Warning - it can be painful for your eyes to watch this video.
I would be thankful for any constructive tips.
No idea how to play this game - please help
20 Dec 2015, 15:05 PM

Posts: 132
20 Dec 2015, 16:29 PM

Posts: 348
Alrighty let's give it a go I'll ttry n see where you went wrong!
20 Dec 2015, 17:21 PM

Posts: 632 | Subs: 1
I'm not a very good player, but here's some very basic stuff to get you started:
Rush for important points/buildings first, to deny them to the enemy. You can cap the points in front of your base a little later. You also absolutely need to hold at least one fuel point, this should be your first priority. It's good to secure that with an MG. For capping points early on, you can queue move/cap orders with Shift + Right-click, to make it less micro-intensive. Building sandbags with your Cons while capping is also useful.
Don't attack an MG42 from one direction. Spread out your Cons and attack from multiple directions. If it's in a building, use a Molotov.
You floated too many resources before building T2. Getting it earlier would have helped a lot: A mortar is great against MGs and Maxims can also be very strong, especially in buildings.
Don't spam the AT gun barrage, especially if you don't know whether you're gonna hit anything. Use your munitions for Molotovs, AT grenades, Oorah and mines instead.
You should get a T70 if you have a fuel advantage (which you didn't), and it also needs to come as early as possible. Don't rush it forward if you have no idea what enemy units are waiting there.
The SU-76 is usually a much safer choice, it has good long-range AT and a free artillery barrage.
Your enemy blobbed his infantry. Do not attack the blob with one or two Con squads, that's never gonna work out and will only cost you MP. Use MGs instead, they will suppress blobbed infantry very quickly.
If you know that a mortar is bombarding your MG, move it somewhere else. Also, he had two mortar HTs (which is a big investment), and you didn't really try to take them out.
Generally, too many units stood around in your base doing nothing for too long. Microing so many squads can be hard, but that will become better in time. Use control groups if you're not already doing that.
Getting a KV-8 worked pretty well, but it was risky, because your enemy could've had a Panzer IV or StuG already which it would have lost against. All in all, the match wasn't going great, but you could have won, so you really didn't need to surrender.
Sorry if this seems a little harsh, I just tried to point out all the major mistakes I could make out. I don't think you did that bad for someone who just started out!
Edit: Oops, didn't see someone else already is already helping you out. Sorry about that. You should probably listen to CadianGuardsman instead of me
Rush for important points/buildings first, to deny them to the enemy. You can cap the points in front of your base a little later. You also absolutely need to hold at least one fuel point, this should be your first priority. It's good to secure that with an MG. For capping points early on, you can queue move/cap orders with Shift + Right-click, to make it less micro-intensive. Building sandbags with your Cons while capping is also useful.
Don't attack an MG42 from one direction. Spread out your Cons and attack from multiple directions. If it's in a building, use a Molotov.
You floated too many resources before building T2. Getting it earlier would have helped a lot: A mortar is great against MGs and Maxims can also be very strong, especially in buildings.
Don't spam the AT gun barrage, especially if you don't know whether you're gonna hit anything. Use your munitions for Molotovs, AT grenades, Oorah and mines instead.
You should get a T70 if you have a fuel advantage (which you didn't), and it also needs to come as early as possible. Don't rush it forward if you have no idea what enemy units are waiting there.
The SU-76 is usually a much safer choice, it has good long-range AT and a free artillery barrage.
Your enemy blobbed his infantry. Do not attack the blob with one or two Con squads, that's never gonna work out and will only cost you MP. Use MGs instead, they will suppress blobbed infantry very quickly.
If you know that a mortar is bombarding your MG, move it somewhere else. Also, he had two mortar HTs (which is a big investment), and you didn't really try to take them out.
Generally, too many units stood around in your base doing nothing for too long. Microing so many squads can be hard, but that will become better in time. Use control groups if you're not already doing that.
Getting a KV-8 worked pretty well, but it was risky, because your enemy could've had a Panzer IV or StuG already which it would have lost against. All in all, the match wasn't going great, but you could have won, so you really didn't need to surrender.
Sorry if this seems a little harsh, I just tried to point out all the major mistakes I could make out. I don't think you did that bad for someone who just started out!
Edit: Oops, didn't see someone else already is already helping you out. Sorry about that. You should probably listen to CadianGuardsman instead of me

