I thought: Maybe I buy one new German Commander, they look really cool. (I hoped they would be 3€ again).
But then I realised again that if I only wanted the 8 new units commanders I would have to pay 32€!! or 16 for just the German ones.
And don't forget all the old commanders which really should be sold in a bundle by now. I can't believe someone would buy them right now.
You know I can get CoH2 for 20€ on Steam right now? I am really happy that I bought the game on a cheap keysite. Before release I thought even about buying CE. LOL.
Btw, I wanted to recommend the game to some friends, 20€ for this great game is good. But I can't and I won't. "Yeah you get CoH2 for 20€!!! (And then you have to pay 32€ for the NEWEST Commanders, then you still miss the old ones and skins, and all commanders that will come)"
But yeah enough ranting, my solutions:
Commanderpass: 25€/30$ for ALL Commanders now and coming.
Problem: Some people already bought commanders... (On the other hand, these people seem to have enough money and no problem with throwing it out of the window

I wont buy commanders as long as I know there will be new ones I "have" to buy too.
Or 1,50€ per new Commander. And f*king bundles for the old and the "new" "old" commanders.