
russian armor

Can the stug E be made more like the Scot at t4

27 Sep 2021, 17:13 PM
avatar of vgfgff

Posts: 177

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2021, 16:47 PMVipper

USF are not very limited in dealing with support weapons, they have cheapest mortar, pak howitzer, scott, Major off map. On top of that the get smoke round in both infatry and vehicles.

A things you said need a lot of popcap and manpower bleed.
A cheapest mortar is the worst mortar too.
Major off map are suck. It need 3-4 sec before artiliy dropping in and it also expensive with need additional 3 popcap for major.

USF also have limited call in abilities and have no rocket truck.
27 Sep 2021, 17:22 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2021, 17:13 PMvgfgff

A things you said need a lot of popcap and manpower bleed.

The cost efficiency is simply irrelevant to number of the option available. And their cost efficiency is even debatable.

Major for instance does not take that much pop nor does he bleed that much. Actually the unit is dirty cheap.

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2021, 17:13 PMvgfgff

A cheapest mortar is the worst mortar too.

The mortar is fine regardless if in your opinion it the "worst". The performance is inline with other mortars.

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2021, 17:13 PMvgfgff

Major off map are suck. It need 3-4 sec before artiliy dropping in and it also expensive with need additional 3 popcap for major.

The off map is dirty cheap and the Major is actually OP for cost/pop.

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2021, 17:13 PMvgfgff

USF also have limited call in abilities and have no rocket truck.

There off abilities are fine for dealing with support weapons:
off map smaoke
240mm howitzer
M83 cluster mines
WP barrage
IR/WC51 off map

can all help vs enemy support weapons.
Basically only AB does not provide an extra tool vs support weapons...

USF might not have a "rocket truck" but they have a rocket tank in 2 commanders...
27 Sep 2021, 18:26 PM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2021, 16:47 PMVipper

USF are not very limited in dealing with support weapons, they have cheapest mortar, pak howitzer, scott, Major off map. On top of that the get smoke round in both infatry and vehicles.

are you arguing for the sake of arguing?
27 Sep 2021, 19:30 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

are you arguing for the sake of arguing?

I am correcting false claims like the one that:
"USF are very limited in terms of dealing with AT guns and team weapons in general."
27 Sep 2021, 20:01 PM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

deleted. Stupid comment.
28 Sep 2021, 03:23 AM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Sep 2021, 19:30 PMVipper

I am correcting false claims like the one that:
"USF are very limited in terms of dealing with AT guns and team weapons in general."

It's not a false claim, it's true.

One of the most effective tactics okw does is to attack move raketens behind their infantry. okw blobs cannot be challenged by anything short of a vehicle or rocket barrage. vehicles are dropped in 2 volleys against the usf. There's no rng of fail to penetrate and misses are extremely rare. You can shoot through any smoke. Ost does the same thing with paks, when they have 3 lmg grens that are vet3.

Up until the scott changes, every weapon used for dealing with ost weapon teams was vulnerable to pwerfer barrages.

If the quote was one like, usf are very limited in dealing with mg teams. Well that would be false. Smoke doesn't solve problem with all teams, just mg.
28 Sep 2021, 06:39 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

i dont understand why USF got so many anti mg tool in the last years (for example fastest mortar in the game) to fight against mg spam..while OKW got nothing for the start....while both factions should be agressive. you dont even got smoke at start for a sake of nothing.
28 Sep 2021, 07:34 AM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

i dont understand why USF got so many anti mg tool in the last years (for example fastest mortar in the game) to fight against mg spam..while OKW got nothing for the start....while both factions should be agressive. you dont even got smoke at start for a sake of nothing.

apart from leIG, OKW gets their support weapons from either the start (rak), or simply by teching (HMG). USF has to choose or pay extra. But from these two factions, USF has to be played more aggressively, simply because of how rifles are designed + the light vehicle play from the Lieutenant tech to keep the momentum and advantage on your side. Also you can turtle as OKW, while it is quite hard to do it as USF.

