Also is this update every coming out or is it another Cyberpunk 2077 that's endlessly gonna be delayed due to "reasons".
The cant release during the tournament. If they actually have issues that are resolved it could come shortly after the tourney. If they have not fixed the issues... Just look for a Keanu Reeves ad for your answer
Our partners at Relic have been incredible stalwarts as we all migrated development from office to home, and modified (through trial and error) our processes to help facilitate productivity to keep the game on track. So much passion, such great developers, artists, designers, narrators, audio experts, and community—not to mention the backbone functions that keep the company going.
Did the CoH leadership get a similar memo? and I quote;
"modified (through trial and error) our processes to help facilitate productivity to keep the game on track."
Relic transparency RIP? -repost but relevant to highlight the corporate hypocrisy/two-faced Relic-
After DoW3 failure Relic leadership said they wanted to become more transparent with community consultation and early playtesting etc.
Your points about betas and players as part of our process have been a huge point of discussion in the studio. I can't get into much detail here but even before the launch of DOW, the AOE team has been working very differently to make user research, early play-testing, and community consultation a much bigger part of how we make games.
The root of the disconnect that we've focused on is iteration without player feedback. One of the biggest risks in making games is that you don’t fully see how a title will really play and feel until you’ve hit a point where it’s difficult to switch gears. From where we're sitting, bringing that early and ongoing player validation into our process is a big priority so well-intentioned decisions don't go long without feedback.
We're pouring all of our lessons learned into our other projects knowing that making them great is our best way forward. We'd love to share more on how that change is coming to life in the studio when we're able to talk more openly about those projects.
Hey guys, I'm trying to be as transparent as I can here but I can't reveal new info on upcoming projects. What I can tell you is that both are being developed very differently for Relic and there is a lot of positive change afoot specifically around community consultation, user research, and early playtesting.
there's a lot of pressure on our next releases and we're changing up how we do things to make sure we deliver. You'll have to wait and see but we're looking forward to sharing more about those changes as the projects progress.
The role of user research, early play-testing, and community consultation in our process has been a big focus. Even before the launch of DOW, our other projects have been introducing new ways of bringing this into the fold. We're looking forward to giving you more insight into that process later down the line but for now we're staying focused on the work itself.
The focus now is on the work ahead of us and making our next projects great. Once we cover more ground on that front, we can think more openly about sharing more. We don't want to skip steps, you know?
There were lots of people across the development and community teams working to bring your voices into the studio and challenging us to be more transparent from the start. The conversations they started then are the reason you're seeing this now, and why you'll be seeing a different approach moving forward. Credit where credit's due.
Work continues, conversations continue. We know we have something to prove and the teams are determined to prove it.
We've also been working really hard with the game teams to determine how we can create more space for player feedback, early testing, and open dialogue in our process moving forward. Like I've said in some other comments, we're seeing promising results but we can't share much more than that until the projects are further along.
Will competitive capitalism from BBI destroy Relic?
Vancouver survival of the fittest as Relic vs BBI competition for talent intensifies: The new Black Bird Interactive/Relic 2.0 ship coming through
With humble beginnings, as an entrepreneur and visionary leader Rob Cunningham build a new RTS studio from his own garage. I have a lot of respect for real entrepreneurs as respect is earned not given.
Honestly, I’m baffled the Sega leadership is letting the Relic GM off the hook. Go compare Rob Cunningham with Relic GM. It's like night and day. As an entrepreneur, Rob Cunningham took less risk with Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak than Relic GM did with DoW3 and CoH2.
The crazy risk-taking with the DoW IP was not building new marketing opportunities but Relic leadership being incompetent (at best).
Relic Entertainment Response
January 15, 2018 – General Manager
Relic Entertainment Response Jan 15, 2018 – General Manager
First, I want to say thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, I really do appreciate it. Many of the points laid out here we’re aware of, but you’ve given me a lot to think about as well.
We’ve been growing a lot as we gear up for our new projects. This is a really great thing for the future of Relic, but with that comes growing pains as well. I totally hear where you’re coming from regarding the dynamic with your leaders and managers. I’m not happy that you (and likely other employees) feel that you’re not being heard. Our games are the product of each and every person in the studio and I don’t believe we can be successful if we aren’t listening.
Given that you’re a current employee, I have a favor to ask of you – keep the feedback coming! Speak up at our AMAs, we can go grab a quick coffee, or you can just send me an email. I always want to hear your thoughts, not only about the good things but also where we can improve and if I’ve let you down. Especially if I’ve let you down.
I’m proud to work with some of the most talented people in the industry, and it really will take all of us to keep Relic great.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
― Sun tzu, The Art of War
Last chance to voluntarily cleaning your home from shady business practices.
There are some new sheriffs in town restoring western rule of law.
Get with the program or get wrecked.
The final stand, Men of the West:
"we must all hang together or most assuredly we will all hang separately"
-Ben Franklin, signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776-