In this lovely thread I'm going to analyze the finals of 2019 world championship games.
Disclaimer: Since I have the benefit of pausing the game and taking my sweet time to look at everything, I won't criticize things that seem like small micro mistakes. Fatigue, having fog of war, and the fact that you aren't a sentient AI are just a few reasons why.
Disclaimer 2: Analysis by me will often have a narrative. This is, of course, my opinion. You can probably find other reasons why games are won or lost.
Disclaimer 3: Sometimes I'll get some stats wrong don't haze me bro.
Game 1: Soviet - Guard Motor Coordination vs. OKW - Grand Offensive
AE and Stomrless's VOD Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D00UZYEF48M&list=PL5Gq-kPFBcWH3j0gkgPdtGw3ISjv1uUpn
TL;DR - Despite a strong VP bleed from Noggano in the beginning giving him a solid lead, Luvnest held onto his fuel and simultaneously harassed Noggano's fuel + repelled his cutoff attempts. Luvnest got a solid transition to mid game, forcing Noggano to expend more fuel that delayed medium/heavy tanks from coming out earlier. Noggano had better unit preservation heading towards late game, but it was mitigated by support weapons losses that Luvnest captured. Failure to kill the SU-85 closed out Noggano's late game.
Here's a color code breakdown:
Green - Good. Orange - Not so good. Got it?
Now here's a more detailed breakdown:

Noggano does really well in the early game in pressuring VPs and the center. He has a very supported mid line, where practically all of his army is within decent range to come and support the push towards Luvnest cutoff. The picture doesn't quite capture the injured volk right next to the cutoff.
Now why does this attempt get pushed off? Theoretically 2 volks at the cutoff can repel off the CE and conscript there, and the volks by the right VP could tie up the CE and conscript.
1. A good flamer pop from the right CE dissuades any reinforcement from the right.
2. Because the left fuel was harassed, the sturmpio chose to go for the cutoff rather than support the center. Luvnest effectively ties off a sturmpio flank just by capping.

So Noggano lags a bit behind in fuel as a result. Not a total loss for him yet, but it gets kind of critical when he's unable to take the cutoff or cap the right fuel.

Luvnest is able to pump out a T70 at the same time when Noggano gets out his Luchs. Noggano gets kind of caught out; he harasses the right fuel too late and now will be forced to bleed manpower until he gets a raketen or puma.

Noggano gets most of his force pushed off. Combined with a guards squad, Luvnest practically has control of the right. As long as has the T70 near the guards, Noggano can't take the right head on without sacrificing a lot of manpower. In the interim, Luvnest is free to harass the left fuel, making the Puma feel a lot more expensive than it really is.

The right house by the VP contains the guards. Here you can going heads-on on the right doesn't get Noggano much. In my opinion, this is where Noggano could have re-shifted his priorities to Luvnest's cutoff. This would have allowed his MG34 an opportunity to force some troops back, and get Luvnest to have the right more free for Noggano to harass.

Here was the first big engagement that could have turned poorly for either player. Here's how both players could have came away dominantly after this fight:
1. Have the center(MG34, Puma, Sturmpio, Luchs) hold as long as possible.
2. Get the 3 volks on the top left flank and cause as much mp bleed as possible.
3. (Optional) Have the luchs go on the right to relieve some pressure on the middle.
I personally would have pegged him getting the T70 as unlikely; guards in the center would stop the puma from diving in.
1. Kill any light vehicle honestly. He has a Zis which has the DPS to kill the puma or luchs.
2. Do as much manpower bleed as possible with the guards + T70. His lead in fuel allows him to be more passive.

The way the engagement goes, the puma gets tagged twice and is forced to back off, the center line collapses and Noggano's flank arrives too late. Here he wisely backs his volks off, further committing would have put a heavy man power drain.
In the end I would say Noggano missed an opportunity, but he recomposed himself fairly graciously. Luvnest only wins by being able to capture the central VP.

Here Luvnest actually loses 2 conscripts in short time. This is great for Noggano, who holds a dominant infantry force. But he still faces the 3 units that continue to zone him out of the middle (Zis, T70, and guards). I think given that he has enough time, he could have used his infantry advantage to force either the zis or guards out, giving his puma and luchs much more mobility.
However, here's where the lack of fuel control and getting fuel harassed sets him back, the T34-85 is already building and Noggano doesn't have enough AT to effectively repel it; just the puma to pepper the 85 here and there. But this puts the puma at risk to get double tapped by the 85 + zis or buttoned by the guards and followed up by the 85.

