3 KT's? in a 1v1?
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Posts: 294

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1
Opening T2 with a single Con is going to be a very slow start. What made it slower was the fact that you had no interest in capping territory.
While some players favour VP over resources, it was simply shocking that at the 3:30 mark you had neither your fuel nor your muni. This was against an opponent who made virtually no effort to pressure you.
You built a mortar as your 5th unit. This early, against an opponent who has neither utilised the garrisons nor built hmgs, leaves the mortar with few meaningful targets.
From 4:30 to 7:30 your territories weren't connected. You left an engineer idling in base for ages, and your opponent wasn't pressuring your cutoff. You simply left your territories unconnected for what felt to me like an hour (but was actually 3 minutes).
At the 8th minute you send a 5% health squad with 2 models to cap your enemy's fuel. No surprise that it got wiped.
It's Arnheim Checkpoint and you finally got a flamethrower at 8:20.
At 9:30 you're floating 600 manpower and your mainline consists of 1 Conscript and 2 maxims.
By the 11 minute mark your refusal to acquire fuel has resulted in a serious fuel disadvantage. Your opponent fielded a Flak HT at the 8 min mark and you're on track for a 13 minute T70.
The 13 minute mark: Your opponent is floating 900 manpower and 180 fuel. His play has been similarly atrocious - by this point he could have overrun you with 4 x Luchs if he had so desired.
Also worthwhile to note that in 10 minutes on the field your mortar (a disastrous unit choice) has done a total of nothing. 0 kills and virtually no contribution at all.
Your T70 arrives at the 14 minute mark. Basically Ost P4 timing.
14:30 -> What are you doing? A single Volk model on 5% hp is retreating from your muni point, needing just one off centre-hit from the T70 to kill. You have the church and vision of a large chunk of that entire retreat path. There is literally no excuse to not chase that Volks squad.
15:30 -> Your opponent is saving to build the Maus, apparently.
He has 1250 manpower and 240 fuel.
You've just run over a mine. With 600 mp in the bank and almost no field presence, engineers with sweepers would be a prudent choice.
16:40 -> You did the exact same bloody thing!!!!! Your opponent stupidly attempted to decap your fuel with 2 Volks on 20% health.
When your opponent finally retreated the single 5% health Volk from your T70 (after a long delay) you reversed instead of driving forward 10 distance to finish off the squad.
18:20 -> You finally realised you've been cutoff from your fuel for 3 minutes. There was literally no pressure on this side of the map and you simply didn't do anything.
19:30 -> finally rebuilt the engineer you lost ages ago. You need a sweeper and a flamer engie, ideally.
Fuel caches are one of the worst things you can spend on in 1 v 1. But you've been floating 900 manpower up till now, even with the fuel cache purchase.
Top 3 things to improve upon
1) Learn the maps: Identify the cutoffs, and do something about it when you're cutoff! Especially when your opponent isn't even pressuring your cutoff.
2) Build units: 2 maxims 1 con doesn't cut it as a frontline. You were floating crazy amounts of manpower and not building sufficient combat units. You were also building the wrong units. Mortar was a disastrous choice, and flamethrower engineers are a very high priority on a garrison-heavy map.
3) Capture territory. You're not paying attention to capturing territory points in the early game (and all throughout, really), which delays your teching and unit-timing by horrible amounts. Capturing territory gives you more resource income, which allows you to use powerful abilities and to build more powerful units.

Posts: 3260
Focus on taking and holding your resource sectors. Only the last VP matters, but every fuel point counts.
Territory is a numbers game: don't focus on capping his side of the map if you're cut off yourself.
Never decap points that aren't connected to your territory unless they're cutoffs.
Even decapping the enemy fuel is strictly worse than capping a basic point that's connected to your territory. Decapping their fuel is a 7 FU swing and they'll probably just take it back. Capping a connected strategic point is a 10 MU 6 FU swing (as you gain what they lose), it's easier to hold on to, and you don't have to put your troops out of position.

Posts: 294
The main thing you need to work on is capping priority.
Focus on taking and holding your resource sectors. Only the last VP matters, but every fuel point counts.
Territory is a numbers game: don't focus on capping his side of the map if you're cut off yourself.
Never decap points that aren't connected to your territory unless they're cutoffs.
Even decapping the enemy fuel is strictly worse than capping a basic point that's connected to your territory. Decapping their fuel is a 7 FU swing and they'll probably just take it back. Capping a connected strategic point is a 10 MU 6 FU swing (as you gain what they lose), it's easier to hold on to, and you don't have to put your troops out of position.
thanks this is a useful thought

