I guess the program was not designed for a 4k monitor? |
Hello, i just noticed that Relic Content seems to be active on steam, they have commented on some skins / mods and stuff. So they seem to be some what active on their game |
I really like stacking.. So i hope they will work out a way to make bulletins more useful if they will remove it, like increasing them more if so, otherwise i completely agree with you guys, they should just remove if it they will keep the 2% stuff |
Yeah, that's the suckest part, i had 2 infantry section units behind a sandbag and 2 royal enginers building something behind them couple of meters and the stuka drove right over them wiping them all :/ |
Hello, i just had a huge W-T-F moment where this Stuka airplane was driving in ground level over my units, what the heck is this and is this some new secret ability i dont know about? Has anyone else here had this happen?
I wish i took a screenshot of this happening... |
Then what's the point of bulletins then? |
P4 |
If they don´t allow you to stack bulletins, they can get rid of them all together. What is the point? You only notice them if you stack them.
Exactly! So i dont understand why they are ''said'' that they will remove it, seems just so weird  |
I can understand with balance, but in a way you will only have 1 thing unbalanced so you will still be vulnerable with rest of the stuff. BUT i really agree that bulletins needs to be reworked to be more useful, |
I have recently heard about the stuff that might come to change the war spoils on live, and i am kinda dissapointed with some of it.
Specially the stacking, cause i seriously do not understand the point of having bulletins that has a 3% increase of something and i still dont understand why people even use those bulletins instead of those with 5-10%. And i really like to stack those with 10% bulletins example for US i stack 3 10% increase building time for rear echelon troops, for OKW i use 3 5% cheaper cost of panzershrecks upgrade.
So are you like me and you like to stack your bulletins? Or do you prefer to have 3 random bulletins with 1,2,3% randomly better upgrade of something? |