10+ things to make COH2 a worthy sequel

Posts: 331
Firing on the retreat – This slows down the game and makes infantry weaker as they cannot effectively fight on the retreat. This also makes the game feel poorly constructed, look at vcoh how smoothly infantry responded to your orders and fought from cover to cover, and on the retreat.
Cover – Currently cover does not feel to do ver much, this is in stark contrast to what cCOH stood for, where inferior units in cover could effectively counter much better units which were in the open.
Physics – Put back in detailed physics into the game, it looks like the developers did 50% of the work and then just stopped. No longer does arty or tank fire smash infantry units about, no longer do pieces of units come off during fighting ( infantry or tanks). This is inexcusable, there are no upsides to this half half approach.
Weapon damage – make it consistent and more predictable, as well as more lethal. They way small arms vfire works in this game is simply much worse than the original.
Suppression – Bring back suppression into the game, in vcoh multiple units could suppress with different types of weapons ( explosive, mg, mortar ect). Also make mgs suppress near instantly like in covh. This was a coh staple and changing it make the whole game completely different.
Reward flanking – make it easy to wipe out support squads on the flanks ( especially soviet 6 man squads) and make units do more damage up close to aid with this. The current system is still terrible and its close to impossible to wipe out 6 man squads. This would balance out the mgs – yes you can lock down sectors with 1 mg – but leave it unsupported and basically any unit can wipe it off the map.
Mortar / arty units – Bring back the mechanic that the closer you are to your target the less your munitions will spread out and therefore the better chance you have of hitting, this worked beautifully in vcoh and makes no sense to remove out of coh2.
With mortars the rate of fire needs to be reduced as well as a physical and visible shot needs to appear, mortar were perfect in coh, why make them they way they are in coh2?
Unit speed – the speed in this game is off, infantry are sluggish, and road bonus no longer exists. Units like armoured cars, m3 ect are too slow and don’t react well enough to great input and this reduces the ability of a great player to be able to micro them effectively.
Resources – Somehow even completely cutting off a opponent does not prevent them teching and making powerful units. This is ridiculous if u control the map all game they should stand no chance of a comeback barring a fantastic, well played and decisive engagement.
Lack of early /mid / late game – something needs to be done to bring back early mid and late game, the slower pace of the original game meant that each unit in the arsenal had time to shine and make a difference, now its about spamming units and getting to su85 / tiger as quickly as possible. Even with huge engagements, great map control, stuff that would cause a game to be won previously, now still ends in the same spam fest. No matter what strategy, what advantages, what kind of losses happen it makes no difference and the game play becomes extremely repetitive. Coh was knife edge action, coh2 is more like a sledgehammer blow, gets the job done but without any finess, fun or any of the depth that made the original the best RTS ever made.
At guns – make them better against vehicles – close to 90% reliable accuracy. AT guns need to be a real deterrent against vehicles.
SU 85 – It has speed, great armour, health rate of fire and damage. One of these factors needs to be reduced as the unit is still too game changing. I propose half the health it has now, its not meant to slug it out with tanks and should keep its distance and do great damage. Right now if there is one vehicle that is still to game changing it is the su85, even the is2 as powerful as it is, can be countered the su 85 for the most part cant. This is strongly map dependent too but seriously if u manage to get off a flank, how does it make sense that a panther still needs 5-6 shots on the rear armour... if you told me this would be possible before coh2 came out I would of laughed in your face.
Unit abilities – When the hell did coh turn into a unit ability spam fest? These need to be addressed, molatovs are spammed whole game – why does the backbone of the soviet army need to rely on a gimmicky and op ability that can be spammed without any downside to win any engagement?
The same goes with the at nadea/faust since when did vcoh get reduced down to the pathetic mechanic of press button a = engine damage, even if kited... What a damn joke, make these more like sticky nade and faust from vcoh. Primarily do damage, which chances to crit engine. Ie a deterrent and not a slow down vehicle button.
Maps – Ok we get it, true sight is great but there needs to be more open space for maneuvers, any map with long narrow corridors makes the soviet army Op. Anything that can impede flanks stops the only chance the ost has to attack the much longer rangers soviet forces. Trying to model maps off real life places is great for singleplayer but multiplayer maps need balance for great play.

Posts: 66

Posts: 331
german fanboy detected
vCOH fanboy actually , and yes I prefer ost by far. Im sorry that I actually want the game to improve as oppose to laving it as some dumbed down spam fest with a company of heroes name on it.

Posts: 531
you think su85 is op?
if you saw it before it was nerfed you'd probably cry
you're a fangirl aren't you mate
p4 spam not workin?