20 Dec 2015, 18:45 PM

Posts: 132
I had worse game than this one. Keep getting 100 level 3 prestige players. Not fun at all.
Any tips?
Alrighty let's give it a go I'll ttry n see where you went wrong!
Any tips?
21 Dec 2015, 04:42 AM

Posts: 348
All right there's a few major issues you had in this game
Build Order
You went for a full on conscripts build - this means you need to play aggressively. Getting the Molotovs was smart.
You recovered the early game and came out with a tech lead - you threw this away by delaying for a T-70 which honestly wasn't worth it. Your opponent went heavily into grenadiers this indicates a much more aggressive play style from him. An M5 Half-Track upgraded with a Quad mount would of been able to suppress his blob.
You got a mortar - I think that side teching for 2 snipers would of been better. As long as you had conscripts in front - backed up by the M5 Half-Track he wouldn't of been able to deal with it.
The KV-8 worked quite nicely but it still needed to be in range for some time to deal damage - I'd of gotten a Katyusha and waited for the IS-2.
You made some play mistakes but for that the video is a good guide
Video can explain all your mistakes play by play - if I sound frustrated it's because I wish I could of told you then. I do understand you're new so don't think my frustration is aimed at you.
Also Level 400 players can still be bad - take the level 270 player you fought in the replay - I could of beat himn with my eyes closed. Go in with a positive attitude and remember that level is a measure of time played. Not of games won.
Be persistent - if you do want to become a good player - at least in the top 500 area I'd suggest watching some videos not only on my channel, but on A_E and tightrope's channels. Up top there's a tab labelled VODS hover over that and go to the shout cast forums and enjoy them. Find a caster you enjoy and maybe watch a game or two when you're feeling frustrated. Then you'll see the counters to tactics you were having problems with - the thing with CoH is that if you're stuck with certain strategy chances are somebody has already countered it.
Build Order
You went for a full on conscripts build - this means you need to play aggressively. Getting the Molotovs was smart.
You recovered the early game and came out with a tech lead - you threw this away by delaying for a T-70 which honestly wasn't worth it. Your opponent went heavily into grenadiers this indicates a much more aggressive play style from him. An M5 Half-Track upgraded with a Quad mount would of been able to suppress his blob.
You got a mortar - I think that side teching for 2 snipers would of been better. As long as you had conscripts in front - backed up by the M5 Half-Track he wouldn't of been able to deal with it.
The KV-8 worked quite nicely but it still needed to be in range for some time to deal damage - I'd of gotten a Katyusha and waited for the IS-2.
You made some play mistakes but for that the video is a good guide
Video can explain all your mistakes play by play - if I sound frustrated it's because I wish I could of told you then. I do understand you're new so don't think my frustration is aimed at you.
Also Level 400 players can still be bad - take the level 270 player you fought in the replay - I could of beat himn with my eyes closed. Go in with a positive attitude and remember that level is a measure of time played. Not of games won.
Be persistent - if you do want to become a good player - at least in the top 500 area I'd suggest watching some videos not only on my channel, but on A_E and tightrope's channels. Up top there's a tab labelled VODS hover over that and go to the shout cast forums and enjoy them. Find a caster you enjoy and maybe watch a game or two when you're feeling frustrated. Then you'll see the counters to tactics you were having problems with - the thing with CoH is that if you're stuck with certain strategy chances are somebody has already countered it.
22 Dec 2015, 00:11 AM

