He has played 1v1 as wehrmacht more than 18.000 times!! And each time without exception he uses the same strategy.
He always goes mechanized assault and tries for an early base pin. If he is sucessfull he will dig down with a command bunker and try to focus mgs to all sides.
If that fails he will try to get a 222 rush or a couple of early 251 which he will then drive straight into your base and try to wipe it.
Failing that he will try to lock down all ressources with light vehicles until he has the fuel and CP for spamming the Stug E.
If that also fails the jig is up and he will just gg the hell out of there.
I'm not kidding! This guy never techs futher than Battle phase 1 and only builds the leichter mechanized.
The only slight variation in his strategy (if you can even call it that) is that he will frequently change around his bullitins, doctrines other than mechanized and his name, which has I've seen as Picknicker, Antonino, Wehr Superstar and several others.
Just imagine the dedication of playing the same strategy, with the same doctrine and the same faction literally dozens of times every single day, since the day was released.
Amazing level of A*tism