Posts: 294
I don't have time to watch 1 hour worth of bad plays, but I'll tell you what I saw in the first 25 minutes.sorry but this makes no sense, a mortar is suddenly a bad choice on a garrison heavy map? at 3.40 we had both cut each others fuel off, It wasn't just mine, also flame was applied the minute there was 60 munitions, It doesn't matter when that was, on this map the centre church is critical, in fact this point was highlighted to me previously by a top 10 player and concentrating on that won me the game, I will concede the second conscript in the build order, but Its one replay, that's why I posted a second one showing a 4 con start to tier 2, I play all manner of variable build orders, which is why those are not that useful.
Opening T2 with a single Con is going to be a very slow start. What made it slower was the fact that you had no interest in capping territory.
While some players favour VP over resources, it was simply shocking that at the 3:30 mark you had neither your fuel nor your muni. This was against an opponent who made virtually no effort to pressure you.
You built a mortar as your 5th unit. This early, against an opponent who has neither utilised the garrisons nor built hmgs, leaves the mortar with few meaningful targets.
From 4:30 to 7:30 your territories weren't connected. You left an engineer idling in base for ages, and your opponent wasn't pressuring your cutoff. You simply left your territories unconnected for what felt to me like an hour (but was actually 3 minutes).
At the 8th minute you send a 5% health squad with 2 models to cap your enemy's fuel. No surprise that it got wiped.
It's Arnheim Checkpoint and you finally got a flamethrower at 8:20.
At 9:30 you're floating 600 manpower and your mainline consists of 1 Conscript and 2 maxims.
By the 11 minute mark your refusal to acquire fuel has resulted in a serious fuel disadvantage. Your opponent fielded a Flak HT at the 8 min mark and you're on track for a 13 minute T70.
The 13 minute mark: Your opponent is floating 900 manpower and 180 fuel. His play has been similarly atrocious - by this point he could have overrun you with 4 x Luchs if he had so desired.
Also worthwhile to note that in 10 minutes on the field your mortar (a disastrous unit choice) has done a total of nothing. 0 kills and virtually no contribution at all.
Your T70 arrives at the 14 minute mark. Basically Ost P4 timing.
14:30 -> What are you doing? A single Volk model on 5% hp is retreating from your muni point, needing just one off centre-hit from the T70 to kill. You have the church and vision of a large chunk of that entire retreat path. There is literally no excuse to not chase that Volks squad.
15:30 -> Your opponent is saving to build the Maus, apparently.
He has 1250 manpower and 240 fuel.
You've just run over a mine. With 600 mp in the bank and almost no field presence, engineers with sweepers would be a prudent choice.
16:40 -> You did the exact same bloody thing!!!!! Your opponent stupidly attempted to decap your fuel with 2 Volks on 20% health.
When your opponent finally retreated the single 5% health Volk from your T70 (after a long delay) you reversed instead of driving forward 10 distance to finish off the squad.
18:20 -> You finally realised you've been cutoff from your fuel for 3 minutes. There was literally no pressure on this side of the map and you simply didn't do anything.
19:30 -> finally rebuilt the engineer you lost ages ago. You need a sweeper and a flamer engie, ideally.
Fuel caches are one of the worst things you can spend on in 1 v 1. But you've been floating 900 manpower up till now, even with the fuel cache purchase.
Top 3 things to improve upon
1) Learn the maps: Identify the cutoffs, and do something about it when you're cutoff! Especially when your opponent isn't even pressuring your cutoff.
2) Build units: 2 maxims 1 con doesn't cut it as a frontline. You were floating crazy amounts of manpower and not building sufficient combat units. You were also building the wrong units. Mortar was a disastrous choice, and flamethrower engineers are a very high priority on a garrison-heavy map.
3) Capture territory. You're not paying attention to capturing territory points in the early game (and all throughout, really), which delays your teching and unit-timing by horrible amounts. Capturing territory gives you more resource income, which allows you to use powerful abilities and to build more powerful units.

