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Why is the Pak 43 allowed to shoot through obstacles?

14 Sep 2021, 19:59 PM
avatar of AHandyDandyHotDog

Posts: 39

I seriously don't understand this? Last game some mechanic abuser hid it behind a building and just fired through it. I killed basically all his infantry so he had what every Axis late game looks like, pioneers/ engineers and spammed P4s/ Panthers, and most of his tanks were across the map so I was able to kill its gunners before he could use it much. A single non vetted ostheer P4 was there to bounce every shell from my two vetted KV-1s so I wasn't able to destroy it though. I looked at the replay, they had like 50-40 fuel per minute because their entire backline was made of caches (the only part of the map they owned), something that should have never been in the game, so even if you destroyed their tanks, they could spam out more with their 200 fuel and 600 MP surplus.
14 Sep 2021, 20:21 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

PAK-43 is situationally strong because of this mechanic, so under maps like angermunde you will be forced to play around the kill zone of the pak.

Using katyushas is good, but use the creeping barrage, it does the job good. Change your angle of strike if building blocks the rockets. Especially good to utilize on angermunde due to horizontal roadways
14 Sep 2021, 20:33 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

It is able to shoot through obstacles because it would be totally worthless otherwise. The closest comparison is the 17 pounder, which is:

A: Nondoctrinal
B: Tougher/impossible to decrew (In part thanks to Brace), which also means it cannot be stolen (Though this is hardly a realistic scenario).

Most artillery offmaps are able to obliterate the thing, and an infantry attack is similarly able to decrew it pretty quickly, though you'll then need to follow up with something else to actually destroy the gun. Katyusha can deal with it as well, as has already been mentioned by Katukov, though you obviously need to be careful not to get too close, since a lucky scatter can have the PAK shot go beyond 75 range.

Letting your opponent build a million caches is sort of your own fault though, especially if you were allegedly dominating his infantry. What was stopping you controlling the whole map (And destroying those same caches) while he was wasting all his MP on Caches?
14 Sep 2021, 22:45 PM
14 Sep 2021, 22:58 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1330

...most of his tanks were across the map so I was able to kill its gunners before he could use it much.

killed its gunners??? allofmywut.jpg
14 Sep 2021, 23:30 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

killed its gunners??? allofmywut.jpg

crew, probably
15 Sep 2021, 00:30 AM
15 Sep 2021, 00:43 AM
avatar of AHandyDandyHotDog

Posts: 39

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 20:21 PMKatukov
PAK-43 is situationally strong because of this mechanic, so under maps like angermunde you will be forced to play around the kill zone of the pak.

Using katyushas is good, but use the creeping barrage, it does the job good. Change your angle of strike if building blocks the rockets. Especially good to utilize on angermunde due to horizontal roadways

I love what they did with creeping barrage on the Katy, like it's a game ender if you find where a forward OKW retreat base is.
15 Sep 2021, 00:44 AM
avatar of AHandyDandyHotDog

Posts: 39

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2021, 23:30 PMKatukov

crew, probably

It was on the tip of my tongue, thank you.
15 Sep 2021, 00:59 AM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

It's really an exploit and the easy way you can tell this is when you see a pak43 is build in front of a shot blocker most of the time. Players exploit this with many other tools too, but the pak43 is one of the most lethal.

Even tossing grenades over shot blockers like hedges doesn't make sense. At best these soldiers had radios. Can you imagine hearing that request come from command? "Toss a grenade over the hedge". Yea you could do it, it's easy to do that. Could you nail the whole squad tho? I think you'd be lucky to even get it right to where you hurt anyone(in most of these situations). It's a very unrealistic part of this game.
15 Sep 2021, 01:52 AM
avatar of MMX

Posts: 999 | Subs: 1

so the op's complaint is that someone used the pak43's ability to shoot through world objects to... let it do exactly that and, hence, use it more effectively? or that allowing your opponent to cache up their entire section of the map without using the mp difference to your advantage will eventually backfire?
15 Sep 2021, 02:14 AM
avatar of Partisanship

Posts: 260

It's a static anti-tank emplacement. Allowing it to shoot through shot blockers gives it a little more flexibility in placement and protection as well.

It's vulnerable to any sort of artillery, as well as infantry and call-in bombings. Unless you have no one in the team with any sort of call-in arty, you should have some sort of counter for it. Plus, it can be smoked, which requires a little more micro on the opponents part to make it useful when you assault.
15 Sep 2021, 02:21 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

I think it shouldnt auto attack through shot blockers. Manual selection or attack ground should be required if it's going through a shot blocker

17 pounder should also be able to do that, and Pak43 should have similar survivability + brace imo
15 Sep 2021, 03:06 AM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

I think it shouldnt auto attack through shot blockers. Manual selection or attack ground should be required if it's going through a shot blocker

17 pounder should also be able to do that, and Pak43 should have similar survivability + brace imo

15 Sep 2021, 03:20 AM
avatar of ZeroZeroNi

Posts: 1563

I seriously don't understand this? Last game some mechanic abuser hid it behind a building and just fired through it. I killed basically all his infantry so he had what every Axis late game looks like, pioneers/ engineers and spammed P4s/ Panthers, and most of his tanks were across the map so I was able to kill its gunners before he could use it much. A single non vetted ostheer P4 was there to bounce every shell from my two vetted KV-1s so I wasn't able to destroy it though. I looked at the replay, they had like 50-40 fuel per minute because their entire backline was made of caches (the only part of the map they owned), something that should have never been in the game, so even if you destroyed their tanks, they could spam out more with their 200 fuel and 600 MP surplus.

Because it doesn't have brace and allies have a lot more 1 clicks than axis.
15 Sep 2021, 03:27 AM
avatar of ZeroZeroNi

Posts: 1563

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Sep 2021, 03:06 AMVaz

Well then make the pak 43 non doc, lower the cost, give brace and make crew un killable, increase the HP to the same level as 17 lbr then we can talk about equality.
15 Sep 2021, 03:49 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

Well then make the pak 43 non doc, lower the cost, give brace and make crew un killable, increase the HP to the same level as 17 lbr then we can talk about equality.

And then give brits stock rocket arty? And then give ostheer base howitzers? This argument is old and really tiring

Availability of units is a different conversation. Cause their entire roster factors into that

That change is just meant to make both of them more useable, while also making them less gimmicky
15 Sep 2021, 04:00 AM
avatar of ZeroZeroNi

Posts: 1563

And then give brits stock rocket arty? And then give ostheer base howitzers? This argument is old and really tiring

Availability of units is a different conversation. Cause their entire roster factors into that

That change is just meant to make both of them more useable, while also making them less gimmicky

Right!!! Stop bullshitting dude.
15 Sep 2021, 04:15 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

Right!!! Stop bullshitting dude.

Make a better argument or fuck off

"But but but this faction gets it stock and my favorite one only gets it doctrinally"

That's about as bullshit as it gets...
15 Sep 2021, 08:04 AM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Sep 2021, 00:30 AMKoRneY


THank you, so OP is a Allies only player in teamgames and has 6 Wehrmacht games in total.

maybe OP should post a replay. One of which he probably left his pershing or churchill right in front of its DESIGNATED counter
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