the advantage from allies with their endless arty rain option are bullshit and needs to tone down.
LM and Calliope are area deny tools. have 4 or more of them and deny every area for endless time, since the first unit cool down is ready, when the last arty unit shoot.
here is a perfect example of the arty-bs:
early game start:
some time point with endless arty rain every time:
(this game is full of arty rain all the time from the 20min mark)
i killed their arty serveral times...
but their arty isnt the biggest problem itself. its the combination of bazooka /piats bloobs which destroy a panther in mostly one or two volleys.
When he lost the KT. you could have just stunned all of them with a nade. And why he picked fortificaton and didnt build anything is a mystery.
Where to start...
Yes Arty is strong, but that you lost that game was your fault. How can you be scared of RE spam? You where floating 600mp until minute 6 or something, didnt build anything. 2 Kübels would have shredded everything they had, a MG would have stopped them easy. they didnt have any fuel.
then you both went the same tec path. Why didnt one get a fast Flak HT with that fuel advantage from the start and some indirect fire.
Then commander choice. on that map - Elefant and Jagt are KING. you basicly cant lose with that. And use Stuka on retreat path.
Stuka + Pwerfer are just as strong and cancerous as Caliop and Kati
You could have saved the KT with a stun grenade, and why your mate was fortification, nobody knows. he didnt build a single bunker or anything.
min 31 you had 800 mp and 330 fuel with 60/100 pop.