There are a lot of merits to both factions. Just stating A faction has X, that is better then similar tool in faction B does not do justice to any of them.
28 Sep 2021, 07:58 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

apart from leIG, OKW gets their support weapons from either the start (rak), or simply by teching (HMG). USF has to choose or pay extra. But from these two factions, USF has to be played more aggressively, simply because of how rifles are designed + the light vehicle play from the Lieutenant tech to keep the momentum and advantage on your side. Also you can turtle as OKW, while it is quite hard to do it as USF.

There are a lot of merits to both factions. Just stating A faction has X, that is better then similar tool in faction B does not do justice to any of them.

kidding me? how okw can turtle better than USF from start? OKW has less option than USF. USF have even better trutle options with super fast mobile reinforce and healing and free squads from teching and t0 mortar. they get t0 bunkers from the start and have superior infantry with super long range howitzer.

28 Sep 2021, 08:07 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2021, 03:23 AMVaz

It's not a false claim, it's true.

One of the most effective tactics okw does is to attack move raketens behind their infantry. okw blobs cannot be challenged by anything short of a vehicle or rocket barrage. vehicles are dropped in 2 volleys against the usf. There's no rng of fail to penetrate and misses are extremely rare. You can shoot through any smoke. Ost does the same thing with paks, when they have 3 lmg grens that are vet3.

Up until the scott changes, every weapon used for dealing with ost weapon teams was vulnerable to pwerfer barrages.

If the quote was one like, usf are very limited in dealing with mg teams. Well that would be false. Smoke doesn't solve problem with all teams, just mg.

We are simply talking about different thing. You are talking about dealing with blob which is a different thing with dealing with support weapons.
28 Sep 2021, 08:25 AM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

kidding me? how okw can turtle better than USF from start? OKW has less option than USF. USF have even better trutle options with super fast mobile reinforce and healing and free squads from teching and t0 mortar. they get t0 bunkers from the start and have superior infantry with super long range howitzer.

apart from motorized and 120mm, mortars are mostly crap, you get them only if you have to. Pak howie is OK, but nothing to write home about. leIG is worse then Pak Howie, but imo it is still OK and can be pretty useful.

By turtling I mean raks + behind hmg34 + 2 leIG type of turtling. Pretty cancerous, although does not work vs 120mm.

OKW gets stock heavy tank, that hits like a train. OKW gets really good elite non doc long range infantry, it gets premium medium with extremely good vet, 60 range TD with stealth.

As I said earlier, mentioning what options faction A has over faction B does not do justice to any of those factions. It is a moot point, because the factions are different, played differently, have different units with different pros and cons, with different teching and commander etc. If you just want to rant, just say so and I leave. No point in doing "my faction is worse, omg so unfair" type of discussions.
28 Sep 2021, 08:47 AM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Sep 2021, 08:07 AMVipper

We are simply talking about different thing. You are talking about dealing with blob which is a different thing with dealing with support weapons.

No, we are talking about the same thing, weapon teams. I'll give you pass since English is not your first language. I'm not talking about blobs, I'm talking about weapon teams.
28 Sep 2021, 10:10 AM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Imo one of the best anti-turtle things USF have - WP barrage on Pak Howi, it cost less then a nade, but effectively can render any turtuling almost useless, at least OST turtling.

While its not as good as against offensive retreating raks, still most likely OKW have his med HQ somewhat close to the front line (if its 3v3\4v4) and you shoundt have any problem bring pak howi closer and bombard his battlegroup HQ rendering healing useless for quite a while.

If OKW dont have HQ close, then in any case WP infront\on retreat path cripples any advansing\retreating squads very fast.
28 Sep 2021, 10:51 AM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

Imo one of the best anti-turtle things USF have - WP barrage on Pak Howi, it cost less then a nade, but effectively can render any turtuling almost useless, at least OST turtling.

