I used to be in that bandcamp, no longer....I lost a pio squad to this first shot from a us mortar while capping, lost 2 gren squads on retreat to a bren in bren, then the old fav, I lost two more full gren squads to 1sec arty while I noticed a bit of coh2's notorious "input lag" everyone forgets coh1 has, and for the lulz the US player started his build with ...
The thing is in vCoH the german faction is indeed likely to suffer squad wipes (nuclear pineapple grenades anyone?),
there are (controversial) game play mechanics in place to compensate for that.
Like purchasable vet and medic bunkers. The whole medic bunkers shenanigans actually mean that small squad sizes can be beneficial for once.
Even the PE (horrible faction) compensates for squad losses somewhat thanks to the shared vet system (equaly horrible).
I flat out refuse to acknowledge any comments regarding the british faction.

COH2 lacks those mechanics.
My guess is we'll see the medics return as a DLC commander. At least for one faction (for just $ 4.99).