Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling:
- Pioneers and MG42's into double 250.
- 222 spam into Pak43.
- 10 minute Ostwind with fuel drops.
- Base rush with Schrecked Pgrens with smoke bombs to make them untargetable.
- Sim City with Stug E's, trenches and bunkers.
- Triple Osttruppen with double Sniper.
- Hulled down Panther with Command tank.
- Arty Officer to spam the aura ability with a Pgren blob and double barrage with a Pwerfer.
- Double flame Halftrack.
- MG42 spam with ambush camouflage.
Any replays with good use of an underused unit like the 251 or ability like Ambush Camouflage would also be appreciated.
Requesting this because my PC broke and my laptop can't handle ranked, so I'm in desperate need of CoH2 dope.