How-To: Blizzard in Custom maps
You will need a basic text editor for this. Microsoft Notepad is great for this. Even better would be notepad++, which you can download from notepad-plus-plus.org
Lets get into adding the Blizzard to your custom map:
Goto your map folder, e.g.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Data\scenarios\mp\YourMapName
Save the following code as <YourMapName>.scar with notepad++/notepad:
-- [[ ONINIT ]]
function OnInit()
MP_BlizzardInit("data:art/scenarios/presets/atmosphere/DLC/mp_don_river_01_blizzard.aps" ,"data:art/scenarios/presets/atmosphere/DLC/mp_don_river_01.aps", nil, nil, true, nil)
More atmosphere presets
You can look for more atmospheres by extracting Data.sga (located in CoH2 installation folder\CoH2\Archives).
Save following content as Extract_Data.bat with notepad to your Company of Heroes 2 installation folder:
archive.exe -a CoH2\Archives\Data.sga -e CoH2\Data
and run it. Once prompt closes extraction process is complete and you can continue with this tutorial.
After the extraction process is complete, navigate to this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes 2\CoH2\Data\art\scenarios\presets\atmosphere
This folder contains all atmosphere presets. To use them in the <YourMapname>.scar, make sure the path is correct, e.g.
Adding blizzard via YourMapName_ID.scar is kinda hacky but currently the only way achieve this. Currently you can't use your own custom atmosphere presets but hopefully this will be available in the future.