Oh yes, I didn't ask for them. I just said that I like this idea. If I asked, I would be the author of the post
I am sure this would solve many of the faction's problems. And maybe it would be viable in 2v2 tournaments.
Seems to me that if you think an idea is good and balanced and openly post your support of it, your action is tantamount to asking for it.
If and only if the WC51 was brought in line with the other light vehicles of its relative timing could it be even viable to put as a non doc T0.
To compare to the other lights-
The soviet m3 has both a fuel and a tech cost associated with it, scales poorly and has no way to self repair. It also has the lowest HP of all these vehicles allowing it to be one-shot by mines(200-kubel has 194, but also has a 20% damage reduction)
The universal carrier is the slowest of all these vehicles, is incapable of capping, can carry units which cant fire while carried, and has the worst sight of all the lights(35), it can self repair but it costs munitions every time. It also scales probably the worst of all these lights.
The kubel has poor durability, has the weakest weapon of these vehicles, has no upgrades and can't carry troops at all. It scales slightly better then the others due to its infantry maphack.
The wc51 has the worst frontal armor(2.8 vs 3.0 on kubel) and needs to pay munitions to unlock its own weapon.
But other then these the WC51 literally does everything else that the other units do and sometimes do it better. It can cap, it can self repair, its upgraded weapon is the best MG available to these vehicles, it can spot, it can carry squads that can actually fire, it scales well with its abilities and it costs no fuel or tech. It has a speedboost ability which costs no resources to use. No other light vehicle in this lineup as so many advantages. You want to give USF this vehicle so early? You need to bring it in line with the other lighr vehicles.