vs Andy
No chat in this replay.

Posts: 102

Posts: 56
why post a onesided game where i clearly didnt care about the game anyway, so boring it doesnt excist, clearly a pride post.. boring

Posts: 102
i need to tell everyone that im not just spam cons

and u r best smaple!

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6
And this game is another example of bullshit called T34-85 call-in in 14 min.

Posts: 222
And this game is another example of bullshit called T34-85 call-in in 14 min.
Why? Andy had an Ostwind and enough resources for a StuG when he threw in the towel. Meaning he could have greeted the tank call-in with two StuGs or fought it with a PIV and a StuG had he not gone for that Ostwind... (Not even considering T2 AT capabilities that come way earlier.)

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6
Good sniper usage.
Why? Andy had an Ostwind and enough resources for a StuG when he threw in the towel. Meaning he could have greeted the tank call-in with two StuGs or fought it with a PIV and a StuG had he not gone for that Ostwind... (Not even considering T2 AT capabilities that come way earlier.)
Soviet needs no Tiers to survive to call-in T34-85's with just conscripts and guards, sometimes people build T1 for snipoers or clown cars. Germans must tech to at least T3 because t2 is useless against insta 2 tanks from off-map.
Simple calculations
Soviets in best case: no tiers=0 Fuel + 240 Fuel for T34's = 240 Fuel
in worst case- 1st Tier + for example 2 clown cars = 80 Fuel +240 = 320 Fuel
(add to both 50 Fuel for molotovs and AT nades)
Germans now skipping T2 and going T3 Stug: 25+35+35+95 for stug = 190
with P4 it's 210
Now, 1 Stug is not enough to beat even 1 T34-85, it needs at least 2 and still it's not sure. 2x P4's will never beat 2x T34-85's.
2x stug cost is (with all techs) 285 Fuel.
2x P4 cost is 325.
Worth to note:
- soviets starts with insta 50 Fuel, Germans only with 10
- soviets will have more Fuel because they outcap germans with rapid conscripts from HQ
- T34-85's have biggest surprise power in the game - call-in with 2 great tanks is a game changer.
Now let's say Soviet don't have T34-85 call-in, he wanmts to get 2x T34-76
T1+T3+cons package+2x T34-76 - 40+90+50+170 = 350 Fuel.
Tons of MP must be also spend to get T34-76, something around 1k MP
Where's the logic to get T34-76 when you can get in cheapier way better versions of T34's?
Germans dont have good early call-in tanks at reasonable cost, Stug sucks, Tiger sucks vs soviet call-ins, Elefant is risky, easily rammable, P4 command tank cant do shit to T34's.
Best solution in current meta is to send T34-85 to T3 and it would require global upgrade to produce them
Posts: 56
Soviet needs no Tiers to survive to call-in T34-85's with just conscripts and guards, sometimes people build T1 for snipoers or clown cars. Germans must tech to at least T3 because t2 is useless against insta 2 tanks from off-map.
Simple calculations
Soviets in best case: no tiers=0 Fuel + 240 Fuel for T34's = 240 Fuel
in worst case- 1st Tier + for example 2 clown cars = 80 Fuel +240 = 320 Fuel
(add to both 50 Fuel for molotovs and AT nades)
Germans now skipping T2 and going T3 Stug: 25+35+35+95 for stug = 190
with P4 it's 210
Now, 1 Stug is not enough to beat even 1 T34-85, it needs at least 2 and still it's not sure. 2x P4's will never beat 2x T34-85's.
2x stug cost is (with all techs) 285 Fuel.
2x P4 cost is 325.
Worth to note:
- soviets starts with insta 50 Fuel, Germans only with 10
- soviets will have more Fuel because they outcap germans with rapid conscripts from HQ
- T34-85's have biggest surprise power in the game - call-in with 2 great tanks is a game changer.
Now let's say Soviet don't have T34-85 call-in, he wanmts to get 2x T34-76
T1+T3+cons package+2x T34-76 - 40+90+50+170 = 350 Fuel.
Tons of MP must be also spend to get T34-76, something around 1k MP
Where's the logic to get T34-76 when you can get in cheapier way better versions of T34's?
Germans dont have good early call-in tanks at reasonable cost, Stug sucks, Tiger sucks vs soviet call-ins, Elefant is risky, easily rammable, P4 command tank cant do shit to T34's.
Best solution in current meta is to send T34-85 to T3 and it would require global upgrade to produce them
Barton for president MVGame

