However, with the help of pingtoft's excellent CoH1 replay parser and with some help from Relic on the technical side of things, I would like to present to you the Company of Heroes 2 Replay Tools. This is an ongoing project based on COH2.ORG's replay parser, which itself is a modified port of pingtoft's parser code linked above. Over time, I aim to match the featureset of the original CoH Replay Analyzer and provide additional functionality based on community demand and the addition of new replay functions.

Currently, the tools are extremely basic. You can view basic information on any replay from patch onward, and easily view the COH2.ORG ladder playercards of any players in your replays. Thanks to assistance from Relic, I am in the process of implementing build order information, and I have plans for additional features in the future. Check back here often, I'll be updating as I go.
Of course, like any piece of software, use at your own risk; I accept no responsibility for any damages suffered as a result of using this software. To download the latest version, please go to this thread: