Hello friend, just wanted to extend a warm welcome:
I completed a video review for you here:
Some of the major take away's of the game, I thought you played brilliantly it was really unfortunate to lose. For the most part you used all your units to attack, your units were almost always active doing something useful and mostly you were always getting something from your troops.
However, what really lost you that game was neither an additional mortar or pack howitzer. I would have loved to have seen a couple M8's or even an HE Sherman or two. The E8 is a tank which excels against armour which, for the most part either didn't come or you were a bit over prepared for. I thought you were seeing ghosts of panzers and it maybe lost you this game, it's interesting 'cos usually at this level it's the other way around, players not being prepared for a vehicle. I thought it was way way waaay too passive to get fighting positions and an ATG as early as you did.
Secondly I was a bit concerned by your use of munitions, besides a really great grenade WP combination, you hardly had any rational or useful muni spend. WP and the Maj. arty needs to be used with a purpose and a plan, without that, it probably would have been better spent on BAR's/grenades/mines which are going to really help you against falls.
As well to that point, try considering building cover and entrenching not just in the first few minutes of the game. Fighting across that open ground with vanilla rifles is always going to be harder/losing, fighting behind cover not only buys you more time (maybe enough to win on VP's) but also allows your rifles to fight on better terms.
I want to reiterate I thought you played really well, but there were some moments of suspicious positional play as well, just like throwing an E8 or your Capt. randomly at the enemy instead of supporting them, which then led to routs of your troops. Small mistakes, but in late games like that, time becomes way more meaningful and you can't make those blunders consistently if you want to improve.
Hope you found this helpful, and welcome again.