Posts: 107
1. How was CcArtS03 supposed to know that AndyisRIPPIN "clearly didnt care about the game anyway". Getting matched up against the #1 player in both Ost and SU and WINNING is definitely an accomplishment. Why play in the first place if he wasn't interested in playing?
2. So when someone beats the top player and posts a replay it's intsa "pride post" BUT if the top player posts a win against others it's OK?
Be a sport man, you win some, you lose some. Don't blame the player/strategy for your loss. Blame yourself for not being able to play better and counter what's being thrown at you.

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
Nice explanation Barton but can you explain this to me:
1. How was CcArtS03 supposed to know that AndyisRIPPIN "clearly didnt care about the game anyway". Getting matched up against the #1 player in both Ost and SU and WINNING is definitely an accomplishment. Why play in the first place if he wasn't interested in playing?
2. So when someone beats the top player and posts a replay it's intsa "pride post" BUT if the top player posts a win against others it's OK?
Be a sport man, you win some, you lose some. Don't blame the player/strategy for your loss. Blame yourself for not being able to play better and counter what's being thrown at you.
A 15min game is far from being interesting 95% of the times.

Posts: 222
I like the fact that you actually count the resources. However the cost of the tech should be spread over all units produced from it. Your calculation is based on an implicit assumption that you will produce only the unit(s) you mentioned, which doesn`t necessarily have to be the case.
I can`t agree with the statement that T2 is useless. Pgrens seem to be doing very very well since the scatter change. AT guns are now also harder to decrew thanks to it and therefore more durable vs tanks. Not to mention they got finally cheaper.
StuGs are all about positioning and range so saying they would just auto loose in a vacuum makes no sence to me (yes they would, however flanking T34 can get fausted etc.). Tigers suck now?? That is news to me.
Btw Does the T34/85s call-in really have such a big surprise factor? I mean it is so common nowadays and you can see the commanders on the loading screen so one would think that people would expect it might happen and account for it in their builds...
I would like to see units moved from commanders into the core non-doctrinal pool, T34/85 included.

Posts: 107
Doesn't mean it shouldn't be posted.
I've seen 1hr games with simcity players.
My point isn't that it's interesting or not, it's the manner they responded to the uploaded replay. Does it mean that a player who beats andy needs to ask him, "Hey andy, before I post this replay, I just wanted to ask if you 'clearly didnt care about the game anyway' because it wasn't quite clear to me."
Posts: 56
In reply to elchino7 =)
Doesn't mean it shouldn't be posted.
I've seen 1hr games with simcity players.
My point isn't that it's interesting or not, it's the manner they responded to the uploaded replay. Does it mean that a player who beats andy needs to ask him, "Hey andy, before I post this replay, I just wanted to ask if you 'clearly didnt care about the game anyway' because it wasn't quite clear to me."
A game worth posting must have action, comeback, back and forth, nice gameplay not just rushing grens and dying all the time, i shouldnt have played today, i wasnt in the mood so the game itself is really boring, he can post whatever he wants, its just not getting any likes, thats all

Posts: 19
Its like when a chess game is over quickly because a guy that usually wins got overconfident and got caught with his pants down- "oh well I wasn't even trying". Bollocks.
That's what's great about this game - anything can happen on any day. If what the opponent did was "nothing special" then countering it should have been easy. Right? Okay then.
Posts: 56
Nothing is worse than a sore loser. You just mad he ended your streak. Be more humble than to lose and then say "Well I didn't care about the game". It just makes you look bad.
Its like when a chess game is over quickly because a guy that usually wins got overconfident and got caught with his pants down- "oh well I wasn't even trying". Bollocks.
That's what's great about this game - anything can happen on any day. If what the opponent did was "nothing special" then countering it should have been easy. Right? Okay then.
hahaha, ended my streak, like that proves your point, why would i care about streak? oh right you think so... sorry sir MVGame

