Was it really necessary? German infantry was my favourite commander. Love infantry in general, liked to fool around with the halftrack in early game, 5 man pioneer squads with flamethrower etc.
However, with the recent nerf, the back bone of the doctrine, 5 men grens with G43, now just feels inferior to the MG42. Squad Leader bonus nerfed, and the StG44 feels completely wrong on Grens, they are not a unit that is supposed to assault.
What is this text even supposed to mean?:
"Veteran Squad Leader upgrade is also being adjusted to make the squad less potent, rather than a straight improvement over the LMG 42 upgrade."
I mean come on, it's a commander that is dedicated to infantry, of course it needs to be an improvement over the LMG? What is the point of the commander now?
This is not supposed to be rant, I am just kinda sad for my boys

I know there hasn't been alot of time for testing yet, but do you think there is any use for this commander now?