Just because the forums worked for you doesn't mean they worked for the majority of other people who were in the alpha, including myself. The balance feedback wasn't even the main goal of the alpha; it was to test their servers so they could be better prepared for the beta when the flood gates open.
I also fail to see how making a down payment on a game is not an investment. Sure you can still cancel the order before the game launches, but where do you think that money you put down is going? It isn't floating around in space that is for sure. The whole point of pre-orders is so early copies can be secured and to entice people with promotions such as the beta launching on April 2nd. Like it or not, Relic needs to give people a reason to pre-order the game which is why they are doing this.
Its just earlier profit, any company that depended on that income would be a bad one. If I performed X service and someone fronted me the money, I might do a little extra as a thank you. But if I needed that money in advance to even be able to provide myself with the appropriate equipment, I would need to find a new line of work.

Besides someone can just as easily argue that people that buy after release are supporting the game more, since they are going to be paying for more DLC.