even getting a shot from a ISU152 in the front got engine damage.
I can confirm this. I managed to get Heavy Engine Damage on my enemys Tiger Ace with a shot in its front armor with my ISU-152. Still got the replay if anyone's interested.
Posts: 292
even getting a shot from a ISU152 in the front got engine damage.
Posts: 3
Posts: 644
The stream said the map could be played as 3v3 and 4v4
the map can be played 3v3 and 4v4
Posts: 176
Woah there Einstein, I don't follow that. Can you explain that again please in a Language I can understand?
Posts: 644
I'm pretty sure bC meant exactly what he wrote.
It was advertised as being played in both 3v3 & 4v4 content, as of current it can be played in 3v3 Automatch and 4v4 can be played in custom.
What's not to understand?
Posts: 176
Posts: 86
Posts: 166
Permanently BannedGerman opel trucks can not be pulled up once planted to move if it was placed in the wrong area, or if it is about to be attacked.
Posts: 2425
Permanently Banned
i was being sarcastic, it was a jab at some of the dumb posts that pop up here from time to time (like the one bC_ answered)