While its not as good as against offensive retreating raks, still most likely OKW have his med HQ somewhat close to the front line (if its 3v3\4v4) and you shoundt have any problem bring pak howi closer and bombard his battlegroup HQ rendering healing useless for quite a while.

If OKW dont have HQ close, then in any case WP infront\on retreat path cripples any advansing\retreating squads very fast.

Just was pointing out that OKW can turtle effectively with an example of a viable build. But the original point was that USF used to lack effective tools to deal with AT guns, which justifies Scott being more deadly then the STUG E. Viability of the Stug is another topic
28 Sep 2021, 13:22 PM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Just was pointing out that OKW can turtle effectively with an example of a viable build. But the original point was that USF used to lack effective tools to deal with AT guns, which justifies Scott being more deadly then the STUG E. Viability of the Stug is another topic

Well Scott performance mainly comes from its range, if we put them side by side at the same range, they are more or less perform on pair.

The only stugE problem - identity crisis. Its just not worth picking it over ostwind and later on no point of getting it over Brummbar. Its just a conciseness of either removing tank call-ins\adding requirement to tech up and the ostheer T4 becomming cheaper to unlock.

But as I was saying, StugE either should have been ost doctrinal "LV" (unit rewamp) or the easiest solutuion could have been giving it additional range to distinct it from Brummbar\Ostwind via the fact that it can utilize range. Maybe changing the firing model from a plunging fire to a direct fire and adding something like hull down (copy of the doc one) for vet1 could have worked aswell.

Other then that I think nothing could have been done to fix it at this point, without making it broken.
28 Sep 2021, 18:36 PM
avatar of Klement Pikhtura

Posts: 772

Well Scott performance mainly comes from its range, if we put them side by side at the same range, they are more or less perform on pair.

The only stugE problem - identity crisis. Its just not worth picking it over ostwind and later on no point of getting it over Brummbar. Its just a conciseness of either removing tank call-ins\adding requirement to tech up and the ostheer T4 becomming cheaper to unlock.

But as I was saying, StugE either should have been ost doctrinal "LV" (unit rewamp) or the easiest solutuion could have been giving it additional range to distinct it from Brummbar\Ostwind via the fact that it can utilize range. Maybe changing the firing model from a plunging fire to a direct fire and adding something like hull down (copy of the doc one) for vet1 could have worked aswell.

Other then that I think nothing could have been done to fix it at this point, without making it broken.

unfortunately it is the case. Ostwind is a better choice in most situation. I guess you could build 2 in 2v2, for example and annoy the crap out of some camper. But I still don't understand why it is locked behind both BP2 and 5CP. Also the "Heat Shell" is consistent only regarding price and veterancy. StugG has 160dmg over 80dmg of StugE, has ability similar to Pak40 in terms of toggle, while with StugE you need to manually click on the vehicle and descriptions are also a bit different :S

I can't say they are similar in terms of performance, Scott has higher ROF, has barrage, better AOE dealing 0.3 at 5 range while Stug E has 0.16 at 4 range, similar to what Scott (0.2) used to have. The good thing with the Stug is that it fires almost immediately and does not get snared with full health. Although the explosion is produces it pretty dramatic, but the impact is laughable. In all honesty I think 120mm does more damage that this Strumpanzer wannabe lmao.
28 Sep 2021, 19:42 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Problem with StugE is the timing, it can't really arrive sooner or it would obliterate anything without counter
29 Sep 2021, 07:27 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

m8 i hve an honest question to ask, did you read the title???? No condecending or anything this is a legit question.

Well your title makes no sense. They have the brumbarr, why would you move it to t4?

Its overshadowed no matter what tier you put it in, the stug-e doesn't need to be in the game anymore. It was only good before they changed call-in meta
30 Sep 2021, 06:43 AM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

give stug e the same gun and shell profile and barrage funktion like scott, make it faster, and give smoke shell. than its fine....its a scot without turret.
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