Posts: 379

Posts: 331
you think su85 is op?
if you saw it before it was nerfed you'd probably cry
you're a fangirl aren't you mate
p4 spam not workin?
It is op - I not saying its invincible, im saying its over powered. Im not in some rage over a game that I lost.
The honest truth is that for the price, and in the role its in it has too many things going for it, and there is no special skill in using it. Just reverse and make sure you are not caught out without cons, that's it.
It vets up even without getting a single tank kill and becomes more and more impossible to beat. Its not fun its not clever and its not good game design, if you can name a unit similar in vcoh I am more than happy to hear about it.
Go on mate, tell me your opinion of the game? The honest truth is everything I said is correct and all you can do is make attacks without adding substance.
vCoh was a godly game an coh2 is not even a 50% of what vcoh was, and its not because its not "revolutionary" or not ahead of its time, its because it takes what made vcoh great and ruins most of it.
It has some great features but the game mechanics, engine and design behind it is heavily flawed.

Posts: 29

Posts: 331
nerf su 85, facepalm
Nothing to do with nerfing, to do with making it a unit with strengths and weaknesses, right now its weakness isn't pronounced enough. If you bothered to read the rest of the points youd see that soviets would have at guns that can take out any tank regardless of su 85 but cool comment bro....

Posts: 68
Permanently BannedAfter not being able to deliver a decent sequel( no surprise here) they decided to ruin the only game that wasn't a completely waste of time.
My advice to you, quit this shity game, read a book, and you will have more satisfaction than playing the creation of some idiots with no skills in game developing. Not to mention their lame skills in history ( play the Nazi propaganda campaign).

Posts: 331
Who's stopping you to go back to vcoh? Oh i forgot, its so messed up lately that it become unplayable thx to the mighty fucking Relic.
After not being able to deliver a decent sequel( no surprise here) they decided to ruin the only game that wasn't a completely waste of time.
Lol yeh its not great, but id honestly prefer if they just fixed up the new game. Even if it is bit by bit, I would gladly wait for a true sequel worthy of the name.

Posts: 368

Posts: 331
What a glorious thread!
Awesome comment bro thanks for the feedback, I love constructive comments..

Posts: 394
-What about giving Soviets a viable counter to LMG Grens?
-What about the ridiculous RNG that too often decides a game?
-What about the fact that Germans don't even need T4 in a 1v1?
-What about the KV8 Flamer?
-What about how crap the T34-85 are?
-What about the 120mm mortars range and insta gib potential?
-What about the Ostruppen spam into T2 flamer HT?
There are so many other things that need fixing with the game other then just redesigning the SU85. Yeah the SU85 might be a strong unit, but really Soviets need it to be. How else are they going to stop a Tiger or a Panther? If the SU85 is lowered in health any more then it will just be gg every time Germans get two or more P4's and 3-4 Grens with LMG.
In my opinion, CoH2 can not be fixed without a MAJOR re-design of the Soviet faction. The Soviet faction is just complete shit design, that Relic need to admit that they fucked up and start again by releasing a beta patch with MAJOR re-designs of the Soviet faction.
I am currently writing an essay on my opinion of the Soviet faction and its requirement of a redesign.

Posts: 331
-What about fixing the Grens vs Cons early game?
-What about giving Soviets a viable counter to LMG Grens?
-What about the ridiculous RNG that too often decides a game?
-What about the fact that Germans don't even need T4 in a 1v1?
-What about the KV8 Flamer?
-What about how crap the T34-85 are?
-What about the 120mm mortars range and insta gib potential?
-What about the Ostruppen spam into T2 flamer HT?
There are so many other things that need fixing with the game other then just redesigning the SU85. Yeah the SU85 might be a strong unit, but really Soviets need it to be. How else are they going to stop a Tiger or a Panther? If the SU85 is lowered in health any more then it will just be gg every time Germans get two or more P4's and 3-4 Grens with LMG.
In my opinion, CoH2 can not be fixed without a MAJOR re-design of the Soviet faction. The Soviet faction is just complete shit design, that Relic need to admit that they fucked up and start again by releasing a beta patch with MAJOR re-designs of the Soviet faction.
I am currently writing an essay on my opinion of the Soviet faction and its requirement of a redesign.
I agree with you man I think it needs a redesign. I agree with the shit rng, kv8, cons vs grens ect, I believe my points touch on most of those issues either directly or indirectly.
Su 85 isnt my main point, its just one of many. AT guns would be viable for killing tanks and su 85 could be more fairly designed then.
The game needs a serious rethink in some ways,

Posts: 331
-What about fixing the Grens vs Cons early game?
-What about giving Soviets a viable counter to LMG Grens?
-What about the ridiculous RNG that too often decides a game?
-What about the fact that Germans don't even need T4 in a 1v1?
-What about the KV8 Flamer?
-What about how crap the T34-85 are?
-What about the 120mm mortars range and insta gib potential?
-What about the Ostruppen spam into T2 flamer HT?
There are so many other things that need fixing with the game other then just redesigning the SU85. Yeah the SU85 might be a strong unit, but really Soviets need it to be. How else are they going to stop a Tiger or a Panther? If the SU85 is lowered in health any more then it will just be gg every time Germans get two or more P4's and 3-4 Grens with LMG.
In my opinion, CoH2 can not be fixed without a MAJOR re-design of the Soviet faction. The Soviet faction is just complete shit design, that Relic need to admit that they fucked up and start again by releasing a beta patch with MAJOR re-designs of the Soviet faction.
I am currently writing an essay on my opinion of the Soviet faction and its requirement of a redesign.
Btw look forward to your write up bro, yeh i feel the game fails to capture the soviet war machine in any meaningful way.

