Do you know what bonuses Combat Blitz actually provides to Axis tanks?
By what metric are you determining that Axis armour are quite so heavily RNG dependent? Is it just anecdotal, or have you actually read any of the statistics surrounding these vehicles? If the former: I hope you realise that you may be suffering from confirmation bias.
The high armour isnt irrelevant against a lot of the AT options afforded to the Allies. TDs and munitions-cost AP ammo punches through them, but medium tank rounds, and quite a few of their handheld/crew served AT solutions can be reliably expected to bounce, increasing survivability rather impressively.
I'm really not sure how you came to the conclusion that "not building armour" is the way to defeat Axis armoured units. What's stopping Axis doing the same thing? Please explain your thought process.
Yes pipboy I know the stats , its not a rocket sicence...
Raw stats doesnt negate fact that Units luckluster for their role's on practice . Army compositions also a value which I am not gonna argue every aspect of it.
Read again I said you dont use allied armor to win axis armor toe to toe fight , trying to snare or using shock AT options better and practical way if you not gonna use expensive TD's also I was refering Med to med fight for that spesific conversation . Axis need armor to have powerspike against simple allied mainlines or verstile allied armor , allies have more wide spread options , utilites.
On paper all raw stats looks fine but not enough with current bolster,abilities,utilites measure between armies,combo's etc...
Please allow me to take all Elo out of you with P4 so I can get into lv.18 with WM 
I didnt realize we were talking winning games esp with p4? I have enough gameplay hours and did win as axis or lose with p4's or without it or as allies is same . . Going for
I steamroll or butt to the sky mode againts people that you have no idea about how they play...Is special though...