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1
Whenever people try to help you by pointing out (the extremely numerous) areas of improvement, you get defensive and say rubbish like "it doesn't make sense/it's just silly".
1) Yes, opening with a mortar in the early game against OKW is a fking terrible choice. You had few actual combat units/units to capture territory with. It had 0 kills for the first 10 mninutes and did a total of fuck-all. You could have built the mortar at the 20 minute mark. Or the 30 minute mark. Or basically never.
2) You only had 60 munitions by the 8 minute mark because you didn't cap your bloody munitions point. Which was what I've been screaming at you. Cap your territories ffs. It totally matters when the flamer comes out. The flamer engineer is the biggest early game power spike for Soviets and can swing key engagements.
3) You were letting yourself get starved of fuel and muni by invisible ghostKW troops. There were no troops pressuring your cutoff. You simply refused to capture the territories to connect your fuel point. Do you remember how many times you've complained about Ost armour coming out too fast, or OKW vehicles etc in shoutbox? That's entirely a L2P issue - your opponents are getting fuel at a steady rate and you're self-denying fuel intentionally. With a proper capping order, you'll find that a 9 min T70 has a much larger window of opportunity than a 14 minute one.
4) You didn't win because of the church. You won because your opponent was so terrible he floated 1200 manpower and 250 fuel at medium tank timing. You won because he had a nonsensical fuel and armour advantage throughout the whole game and threw that away (for fun?). You won because your opponent was low in rank, had close to no APM/micro, and didn't have much game-sense. The fact that you won didn't mean that you played well in any way - you were simply slightly less terrible than the other guy.
Last thing to point out: I was like you once. I was really bad at the game when I started - and at some points I was even worse than you. Like you, I kept seeing "imbalance" in everything whenever I lost and couldn't understand my own mistakes.
Then of course, I started learning from coh2.org. I'm by no means a top player now, but I've gotten pretty decent at the game. If you keep up your stubbornness then you're doomed to continuing sucking at this game. You can argue all you want but your fuel points aren't connected, and mine are.
You can take the constructive advice and start playing competently, or you can continue playing like this and keep whining that "Ost has 3 P4s and you have 1 T34" <-- a literal quote by you from shoutbox 2019, btw.
If you want to get better, I've already pointed out dozens of ways in which you can improve. I don't mind if you continue sucking though, your shoutbox antics are always entertaining.

Posts: 294
I've said all I needed to say. Any competent player who watched/watches the replay will agree with my assessment. Your mortar didn't do jack shit. You didn't have field presence. You weren't capping territories.
Whenever people try to help you by pointing out (the extremely numerous) areas of improvement, you get defensive and say rubbish like "it doesn't make sense/it's just silly".
1) Yes, opening with a mortar in the early game against OKW is a fking terrible choice. You had few actual combat units/units to capture territory with. It had 0 kills for the first 10 mninutes and did a total of fuck-all. You could have built the mortar at the 20 minute mark. Or the 30 minute mark. Or basically never.
2) You only had 60 munitions by the 8 minute mark because you didn't cap your bloody munitions point. Which was what I've been screaming at you. Cap your territories ffs. It totally matters when the flamer comes out. The flamer engineer is the biggest early game power spike for Soviets and can swing key engagements.
3) You were letting yourself get starved of fuel and muni by invisible ghostKW troops. There were no troops pressuring your cutoff. You simply refused to capture the territories to connect your fuel point. Do you remember how many times you've complained about Ost armour coming out too fast, or OKW vehicles etc in shoutbox? That's entirely a L2P issue - your opponents are getting fuel at a steady rate and you're self-denying fuel intentionally. With a proper capping order, you'll find that a 9 min T70 has a much larger window of opportunity than a 14 minute one.
4) You didn't win because of the church. You won because your opponent was so terrible he floated 1200 manpower and 250 fuel at medium tank timing. You won because he had a nonsensical fuel and armour advantage throughout the whole game and threw that away (for fun?). You won because your opponent was low in rank, had close to no APM/micro, and didn't have much game-sense. The fact that you won didn't mean that you played well in any way - you were simply slightly less terrible than the other guy.
Last thing to point out: I was like you once. I was really bad at the game when I started - and at some points I was even worse than you. Like you, I kept seeing "imbalance" in everything whenever I lost and couldn't understand my own mistakes.
Then of course, I started learning from coh2.org. I'm by no means a top player now, but I've gotten pretty decent at the game. If you keep up your stubbornness then you're doomed to continuing sucking at this game. You can argue all you want but your fuel points aren't connected, and mine are.
You can take the constructive advice and start playing competently, or you can continue playing like this and keep whining that "Ost has 3 P4s and you have 1 T34" <-- a literal quote by you from shoutbox 2019, btw.
If you want to get better, I've already pointed out dozens of ways in which you can improve. I don't mind if you continue sucking though, your shoutbox antics are always entertaining.
It makes no sense as a general critique because you are basing an all round assumption on a single replay, you could argue that for this replay maybe, although saying a 3 vet mortar did fuck all is a stretch, It even pushed back the flack halftrack at a key point, It also dislodged the center on a number of occasions, yes there were mistakes, but one minute you talk about free flow of fuel to the enemy and the next I shouldn't have been trying to deny that free flow by attacking the cut off, I am acting on advice given previously which was trying to deny resources as Soviets is more important than having them due to Soviets lack of defensive options, plus pick your own battles, this build order is not my usual go too, which is why I posted another replay with a con start, so in summary build order variations are not useful as they are too much of a variable and only in relation to a specific replay, I did make a point of saying that at the start, the reason I didn't get done all that I would have loved to get done is because my opponent was kicking my arse, I'm not sure replacing a mortar with a conscript would have changed that as his early game tactics and game play was better than mine, this is where I see the problem

