
russian armor

M3 Scout rear armour

Give OKW T0 Faust
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Total votes: 20
26 Aug 2021, 22:23 PM
avatar of Phoenix101

Posts: 63

Has anybody noticed the M3 scout seems to take no damage on the rear armour? If so, is that a bug or balance team working as intended?

And is it not time to give OKW T0 fausts just to end the madness that is the scout car? Clown car is clownish and gives too much early game advantage and wipe potential.

It doesn't even die to 1 mine anymore.

Can anybody name a single t0 unit Axis have that has the same power as the M3 scout?

Since over time, Brits have been given everything they want at t0 - can not OKW also get at least the faust? Since their t0 light gets rekt by every single allied t0 light.

Lastly, is there anywhere to see game stats for win rates on different game modes (1v1, 2v2, etc)? Is it all actually balanced?
27 Aug 2021, 06:54 AM
avatar of waasdijki

Posts: 76

OKW has one of the best AT guns available at T0. And if you really need it PF have a faust without tech.
27 Aug 2021, 09:50 AM
avatar of zarok47

Posts: 587

OKW has one of the best AT guns available at T0. And if you really need it PF have a faust without tech.

Going rak vs early LV is a gambit with the odds against you. It sucks vs light vehicle's. Besides you lose out on an inf squad in the early game (the part where they matter most).

Better to swap rak and faust timing but I doubt that will happen.
27 Aug 2021, 10:25 AM
avatar of Phoenix101

Posts: 63

OKW has one of the best AT guns available at T0. And if you really need it PF have a faust without tech.

Sure, but then you're forced into have an AT gun in the first few minutes of the game. It's just going to be a drain sitting at the back, slowing down your MP income.

I know PF have the snare, it seems unfair to force a doctrine because of a light vehicle.

Imagine OKW had a flamer clown car and cons couldn't get their snare until after T1 + teching snare.

Do you really not think the clown car blazing around flaming and wiping units is utterly ridiculous? If not, let's give the same type of unit to Axis? Why do neither axis faction have this?
27 Aug 2021, 11:41 AM
avatar of MassaDerek

Posts: 197

Sure, but then you're forced into have an AT gun in the first few minutes of the game. It's just going to be a drain sitting at the back, slowing down your MP income.

I know PF have the snare, it seems unfair to force a doctrine because of a light vehicle.

Imagine OKW had a flamer clown car and cons couldn't get their snare until after T1 + teching snare.

Do you really not think the clown car blazing around flaming and wiping units is utterly ridiculous? If not, let's give the same type of unit to Axis? Why do neither axis faction have this?

Lack of snare very early on is a inherent weakness of OKW.
The entire point of OKW is to blob and overwhelm the enemy early game which negates the efficacy of the M3 due to its low HP/armor.
28 Aug 2021, 10:40 AM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

The armor of the m3 was specifically lowered to not force an early at gun, and its rear armor is just a tiny bit lower than front armor. The m3 won't be able to boss around multiple squads without being heavily damaged

Also why is this in the Coh3 section?
28 Aug 2021, 13:52 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Also why is this in the Coh3 section?

thank you ;)
28 Aug 2021, 15:15 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

They should move the fusilier and gren snares up in their tech
the m3a1 would be oppressive if sov had any minute 0 smg unit to abuse the fuck out of the scout car. Now it kinda just dies to close range sturmpios lmao

wehrmacht has the 250 doctrinally, which does the same thing
28 Aug 2021, 23:44 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1330

It doesn't even die to 1 mine anymore.

Can anybody name a single t0 unit Axis have that has the same power as the M3 scout?

First of all, M3 isn't a T0 unit, it's a 15FU T1 unit that Soviets give up early support weapons in order to get access to.

Second of all, if the kubelwagen doesn't die to one mine, and it costs zero fuel to build, why on earth should the M3A1?

Third of all, I think that what you're talking about is a bug that's existed since CoH2 released, where small arms fire from an attack-move or automatically attacking will attack troops inside the troop carrier if the rear is facing towards the enemy instead of the carrier itself (I actually tested this, it's still a thing. Actual panzershreks and AT guns still automatically target the vehicle though)
29 Aug 2021, 08:23 AM
avatar of JulianSnow

Posts: 321

Sturmpio Shreck upgrade?
29 Aug 2021, 11:28 AM
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