What's pathetic is this thread and that replay. Can't believe I wasted 10 minutes watching it. Clearly andy was fuckin' about doing god knows what, even so, beating the #1 player is still worthy of something, but the bullshit posts are getting old here. Why is everyone attacking andy? Because he clearly didn't play his best and you're all butthurt because he comes here to knock someone off their high horse?
Attacking ? ... you bet is pathetic how he lost in 10 ?!? mnts (very weird)... and you excuse him.
I ,that im new on this community, that never saw him web life, after reading is posts on this topic I easily got to know is character.Is another arrogant,troller kid that knows how to play a game .
If he would be a nice person ,he would say,well done,GG,keep it going, i will win the next one

Instead he joked of is opponent and others .But people like him don't usual take to long to be passed by others ,sooner or later.
Only a blind and a deaf would say that probably he is a nice person.
Congratulations CcArtS03,destroying the "rank 1" in 15 mnts its superb and not for all.