***UPDATE: The Brackets are live!
Broadcast Shows!
AmiPolizeiFunk will be sending tourney games on the Sunday Night Fights channel on until his voice fails! Here are the approximate showtimes:
Saturday Sept. 14th
Early rounds games with Special Guest Peter Qumsieh
Peter is the Lead Balance Dev @ Relic Entertainment
1800h GMT (8pm in Berlin CEST, 7pm in London BST, 11am in Vancouver PDT)
Sunday Sept. 15th
Early Morning Coffee Show
Late Round Games from Day 1 of the Tourney
~1100h GMT (1pm in Berlin CEST, 12noon in London BST, 3am in Vancouver PDT)
The Main Event: Sunday Night Fights
The Semis and Finals from Day 2
1800h GMT (8pm in Berlin CEST, 7pm in London BST, 11am in Vancouver PDT)
Follow the tournament on twitter
Follow the COH2.ORG Twitter channel to keep track of the tournaments' progress. We'll provide you with updates on the scores, livestreams and all other news about the tournament right there. So follow the channel and don't miss anything of this weekends' 1v1 Semoskiy Tournament!
Ding Ding!