Remember, Luvnest technically is still behind in manpower by losing 2 squads. Noggano still holds the infantry advantage, though its being somewhat negated by the roving 85. His raketen placement was spot on for the T70, but not for the 85. The hedge allows the 85 to screen Luvnest's troops without taking additional damage. Luvnest effectively zones out Noggano from recovering his MG34.
Losing an MG34 is a kick in the teeth; getting it stolen is effectively losing 2 squads. Luvnest gains a free unit and now can lock down parts of the map, something which doesn't have. This diversifies his army, which further punishes Noggano since now he has to deal with suppression.

This next engagement is Noggano's to lose. There isn't enough AI for Luvnest to push back any advancing troops. Noggano's aim should be trying to do as much mp damage as possible.
However, he got kind of sidetracked from the puma and raketen being able to damage the 85. The problem is, once the 85 got outside of the raketen's range, it might have taken 2 penetrating shots from the puma to finish it off. Someone can provide the raw numbers, but I don't think this would have been likely. Especially not sitting in front of the Zis. The luchs gets destroyed because of both aggression and Noggano's micro being distracted with the deceptively low 85.
In an ideal and calm world, Noggano could have smoked off the luchs retreat with the puma after realizing the 85 wasn't going to die. He could have also counted that damn volks to actually kill enough members off of the Zis (a flame nade would've helped, but I can see the micro distraction, so I don't blame him)

Here the Zis gets cleared and destroyed. Noggano made the right decision in doing so, I would have been nervous with all the detected mines (85 scatter could have triggered them, as raketen was not in range to support) This is great for Noggano until...

An overextended raketen that takes only one shot before getting decrewed. Once decrewed, Noggano has effectively no way to really dissuade the 85 from bullying out the volks. Yes the puma can be there, but given the higher armor value and the guards support in the middle, the 85 wouldn't be pushed off.
Noggano attempts to salvage the situation but is just bleeding mp. Luvnest captures the raketen and effectively the Zis is negated and Noggano is put without any actual AT to finish off vehicles.

Luvnest harasses the left fuel (and note the right fuel is again uncontested and probably will never be due to the MG34 right about the right VP). Noggano does the right move and utilize his infantry advantage (still hasn't lost any volks!) while screening the 85 away with the puma. This might equalize the manpower trades, but Luvnest still has a far more diverse army composition.

SU-85 comes out at the same time that the Tiger does. But Luvnest still has almost enough for an 85 after this, and still holds the raketen. This is more than enough against a Tiger and Puma.

It's my opinion that Noggano could have changed the tide quite heavily in his favor had he focused on the SU-85. Instead he picks up the vetted T34-85 which is quite good. The problem is that the biggest threat to his center piece (the Tiger) is the SU-85. He had a window to actually get the SU-85 by snaring with his solid volks screen in the middle and having the puma flank.
Hindsight is 20/20, as maybe if he did go for the SU-85 it wouldn't have resulted in a kill. But if something is threatening your center piece, you take it out ASAP. This would have allowed the vetted puma (which gets the damage and sight bonus allowing it to become more of a hard counter to the T34-85s) to roam around much more freely. (+ the fact that the guards died).
Arguably Luvnest had enough to create either the T34-85 or SU-85 after a loss of either one, but wiping vet on tank destroyers is much more important imo.

Luvnest making the smart move trying to speed up his SU-85 vet. That sweet sweet vet.

Again, another instance of focusing on the pawns (T34-85) instead of the king (SU-85). It is true that the T34-85 had a better chance of dying. But if the puma aimed shot the T34-85 and dived straight for the SU-85, being able to wipe the only reliable counter to the Tiger would have been big.
Yes a dive is risky, Noggano probably feared mines or something. But the amount of mark target Luvnest has been spamming should have lessened his fear a little bit. Noggano did a little better job harassing the munis in the early game and Luvnest was never able to touch the left munis.
To Noggano's defense, he got the short end of the stick on both the T34-85 (puma bounce + tiger bounce or miss?) and then a Tiger and puma miss with on the SU-85. I can't tell if this would have killed the SU-85. It could have most likely given a crit, but only the main gun crit would have saved the Tiger from death.
Many people will argue he should have waited for the P4 to come join in. This is a valid path, but honestly, with most troops retreated off the field and two fresh okw vehicles, it's not a bad risk to take in engaging two slight wounded Sov vehicles. Just poor target prioritization cost him his Tiger.
Once the Tiger, Noggano could, at best, drain a few more VPs. Losing volks squad means Noggano would be relying on his OKW vehicles more. Having a Vet 3 SU-85 effectively crushes any vehicle play.
Psst guess what was holding the right for most of the mid-late game (allowing Luvnest to at least hold one VP). That's right, the MG34!
I'll do G2 when I have the chance. Feel free to discuss or give some feedback to the formatting.