Posts: 132
I didn't expect something like this. I would upload better replay with less amount of mistakes(like units staying in base and doing nothing). Thank you very much anyway. I will watch it right now.
Thank you again. It was really helpful. I am trying to not flow my manpower. I remember about this especially in early game but I keep forgetting about this in later stages(when there is too much to do on the field and too much to think about). This game was full chaos from my side because I was doing quite well in early as you said and then I made too many mistakes, then I was a bit nervous = full chaos.
You mentioned few times that I should throw Molotov faster. I use keybind for Molotv and then click it immadiately on the target. I saw that some of the players have range bulletins with Molotov but I don't have it. I don't get too many bulletins at all so my bulletin choices are not the best. Kyle in last stream said that they are going to fix warspoils SOON so maybe i will get more.
Now, when I watched this replay I know that T70 was a really bad choice. I don't use M5 halftrack at all. My plan was 4-5 conscripts, mortar, mg, AT(i thought that he will go for 222 but he didn't), shock troops, T70 and then waiting for KV + IS. I don't know what build order should I use vs specific OKW/Wehrmacht commander. Probably I will learn this with time.
I don't know which commanders are good and which not. I chose these commanders becuase they have tanks in call ins. I had Lend Lease instead Reserve Army but I am not that good to stall for Shermans. Most of the time when I get shermans, my enemy get KT and destroys me without problems. Not sure which one commander should be my 3rd choice.
You are right but it also means that he spent more hours in this game than me so he is a bit more experienced player than me.
Thank you again. It was really helpful. I am trying to not flow my manpower. I remember about this especially in early game but I keep forgetting about this in later stages(when there is too much to do on the field and too much to think about). This game was full chaos from my side because I was doing quite well in early as you said and then I made too many mistakes, then I was a bit nervous = full chaos.
You mentioned few times that I should throw Molotov faster. I use keybind for Molotv and then click it immadiately on the target. I saw that some of the players have range bulletins with Molotov but I don't have it. I don't get too many bulletins at all so my bulletin choices are not the best. Kyle in last stream said that they are going to fix warspoils SOON so maybe i will get more.
Now, when I watched this replay I know that T70 was a really bad choice. I don't use M5 halftrack at all. My plan was 4-5 conscripts, mortar, mg, AT(i thought that he will go for 222 but he didn't), shock troops, T70 and then waiting for KV + IS. I don't know what build order should I use vs specific OKW/Wehrmacht commander. Probably I will learn this with time.
I don't know which commanders are good and which not. I chose these commanders becuase they have tanks in call ins. I had Lend Lease instead Reserve Army but I am not that good to stall for Shermans. Most of the time when I get shermans, my enemy get KT and destroys me without problems. Not sure which one commander should be my 3rd choice.
Also Level 400 players can still be bad - take the level 270 player you fought in the replay - I could of beat himn with my eyes closed. Go in with a positive attitude and remember that level is a measure of time played. Not of games won.
You are right but it also means that he spent more hours in this game than me so he is a bit more experienced player than me.
22 Dec 2015, 06:44 AM

Posts: 348
Lend Lease is Solid but relies on a good combo of Shermans and SU-76's/85s, Lend Lease is a wild card doctrine - the third doctrine you pick that suits your playstyle the most. The Commander you chose is the solid and conservative Soviet choice, it's got solid anti blob and really nice Anti Tank with the late game IS-2. The third choice is usually Soviet Industry or what ever is broken in the current meta - I'm not actually sure at this time what the Soviets broken doctrine is though.
On not using the M5 Halftrack you should always adapt to what is going on on the field and anticipate what you believe your opponent is going to go for his Anti Tank. If he is going a Pak 40 - usually indicated by MG 42 linebackers then a T-70 can do wonders - provided Grenadiers don't snare it. Alternately if he's going for a Infantry Grenadier heavy build he may decide to keep his aggression up and grab Panzergrenadiers. Of course this isn't a rule and players can transition to a static play style mid game but it's a good tip.
Also yeah, I do agree that he has more experience to rely on. You can kind of counter that by watching top tier players games being cast. I promise that one high tier game is worth 5 played games when it comes to information gained. The casters will usually point out exactly why the players are doing what they're doing but will also highlight the mistakes and how the players recover. I as a caster focus on the overall strategies I see in the game a few casters do play by plays; shop around until you find one you really like and feel helps you learn. A few in the spoilers tab if you want some recommendations.
On not using the M5 Halftrack you should always adapt to what is going on on the field and anticipate what you believe your opponent is going to go for his Anti Tank. If he is going a Pak 40 - usually indicated by MG 42 linebackers then a T-70 can do wonders - provided Grenadiers don't snare it. Alternately if he's going for a Infantry Grenadier heavy build he may decide to keep his aggression up and grab Panzergrenadiers. Of course this isn't a rule and players can transition to a static play style mid game but it's a good tip.
Also yeah, I do agree that he has more experience to rely on. You can kind of counter that by watching top tier players games being cast. I promise that one high tier game is worth 5 played games when it comes to information gained. The casters will usually point out exactly why the players are doing what they're doing but will also highlight the mistakes and how the players recover. I as a caster focus on the overall strategies I see in the game a few casters do play by plays; shop around until you find one you really like and feel helps you learn. A few in the spoilers tab if you want some recommendations.

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