Gamescom 2014 and a meeting with the guys from Relic, that sounded like a really fun idea!
There was just one problem - I'd have to get up early, which is kind of a major problem for such a nocturnal person as myself. In the end I decided to do it, as my evil mind had already formed plans on what to do.
When Thursday finally arrived I readied myself with several cups of coffee and then started the trip. 200 km were to tackle, which I thought was no problem due to one of Germany's greatest inventions - the Autobahn. Yet like always when you want things to go smooth, they turn sour fast. Rain and lots of construction work slowed it down. Yet, finally I made it to be met with friendly, yet incompetent stewards. "Press parking.. err.. yea.. just drive on, the guys back there will help you", so I was directed to some random parking spot - at least it was close to the entrance. It took me a while to actually find the entrance, as it was pretty small, yet now that I saw pictures of the main entrance and the queues there I am happy for that.

Gamescom main walkway
Once I was in I noticed I was actually rather close to the lair of Relic Entertainment. I decided to drop by early to say hello, laugh at their full schedules and then bail before they could retaliate and walk around a bit. So I just entered the booth - and simply went for the first guy I saw with Relics iconic "r" on the shirt. This person turned out to be Alex Price, their brand director. He really caught me off balance by asking "Are you rich?" without any introduction. 1:0 for Relic, damnit! He quickly sent me to Noun since he was super busy, who then also introduced me to Mitch and Quinn. I seem to have arrived just in their short lunch break, as they were quickly munching some sandwiches. It reminded me a bit of a quote on Homer Simpson:
!God, he eats like a pig! |
! I dunno. Pigs tend to chew. I'd say he eats more like a duck. |
"The conversation was mostly focused on what Relic was doing that day and I certainly wouldn't want to swap places with them" |
After spending more time strolling around Gamescom finally the time arrived for the press conference. Sadly for now I cannot reveal the contents, but it's looking quite good. I assume I'm allowed to reveal that they had a heated battle with the other SEGA game, Alien: Isolation. Several times during the presentation the sound was increased and damn, it sounded so great! Alien:Isolation of course retaliated and you could hear screams and screeches from time to time. At the end they were so nice to sign the posters that our artist Le Wish made and they even gave us some stuff. YARR Loot! Two signed copies of Western Front Armies as well as Relic shirts.

I was told Noun wore all of them previously. That's why I was 'Oh yea, lemme smell that' and probably also why Quinn is laughing

YARRR, Loot!
Once the official part was over the really great stuff started: Food, drinks and talking! Since I sadly had to move my car I got delayed for quite a bit, but I brought the Relics some nice compensation. As any German knows, there is only one city in Germany where there is no beer, and this is Cologne. They have Kölsch, whose ingredients I best not describe for the sake of readers. So I brought them some beer from a local brewery and since Noun was so freaked out by "the mixture of Cola and Fanta" I also presented him with some other non-alcoholic drinks. Since we had to wait quite a while for the food, but were drinking rather quickly the mood got to a good state quite quickly. Now that Noun's guard had slightly dropped I had him exactly where I wanted him. Besides the beverages I also brought a desert-camo Leman Russ which I asked him to hold for a second. I then took a few pictures of it and told him he had just announced Dawn of War 3. His face was so worth it. I'd say now it's definitely 1:1!
Noun and a Leman Russ, announcing Dawn of War III - Of course this is NOT a valid announcement

"Everyone ate traditional German cuisine - Schnitzel, Kassler with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes, Fleischkäse with roasted onions - and it was well received." |

#Schnitzel #Noun #Food #Instagram #Cologne

The whole group (from left to right): Pepsi, Mitch, General Mistake + Entourage , MilkaCow, Veloceraptor, Quinn, Lord Rommel, Olivier
We started talking about the dreams and hopes for CoH2, our current problems with the game, what we liked and disliked. With Quinn we discussed an African faction for quite a while and the problems it would pose. Lightly armed PIIs and PIIIs against a latewar Soviet faction? Yet it would also offer access to one of the iconic German WW2 weapons, the FlaK88. Maybe something like an almost complete opposite of the Oberkommando? Lots of medium tanks and support weapons, but little infantry? Another topic we tackled was a German campaign. If Africa is the next focus, make a campaign based on Rommel? Or go for the exact opposite and choose a resistance cell in Germany as the characters for the story? Resistance against Hitler inside the Wehrmacht was by far not as uncommon as people think and the 'Rote Kapelle' (Red Orchestra) and 'Schwarze Kapelle' (Black Orchestra) named groups could be possible. We did not only discuss single player, but also multi player issues. The unit reactions and some design problems. Pepsi raised a few issues with the new weapon-upgrade system of the US compared to the old one and the lack of the iconic Jeep. We talked about the early alpha stages of the Western Front Armies and in general had an awesome time.

Still not sure if this qualifies as beer
Yet not only good things happened. A mistake was made by nobody else but GeneralMistake. Ordering actual beer (Weizenbier in this case) in Cologne. The temperature in the room certainly dropped a bit and the waiter suddenly looked rather evil and threatening, then he started shouting: (translated) "What do you want? Where do you think you are here. You now get off your arse and go outside, look at what's standing above the entrance. Look closely. Then you come back and you tell me what you want to order." Even a few minutes later the waiter still gave our General some evil stares and snide remarks whenever he brought Kölsch. The day was exhausting and sometime around 22:30 (10:30pm) we got ready to move out. The Relics had to prepare for the next day and so the rest still talked a bit outside. I count the fact that Relic left before I did as another point, therefor ending at 2:1 for me and winning! Looking at the cathedral and how dirty it is, but still how impressive it looks at night, talking about previous and future conventions we slowly let the evening end and then a few people at a time trailed off, for it was just the second (or first, for the public) day of the Gamescom and there was still plenty to see and do!
Thanks for reading and hopefully enjoying MilkaCow's awesome Gamescom-diary. But that isn't all! Stay tuned for some more News from Gamescom and Relic, just around the corner!