just to chime in quickly because you mentioned burst duratiin. from what i know this is always at least 1 frame, even if can_burst is 0), as is aim time. hence even if you set all delays to 0 (for a ballistic weapon at least) the maximum number of shots per second is 4, or one every 2 frames
Yes, that's one way to explain it. In hindsight it maybe is the more elegant one. I started testing single fire weapons first and since the editor says they don't use burst at all, I neglected all burst stats. After that, the easiest explanation was to add 0.125 somewhere, which I then added to the fire_aim time.
I will think about this later and maybe change the formulas/descriptions.
Did you make some tests after the 64 bit update? I still find it odd that a game that is based on tick rate doesn't care about it for many of its stats and I somehow suspect the update to have changed something.