Posts: 503 | Subs: 1
It makes no sense as a general critique because you are basing an all round assumption on a single replay, you could argue that for this replay maybe, although saying a 3 vet mortar did fuck all is a stretch, It even pushed back the flack halftrack at a key point, It also dislodged the center on a number of occasions, yes there were mistakes, but one minute you talk about free flow of fuel to the enemy and the next I shouldn't have been trying to deny that free flow by attacking the cut off, I am acting on advice given previously which was trying to deny resources as Soviets is more important than having them due to Soviets lack of defensive options, plus pick your own battles, this build order is not my usual go too, which is why I posted another replay with a con start, so in summary build order variations are not useful as they are too much of a variable and only in relation to a specific replay, I did make a point of saying that at the start, the reason I didn't get done all that I would have loved to get done is because my opponent was kicking my arse, I'm not sure replacing a mortar with a conscript would have changed that as his early game tactics and game play was better than mine, this is where I see the problem
1) Watching a single replay is already hideously time-consuming. I can only give feedback based on what I saw in this replay. If your other games aren't this bad, then sure good for you. It's unfair and horribly ungrateful of you to reject my feedback as "making no sense" because this was the replay that you posted. If you didn't want me to evaluate your play based on this replay, don't ask me to watch this fucking replay.
2) No matter how many times you stubbornly insist that your mortar wasn't a mistake, it was. It did fuck all in the 25 minutes I watched. It wasn't a game-losing mistake, but it was certainly symptomatic of your under-investment in field presence.
3) I already explained 4 or 5 times (which you stubbornly ignored) your issues with capping and connecting territories.
Watch your own fucking replay before arguing. In the first 20 minutes alone, count the number of minutes you were cut off from your fuel point. He wasn't pressuring your cutoff with Volks behind sandbags/green cover. You were cutting yourself off.
Before you give another stubborn "no I don't believe it and I refuse to improve in these areas" response, at least have the basic courtesy to watch your own damn replay.
4) Your absolutely atrocious early game play is what I've been trying to help you fix. Almost all of my comments - build orders, capping priority, defending cutoff, manpower float, tech timing - were targeted at fixing your disastrous early game play. And you're insisting on dismissing all of it.
Your opponent had very rudimentary early game tactics and minimal micromanagement abilities. I'm not even asking you to defend your cutoff - he didn't have units there contesting or pressuring. You could have retaken your cutoff with a 1hp single model engineer.

Posts: 294
1) Watching a single replay is already hideously time-consuming. I can only give feedback based on what I saw in this replay. If your other games aren't this bad, then sure good for you. It's unfair and horribly ungrateful of you to reject my feedback as "making no sense" because this was the replay that you posted. If you didn't want me to evaluate your play based on this replay, don't ask me to watch this fucking replay.
2) No matter how many times you stubbornly insist that your mortar wasn't a mistake, it was. It did fuck all in the 25 minutes I watched. It wasn't a game-losing mistake, but it was certainly symptomatic of your under-investment in field presence.
3) I already explained 4 or 5 times (which you stubbornly ignored) your issues with capping and connecting territories.
Watch your own fucking replay before arguing. In the first 20 minutes alone, count the number of minutes you were cut off from your fuel point. He wasn't pressuring your cutoff with Volks behind sandbags/green cover. You were cutting yourself off.
Before you give another stubborn "no I don't believe it and I refuse to improve in these areas" response, at least have the basic courtesy to watch your own damn replay.
4) Your absolutely atrocious early game play is what I've been trying to help you fix. Almost all of my comments - build orders, capping priority, defending cutoff, manpower float, tech timing - were targeted at fixing your disastrous early game play. And you're insisting on dismissing all of it.
Your opponent had very rudimentary early game tactics and minimal micromanagement abilities. I'm not even asking you to defend your cutoff - he didn't have units there contesting or pressuring. You could have retaken your cutoff with a 1hp single model engineer.
you know you are just trolling and so do I

Posts: 294
I dare you to find a single top 100 player who would disagree with my comments.
You really are a cunt. No wonder no one else bothered to help review your replay. You are a lost cause.
I gave you a detailed breakdown of what you did wrong in the first 25 minutes and you either ignored or refused to believe literally every single point I made.
Pointing out your bad play isn't trolling. But really what the fuck do you want? You refuse to even fucking watch your own shit to reaffirm what I've been telling you, and you refuse to accept a single point of criticism.
You are the biggest cunt I have ever seen and I really regret wasting my time helping you. I sympathised with you initially because I knew how it felt to play badly and constantly get frustrated. Since you have no interest in improving, have fun living in your rank 1000 bubble.
that's right let It all out

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4
ummm what happen to the forum police this post its on flams truly dont believe they are leting this to continue should get lock !|

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