
russian armor

USF Kills 2 TIGER ACES in 1v1

by Fmerritt2001 28th December 2019, 19:24 PM
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28 Dec 2019, 19:24 PM
avatar of Fmerritt2001

Posts: 24

...but still lost. Ostheer spammed 12 Assault Grens and Two Tiger Aces. I had a K/D of 199/153 but couldn't pull it out. This one is interesting, I would appreciate comments and tips. I know I missed a couple opportunities but damn, he came back from TWO base raids by my Shermans..
28 Dec 2019, 22:00 PM
avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

I have watched and casted this replay but oh boy... No offense both sides need improvements. Primarly the Ostheer player, he was bad.

Some tips for you, you have had a bit of manpower issues, as in too much. The while the Stewart was killing everything at home your lieutenant was back at home not reinforcing and not caping. You do not have to look at your unit to cap order. Hold Shift and highlight the points on the map. You can queue up a bunch of orders like this allowing you to focus on other things. For when the other tiger came out, it was clear on his play style that he would bring out another ace so the second Sherman was a bad idea, but the first Sherman did great. The late pack howitzer was a bad option. At the time, which remain true for the rest of the game, there was no static targets to shoot at, so it did not preformed all that well. Stock rangers do have a higher dps at all ranges compare to riflemen as well a better target size. With the manpower you have, using them without upgrades is better that riflemen with weapons, excluding AT rifle grenade.
You did a great job on building light at mines, and you built a lot.

Your opponent fought like a bot. Assault grenadiers were never upgraded and never got into proper range. Just spammed out grenades. Pioneers were never upgraded even for better repairs. The second panzergrenadier squad was upgraded with panzershrecks with no targets. Constantly issued move orders on to capture points with multiple squads. Keep MGs into low health buildings. Never built a med bunker. A huge delay in anysort of AT, and constantly lost squads and kept building assault grenadiers.
29 Dec 2019, 13:25 PM
avatar of Fmerritt2001

Posts: 24

LAE, thanks for looking at it. I reviewed the replay to see what I could learn. Realize that the Ost Player supposedly only has a fraction of the games played with his faction that I have with USF. I contend that USF requires a ton more micro and faction knowledge to compete with average players using Axis. It really shows when you play team games with more than one USF faction....it nearly always ends with a base raid by Panthers, KTs and SturmTigers...someone please check that statistic as I am tired of Axis Bois telling me how USF dominated the WC recently. Well, that doesn't hold true for the rest of us IMO.

The Lt was idle just for a moment but guarding the German fuel cutoff. I felt I had to choose between controlling fuels or controlling VPs but couldn't do both. When I look at the graphs post game, I had a manpower advantage most of the game and did a good job of holding my own fuel and one VP but I risked too high a manpower bleed trying to hold the middle VP. Despite him stalling for Tiger Ace I lacked the micro or ability to hold off his Ass Grens/Panzer Gren 'nades despite the fact that I teched grenades early for that very reason in past games.
Long story short, I beat his *ss by destroying his infantry. Then he got the Tiger Ace forcing me to put more AT on the field. Thank you for your comment on mines, they worked better than I hoped with three mine strikes by the TA's which led to me being able to put them down with my AT.
At this point of the game I believe I had ~60 Army Value and he was a 2. I get two Shermans in his base trying to kill that last Ass Gren when Tiger Ace #2 rolls in next to me and takes out one Sherman.
From there, with me capping all the VP's I get the points game more in line but He Tiger Aces the mid VP with one pio.
Again using Sherman and three ATGs I manage to take out that second TA.
The clock is ticking down on me but I get my Pershing out and in a 1v1 duel with his PZ4 I destroy it but take about 85% damage mostly due to RNG. Pershing and RE sit on the mid VP and a Sherman with infantry on my own VP.
His Assault Gren sits on mid, grenades my RE out and holds the point while my Pershing is hammering it point blank but can't kill it.
29 Dec 2019, 13:28 PM
avatar of Fmerritt2001

Posts: 24

PS: Ill search but can you drop your cast link so I can see it?

