4).
The third option would be to give it some other form of utility, for example an artillery barrage like the Zis-3 AT gun and Su-76 have.

@cataclaw: You are confusing it with the Stug 3 G (honk honk). The Stug 3 E is the stubby version you can call in with the Assault Grenadier commander.
17 Dec 2013, 14:54 PM
avatar of CieZ

Posts: 1468 | Subs: 4

Are you guys crazy? It counters T34-85's and IS-2's. Its a great moving PaK, just micro it better.

I believe he was talking about the doctrinal "baby" Stug from the AGren commander :)

Normal Stugs are awesome, the baby Stugs do kinda suck.
17 Dec 2013, 15:08 PM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

jump backJump back to quoted post17 Dec 2013, 14:54 PMCieZ

I believe he was talking about the doctrinal "baby" Stug from the AGren commander :)

Normal Stugs are awesome, the baby Stugs do kinda suck.

Oh, excuse my Swedish retarded brain. Yes the baby stug is worthless. -worthless-
17 Dec 2013, 15:30 PM
avatar of ferrozoica

Posts: 208

Disappointment is not the word. This thing is terrible.

I was hoping something similar a la StuH from vCoH. Giving it an indirect fire shot would be awesome

17 Dec 2013, 15:35 PM
avatar of Razh

Posts: 166

Permanently Banned
The stugey is very underwhelming. It has one use: kill T70's and scout cars, and does it terribly.
17 Dec 2013, 15:43 PM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

Disappointment is not the word. This thing is terrible.

I was hoping something similar a la StuH from vCoH. Giving it an indirect fire shot would be awesome

Since it has a low velocity 75mm gun, indirect fire would be very ineffective. The StuH has a howitzer as a gun thus giving it way better AI capabilities :)
17 Dec 2013, 15:55 PM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

the thing Relic wants is to make Stug III E be similar to T-70 which is totally pfffail idea.
17 Dec 2013, 16:17 PM
avatar of JohanSchwarz

Posts: 409

The rounds really need to either do more AoE or have less scatter. Right now it's just troll unit you call in to prove that you're stomping the other team.
17 Dec 2013, 16:55 PM
avatar of Tristan44

Posts: 915

You would have to up the cost then. I think of it more from a cost/benefit analysis, for the cost it works well. I gets armor on the field fairly quickly and it can push up with your german infantry. Not the worst, if you want to change its role and make it stronger that's a different story.
17 Dec 2013, 19:36 PM
avatar of akula

Posts: 589

replace it with the Stuh 42!
17 Dec 2013, 19:37 PM
avatar of JohanSchwarz

Posts: 409

You would have to up the cost then. I think of it more from a cost/benefit analysis, for the cost it works well. I gets armor on the field fairly quickly and it can push up with your german infantry. Not the worst, if you want to change its role and make it stronger that's a different story.

It costs the same as the T70 but is far inferior in comparison.
17 Dec 2013, 20:35 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

If the cost was increased if could get a nice buff to stats to make it good against infantry (and buildings), and ok against light vehicles. Could make vet 1 ability bombard ground with 3 (or more) shots, giving Ost light artillery early, which would be novel and help "fit the player's play style".

This was already mentioned in this thread, just stressing the point.
17 Dec 2013, 21:52 PM
avatar of Tristan44

Posts: 915

It costs the same as the T70 but is far inferior in comparison.

Omg ur right I forgot. It SUCKS!
18 Dec 2013, 18:00 PM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

i talked about this crap unit couple times already and relic really just don't care about this piece of crap.

it cost same as T70 and SU76 and yet weaker AI and AT ability compare to both of those units. maybe AI is little better than SU76 in normal fire. but SU76 have barrage ability to take out AT and MG positions, what Stug 3E have? a target weak point vet ability that nearly do no damage to anything higher than M3 scout car. every time i see that ability i keep wondering is this unit design to AI? if it is design for AI why that hell developers give it a AT ability that have no effect.

also i never see it useful against any infantry, never see it kill more than 1 infantry model in 1 shot (if it hits). only useful against infantry units when i have more than 3 of them and firing at same time, then i will see some results but in the same time it is so weak against AT fire if soviet player push with infantry and AT gun or any tank like SU76 or better that thing can only start backing off.

Stug 3E cost 160MP 55FU, 320HP, 80 damage, 45 penetration, armor 120/60, no turret
T70 cost 160MP,55FU, 320HP, 40 damage, 45 penetration, armor 55/35
SU76 cost 160MP,55FU 320HP, 80 damage, 93 penetration, armor 100/55

Stug 3E is like a weak version combination of SU76 of T70, same penetration of T70 yet no turret, less speed and miss alot, not nearly effective on AI like T70, yet it have same damage as SU76 but less than half of its penetration, no barrage ability and have a 0 effective AT ability and a slower rotation speed, only thing Stug 3E have better is 120 armor but that really don't help much because even AT nade have 100 penetration, 200MP 45mm AT gun have 80 penetration, that little extra armor only gives about 17% better survival chance compare to SU76

they really should buff it or change it to Stug 3H or Panzer 3
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