You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread.
—Major General Heinz Guderian
If they attack, we will defend. If they do not attack until winter comes,
then we will and will tear them to shreds!
—Marshal Georgy Zhukov
—Major General Heinz Guderian
If they attack, we will defend. If they do not attack until winter comes,
then we will and will tear them to shreds!
—Marshal Georgy Zhukov
Loved by many, played countless times by all, the classic, the original, the unmistakable Semois map is back, reborn as Semoskiy in Company of Heroes 2! To mark the debut of this erstwhile Company of Heroes 1 classic on the eastern front, COH2.ORG is proud to announce the Semoskiy 1v1 Tournament! Running the weekend of September 14th & 15th, the most ruthless Ostheer Field Marshals and the most cunning Soviet Generals are hereby called upon to smash their opponents and demonstrate who is the master of this little village by the river. Sign up September 6th on COH2.ORG to secure your shot at glory!
- Dates: Saturday, September 14th, and Sunday, September 15th
- Player limit: 64 or 128 Players (with waitlist and check-in) depending on turnout
- Type: Single-Elimination
The brackets can be found on challonge:
Schedule (All times in GMT):
* If we go up to 128 slots, an extra round will be added to Day 1
Saturday, September 14th
- R1: 16:00 (Best-of-1) Semoskiy Winter
- R2: 16:45 (Best-of-1) Semoskiy
- R3: 17:30 (Best-of-1) Semoskiy Winter
- R4: 18:15 (Best-of-3) Semoskiy
Sunday, September 15th
- Semis: 16:00 (Best-of-3) Semoskiy Winter
- Finals & Third-Place Game: 17:30 (Best-of-3) Semoskiy
Prizes (generously provided by Sega & Relic):
- 1st place:
- Signed Company of Heroes 2 DCE in Steel Box shipped to you by Relic
- Rome 2 Total War key on Steam
- Signed Company of Heroes 2 DCE in Steel Box shipped to you by Relic
- 2nd place:
- Company of Heroes 2 DCE Upgrade key on Steam
- Rome 2 Total War key on Steam
- Company of Heroes 2 DCE Upgrade key on Steam
- 3rd place:
- Rome 2 Total War key on Steam
Sign-ups and check-in:
Sign-ups open on Friday, September 6th, at 16:00 GMT. The first 64 players that have a valid sign-up will have a secured spot. All other players will be placed on the waiting-list. We will expand the tournament to 128 if we reach around 172 sign-ups. The link to the sign-up thread will be: (it will be invisible until sign-ups are open). Sign-ups will close on Friday, September 13th, at 22:00 GMT.
To check-in on tournament day, join the COH2.ORG steam group chatroom and post the following message: '<Playername> checking in.' The check-in period is from 14:00 GMT to 15:30 GMT. Brackets will be released following check-in, shortly before the start of the tournament. Link to COH2.ORG steam group:
Match Threads and Results Submission:
Make a match-thread in the Events Central forums after the brackets have been released. The threads should be named like this: R1 <Player A> vs <Player B>. Use the thread to get in-touch with your opponents and the referees. After your games have been played, post the result of your series in the same thread. Include the score, the winner, and links to the replays. Upload replays to the REPLAYS system on COH2.ORG.

The Sunday Night Fights crew of Yoink, AmiPolizeiFunk, and ntd (Guest TBA) will bring you a selection of games from the final day. Join us on TwitchTV to witness the action, blow by blow.
Sunday, September 15th at 6pm GMT
(That's 7pm BST in London, 8pm CEST in Berlin, & 11am PDT in Vancouver)
Good luck, have fun!
Sunday, September 15th at 6pm GMT
(That's 7pm BST in London, 8pm CEST in Berlin, & 11am PDT in Vancouver)
Good luck, have fun!