30 Dec 2019, 01:31 AM
avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

sure here it is. I just got it uploaded, sorry if I miss lead you. Rendering a 4k video takes a long time. For an reference, rendering 1 hour takes about 8 hours. Fair warning, not one of my better casts.

30 Dec 2019, 14:23 PM
avatar of Fmerritt2001

Posts: 24

Thanks again, my takeaway was I should have built an earlier mortar to get the OST mgs, and Pershing didn’t fare so well vs PzIVj. Pershing won but took 90% dmg and was off the field too long to get me the win vs endless ass Gren spams...
30 Dec 2019, 14:32 PM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

Thanks again, my takeaway was I should have built an earlier mortar to get the OST mgs, and Pershing didn’t fare so well vs PzIVj. Pershing won but took 90% dmg and was off the field too long to get me the win vs endless ass Gren spams...

Forget the mortar and the early grenades, go 3 rifles into LT then rush Stuart. If your opponent is still camping in buildings with MGs then get a mortar after the 50 cal, though getting grenades after the Stuart and working the MG flanks is also good.

Try to shift que capping orders since you keep a lot of idle units around. You also need to focus on unit preservation, which is nonexistent atm. Late game if you're going Heavy Cav and you want M4s get a ranger squad with 3ple bazookas.
2 Jan 2020, 21:19 PM
avatar of Shtrafniki Keeves

Posts: 25

First thing the Ostheer player is level 4 and the USF player is level 2. I see a lot of float of resources on both sides. The early mortar from the Ostheer and the early grenades from the USF player were head scratchers.

The USF player should have done what Stormjager recommended the 3 rifles into LT then rush Stuart. The USF player definitely needed earlier healing and the Ostheer player with only 1 infantry unit for the first 5 minutes was painful to see. The float is still way too high.

The early mortar from the USF was not a great call when you have Lt with nades teched. The smoke nades is all you need to deal with double mg. If you have 600mp you should have an ambo and maybe a 50 cal.

Idle time is very high for low unit count. Stuart timings aren't bad and the Ostheer player has no counter. Skip fighting positions they are never worth it until the ultra late game if you float manpower. 1v1s are too mobile for them in general so only consider this super late game in team games. Don't use volley fire unless it is too support other units. It makes you much weaker in a 1 to 1 fight.

Rebuild squads when you lose them.. Keep your units healthy and use the time the Stuart is buying you to cap peripherally. Work on minimizing idle time and float. A unit you don't use is as good as dead already. 900 manpower float is too high, if you don't have the micro to manage more then one unit at a time at least make something like a cache. Maybe try using control groups? I assign Riflemen to 1 through 3 Lt to 4 Stuart to 5 50 cal to 6 and REs to 7 for example. Then I double click 1, 2, 3, etc to quickly hop around the map making sure everyone is moving or getting something done. The MG and AT guns can be placed mid fight this way by clicking 6 once and dragging to cover your troops. Here is a video on the subject by tightrope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egCwmidF0P4

Definitely should have targeted the building not the Pgrens no way you would win that fight. This brings up a good point though keep your infantry in front of your light vehicles and always repair(especially the farther back the better). The stuart could have outright won you the game if you kept capping. The unit loses were too high for sure.

The other alternative to the control groups is just constantly sweep the map left to right to base to left to right to base. You see your frontlines and guys sitting back as much as possible.

The third alternative is the tactical map. tightrope's video on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BM_Ufn-7YY

Rule of thumb time, for you at least you should auto retreat if you have 3 models or less or have less then 40% health. Pretty safe bet since the risks of a flank is too high and you have a tendancy to forget units. It is better to not lose squads then to kill squads. Play clean and wait for your opponent to screw up when you are starting out.

Another thing that helps your reaction is hotkeys, make sure you are never clicking on the command card. The first minute of this SC2 video with the pledge on not cicking on the command card is exactly what you should be thinking! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jq2IMRbAx0 here is tightrope's video on it.

Stormjagers advice to shift queue is good you could also practice attack move, hold shift(and don't let go until you are done, capture, attack move, capture, attack move, capture to move around fighting from max range. Attack move is critical when starting out since it keeps you at max range thus safe from most grenades(grenadiers you want to close in on to avoid their grenades, but that is the exception). The time to kill at max range is much higher greatly increasing your reaction time.

