I think Storm Doctrine could use a bit more adjustments. Jaeger Infantry Doctrine seems so much better due to having access to light artillery and CAS which IMO is better than situational artillery emplacements and a stuka dive bomb which is only good against static targets. At least Storm Doctrine gets smoke drops I suppose
Storm doctrine is a top pick in team games right now cuz it can both build Lefhs and counter enemy artillery with ease, using the smoke + stuka combo.
My idea of replacing the Riegels with Stormtroopers instead of the Jaeger Command Squad is not only for the pun actually:
-JCS contribute with smoke and recon (flare) in Jaeger Infantry doctrine, however these are already available in Storm doctrine thanks to smoke drop, so they would be kinda redundant.
-The name Storm doctrine would suggest it is more of a breakthrough oriented commander, however it is rather defensive right now. JCS has ambush camo too, meaning that they can't move without being revealed. Stormtroopers on the other hand have assault camo which allows them move in stealthed, adding some offensive capability to the doctrine.