Posts: 90

Posts: 254
Soviet needs no Tiers to survive to call-in T34-85's with just conscripts and guards, sometimes people build T1 for snipoers or clown cars. Germans must tech to at least T3 because t2 is useless against insta 2 tanks from off-map.
Simple calculations
Soviets in best case: no tiers=0 Fuel + 240 Fuel for T34's = 240 Fuel
in worst case- 1st Tier + for example 2 clown cars = 80 Fuel +240 = 320 Fuel
(add to both 50 Fuel for molotovs and AT nades)
Germans now skipping T2 and going T3 Stug: 25+35+35+95 for stug = 190
with P4 it's 210
Now, 1 Stug is not enough to beat even 1 T34-85, it needs at least 2 and still it's not sure. 2x P4's will never beat 2x T34-85's.
2x stug cost is (with all techs) 285 Fuel.
2x P4 cost is 325.
Worth to note:
- soviets starts with insta 50 Fuel, Germans only with 10
- soviets will have more Fuel because they outcap germans with rapid conscripts from HQ
- T34-85's have biggest surprise power in the game - call-in with 2 great tanks is a game changer.
Now let's say Soviet don't have T34-85 call-in, he wanmts to get 2x T34-76
T1+T3+cons package+2x T34-76 - 40+90+50+170 = 350 Fuel.
Tons of MP must be also spend to get T34-76, something around 1k MP
Where's the logic to get T34-76 when you can get in cheapier way better versions of T34's?
Germans dont have good early call-in tanks at reasonable cost, Stug sucks, Tiger sucks vs soviet call-ins, Elefant is risky, easily rammable, P4 command tank cant do shit to T34's.
Best solution in current meta is to send T34-85 to T3 and it would require global upgrade to produce them
idd! +1

Posts: 254
I like all of your posts. And just a word from the off, "It`s a game!"

Be gentle


Posts: 33
So bg ? its not the fault of CCart, it just your own
its every time a good joob if you beat the nr 1.
Deal with it
edit replay section is not only EPIC MEGA MVGame TROLOLO ubershit games only
deal with it tooo
@Barton absoluty true, but you agreed with the balance terms if you start the game. IF not dont play and wait for the next patch, but preety good analys at all.
We need cheaper Anti tanks mines for Axis.

Posts: 10
If you play in the Top 25 and loose, you recive offen of Replay post, but crying about Pride post ist so unmannerd. IF you dont have the balls to loose badly and stay tuned, you are just an overconfident nap.
So bg ? its not the fault of CCart, it just your own
its every time a good joob if you beat the nr 1.
Deal with it
edit replay section is not only EPIC MEGA MVGame TROLOLO ubershit games only
deal with it tooo
@Barton absoluty true, but you agreed with the balance terms if you start the game. IF not dont play and wait for the next patch, but preety good analys at all.
We need cheaper Anti tanks mines for Axis.
Totally agree with you sir.
If he didn't care about a game like he said, than why he have to reply on this upload.
Beating no.1 is worth uploading, even if he maybe not played his best game.
This game from the start is unbalanced, good players and especially top players using that in they advantages. So it's kind a strange when they loose how much they complained about balance in the game.
WP CCart

Posts: 16
why post a onesided game where i clearly didnt care about the game anyway, so boring it doesnt excist, clearly a pride post.. boring
lmao. Andy is still crying like a lil kid when he is loosing a game. and as usual u were not in the mood to play. Andy this Thing is gettin old. u should finnaly grow up.
ive seen this before somewhere.... hmm -> http://www.gamereplays.org/companyofheroes/replays.php?game=25&show=details&id=274281
didnt watch the game btw. not even playing coh2 but its just funny to see this guy whining...
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Ladders Top 10
#Steam AliasWL%Streak
- 1.42963.872+7
- 2.52875.876+1
- 3.303163.650+3
- 4.12644.741-1
- 5.312114.732+8
- 6.289112.721+1
- 7.14760.710-2
- 8.271158.632+2
- 9.6717.798+5
- 10.13665.677+4
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