I practice with an AI warmup game and quit around the 4 minute mark. I want to cap perfectly with no idle time and have no float. I do edge capping which you can learn about here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHPE0XSyUEM, but you will not want to worry about that yet.

I would say your AT is a little behind. If you see no light vehicle you want AT positioned around 11-12 minutes.

Definitely activate that Ambo when it first comes out. AT guns with prioritize vehicle is the same.

When capping a team weapon cap, shift r(to retreat). This means you won't have a 1 model squad chilling.

That should be enough to work on
3 Jan 2020, 10:04 AM
avatar of Kobal

Posts: 155

First thing the Ostheer player is level 4 and the USF player is level 2. I see a lot of float of resources on both sides. The early mortar from the Ostheer and the early grenades from the USF player were head scratchers.

The USF player should have done what Stormjager recommended the 3 rifles into LT then rush Stuart. The USF player definitely needed earlier healing and the Ostheer player with only 1 infantry unit for the first 5 minutes was painful to see. The float is still way too high.

The early mortar from the USF was not a great call when you have Lt with nades teched. The smoke nades is all you need to deal with double mg. If you have 600mp you should have an ambo and maybe a 50 cal.

Idle time is very high for low unit count. Stuart timings aren't bad and the Ostheer player has no counter. Skip fighting positions they are never worth it until the ultra late game if you float manpower. 1v1s are too mobile for them in general so only consider this super late game in team games. Don't use volley fire unless it is too support other units. It makes you much weaker in a 1 to 1 fight.

Rebuild squads when you lose them.. Keep your units healthy and use the time the Stuart is buying you to cap peripherally. Work on minimizing idle time and float. A unit you don't use is as good as dead already. 900 manpower float is too high, if you don't have the micro to manage more then one unit at a time at least make something like a cache. Maybe try using control groups? I assign Riflemen to 1 through 3 Lt to 4 Stuart to 5 50 cal to 6 and REs to 7 for example. Then I double click 1, 2, 3, etc to quickly hop around the map making sure everyone is moving or getting something done. The MG and AT guns can be placed mid fight this way by clicking 6 once and dragging to cover your troops. Here is a video on the subject by tightrope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egCwmidF0P4

Definitely should have targeted the building not the Pgrens no way you would win that fight. This brings up a good point though keep your infantry in front of your light vehicles and always repair(especially the farther back the better). The stuart could have outright won you the game if you kept capping. The unit loses were too high for sure.

The other alternative to the control groups is just constantly sweep the map left to right to base to left to right to base. You see your frontlines and guys sitting back as much as possible.

The third alternative is the tactical map. tightrope's video on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BM_Ufn-7YY

Rule of thumb time, for you at least you should auto retreat if you have 3 models or less or have less then 40% health. Pretty safe bet since the risks of a flank is too high and you have a tendancy to forget units. It is better to not lose squads then to kill squads. Play clean and wait for your opponent to screw up when you are starting out.

Another thing that helps your reaction is hotkeys, make sure you are never clicking on the command card. The first minute of this SC2 video with the pledge on not cicking on the command card is exactly what you should be thinking! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jq2IMRbAx0 here is tightrope's video on it.

Stormjagers advice to shift queue is good you could also practice attack move, hold shift(and don't let go until you are done, capture, attack move, capture, attack move, capture to move around fighting from max range. Attack move is critical when starting out since it keeps you at max range thus safe from most grenades(grenadiers you want to close in on to avoid their grenades, but that is the exception). The time to kill at max range is much higher greatly increasing your reaction time.

I practice with an AI warmup game and quit around the 4 minute mark. I want to cap perfectly with no idle time and have no float. I do edge capping which you can learn about here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHPE0XSyUEM, but you will not want to worry about that yet.

I would say your AT is a little behind. If you see no light vehicle you want AT positioned around 11-12 minutes.

Definitely activate that Ambo when it first comes out. AT guns with prioritize vehicle is the same.

When capping a team weapon cap, shift r(to retreat). This means you won't have a 1 model squad chilling.

That should be enough to work on

Nice tips :)
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