Just judging by quality & gameplay, 2v2 has the worst mappool in the game I think 
Are we all in agreement on this? I feel the same way. 2v2 could use some love. But I have not played enough 2v2 to have much of an opinion.
When I played 2v2 Fields of Winnekendonk, it felt a little too big and would be a great 3v3 map to me. Map vetoes matched this feeling.
Elst Outskirts feels too big to me also. But it is a tournament map that also gets a lot of play by the top players.
Then we have Crossing in the Woods which people say is too small, yet it also gets the most plays by top players.
So in my noob assessment, it seems like we want some 2v2 maps about the size of Elst, but with fuels and VPs more central located. So you have room to flank the sides, but not have to be fighting at the edges of the map all the time? Room to move, but not be spread so thin you get 2v1'ed and rekt. Maybe this is Elsts secret formula, VPS central for late game, fuels spread for early game.
Depending on the central sight blockers, I also like the size of Eindhoven. So maybe somewhere in between?