In this final wrap up of my Vancouver Blog, I've got some more photos from the fantastic Friday at Relic Studios, as well as a few from our free day on Saturday. While the youngsters were out in the boonies trying to shoot themselves with real guns, Mark, Amee, and I set off for a bike ride through Stanley Park and along The Seawall, with images from the Relic HQ still dancing in our heads.

Uncle Joe oversees back room deals and #COH2 playtesting via a one-way mirror

"I want ladders, 1v1 maps, and fixed-positions. Just put them in the bag, nice and easy", shouts AmiPolizeiFunk

"I want an ice cream. Do you guys want ice creams? Don't worry about the bag... I love you guys!" coos Mark 'Yoink' Liu (center) to Quinn Duffy and Greg Wilson

From left to right: Quinn Duffy, Sepha, Complexity, ImperialDane, GeneralMistake, Tommy, Krebs, David, Pounder, AmiPolizeiFunk, Rogers, HelpingHans, Yoink, and Bridger

Hansi a.k.a. Hugh Heffner relaxing in his Mansion. Somebody please photoshop the purple robe and silk slippers

Dinner at the Italian Kitchen, site of Yoink's speech and some great eats

On Saturday, Amee, Mark, and I grabbed some bikes for a "Stadtrundfahrt" (sight-seeing trip around the city). Amee put together the cool video found below

The Stanley Park Hollow Tree, a 700-800 year old Western Red Cedar tree stump

Lions Gate Bridge from Prospect Point look-out

We met for dinner at The Ticket on Saturday. I brought the Cubanos

Hamming it up with the CM dynamic duo, Jeffery 'Noun' Simpson & Bobby 'Lynx' Miller

By this point, HelpingHans and probably some others were 3 sheets to the wind

I couldn't leave you without just one little tease
Quinn Duffy gave me permission to show that last slide, as long as I blacked out almost everything. If you've followed his tweets, you'll know that Quinn is a huge fan of censorship and information suppression. Just kidding! This slide merely shows you that this thing that many of us are clammering for is on the radar, and the devs know about it. No guarantees that it's coming or ever will come! We will deny everything and then I'll have to admit that I photoshopped in the text too.
Sizzle vid by norskpoopsie, be sure to watch in 1080p
I hope you enjoyed my Blog from Vancouver. I had a blast meeting great people, eating great food, and visiting the greatest game studio on the planet. That's a wrap!
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