Posts: 1617
It is op - I not saying its invincible, im saying its over powered. Im not in some rage over a game that I lost.
The honest truth is that for the price, and in the role its in it has too many things going for it, and there is no special skill in using it. Just reverse and make sure you are not caught out without cons, that's it.
It vets up even without getting a single tank kill and becomes more and more impossible to beat. Its not fun its not clever and its not good game design, if you can name a unit similar in vcoh I am more than happy to hear about it.
Go on mate, tell me your opinion of the game? The honest truth is everything I said is correct and all you can do is make attacks without adding substance.
vCoh was a godly game an coh2 is not even a 50% of what vcoh was, and its not because its not "revolutionary" or not ahead of its time, its because it takes what made vcoh great and ruins most of it.
It has some great features but the game mechanics, engine and design behind it is heavily flawed.
Lol....you forgot to mention the mighty Elephant, the most unballanced crap tbh. Btw the Su-85s are the only cost-effective counter to german tanks, other tactics are just combinde-arms.

Posts: 1617
-What about fixing the Grens vs Cons early game?
-What about giving Soviets a viable counter to LMG Grens?
-What about the ridiculous RNG that too often decides a game?
-What about the fact that Germans don't even need T4 in a 1v1?
-What about the KV8 Flamer?
-What about how crap the T34-85 are?
-What about the 120mm mortars range and insta gib potential?
-What about the Ostruppen spam into T2 flamer HT?
There are so many other things that need fixing with the game other then just redesigning the SU85. Yeah the SU85 might be a strong unit, but really Soviets need it to be. How else are they going to stop a Tiger or a Panther? If the SU85 is lowered in health any more then it will just be gg every time Germans get two or more P4's and 3-4 Grens with LMG.
In my opinion, CoH2 can not be fixed without a MAJOR re-design of the Soviet faction. The Soviet faction is just complete shit design, that Relic need to admit that they fucked up and start again by releasing a beta patch with MAJOR re-designs of the Soviet faction.
I am currently writing an essay on my opinion of the Soviet faction and its requirement of a redesign.
Don't forget that the german tanks also have "superblitz" and smoke to avoid being destroyed. But I agree that the russian design has it's problems.

Posts: 1042
-What about fixing the Grens vs Cons early game?
-What about giving Soviets a viable counter to LMG Grens?
-What about the ridiculous RNG that too often decides a game?
-What about the fact that Germans don't even need T4 in a 1v1?
-What about the KV8 Flamer?
-What about how crap the T34-85 are?
-What about the 120mm mortars range and insta gib potential?
-What about the Ostruppen spam into T2 flamer HT?
There are so many other things that need fixing with the game other then just redesigning the SU85. Yeah the SU85 might be a strong unit, but really Soviets need it to be. How else are they going to stop a Tiger or a Panther? If the SU85 is lowered in health any more then it will just be gg every time Germans get two or more P4's and 3-4 Grens with LMG.
In my opinion, CoH2 can not be fixed without a MAJOR re-design of the Soviet faction. The Soviet faction is just complete shit design, that Relic need to admit that they fucked up and start again by releasing a beta patch with MAJOR re-designs of the Soviet faction.
I am currently writing an essay on my opinion of the Soviet faction and its requirement of a redesign.
Totally agree, just got out of a game where we got smashed by two guys who for once had half a brain cell when it came to using Germans early on, MGs FHT, Mortar HT, LMG gren spam, Pgrens and then a Brummbar, we just got stuck in base. Its games like that just make me feel like uninstalling the game. It's either a complete wipe for me or a german player who doesn't have a brain and just loses badly. That's all I'm getting. Any kind of close game ends with a German player bringing out a Tiger or something they've been saving fuel for (whilst I've been fighting a close game) and then I promptly lose...

Posts: 331
Lol....you forgot to mention the mighty Elephant, the most unballanced crap tbh. Btw the Su-85s are the only cost-effective counter to german tanks, other tactics are just combinde-arms.
I was talking about overall game changes to make it better, in my opinion the elephant hardly warrants a mention. I have personally used it very rarely and it comes so late in the game, and at such a price that its not really a game breaker.
The other things that i mention are game breakers - this isn't a bash su 85 thread, its a game improvement thread.
I think there are things they need to do to make coh2 a lot better, and a lot of these things they got right in vcoh and for whatever reason decided to change for the worse in coh2.

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2
you think su85 is op?
if you saw it before it was nerfed you'd probably cry
you're a fangirl aren't you mate
p4 spam not workin?
I think SU-85 is fine in it's current state, it isn't a racecar anymore and is actually flankable by turreted tanks so thank God for the nerf

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