The Sturmpanzer, nicknamed "Brummbär" (grumbling bear) by the Allies, and "Stupa" by the Germans.

The Soviet nickname for the M4 Medium Tank was "Emcha" because the open-topped figure 4 resembled the Cyrillic letter che or cha (Ч).

4,102 M4A2 medium tanks were sent to the U.S.S.R. under Lend-Lease.

The Sonderkraftfahrzeug 234 Puma amored car with a medium-velocity 50mm main gun.

The 76-mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3), is named after the factory that produced it. Zavod imeni Stalina translates to "factory named after Stalin."

The Kliment Voroshilov (KV) tanks were named after the Soviet defense commissar and politician.

The first ISU-152 fully enclosed and armored assault gun was made at Factory No. 100, Chelyabinsk, in 1943.

The Sturmgeschütz III assault gun was Germany's most produced armored fighting vehicle during WW II.

"Katyusha" is the English transliteration of the Russian word Катюша, a diminutive or pet name form of the name Екатерина (Katerina or Catherine).

The KV-2 heavy assault tank with its massive M-10 152mm howitzer was heavier and slower than the KV-1.

The 15cm Panzerwerfer 42 auf Schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper was a Nebelwerfer on wheels.

The StuG III Ausf. G was the final and most common version of the series. Around 10,000 Stug III's of various types were built by Alkett and MIAG from 1940-1945.

The M3A1 was supplied via lend-lease channels to the Soviet Union and Britain. It was also known as the "White Scout Car," after its manufacturer, the White Motor Company.

Want to learn about the SdKfz.222? Keep an eye out for FichtenMoped's next "Theatre of History" episode on the COH2.ORG portal.
This concludes our 3-part Blog Series. If you appreciate this wonderful collection of custom COH2.ORG avatars by Strummingbird, please let him know about it in the comments below!