That is what i meant also, total newcomers won't know, but anyone with 100 hours of game play would. Dude what about the guys who have been here from day 1? writing many guides, explaining the same things so much earlier? What about guys like Luvnest? Romeo? atr3uh? Dane? They have done a lot fucking more. It just pisses me off that everyone goes gaga over a 'vCoH' vet, who never streams, writes one guide and doesn't even play when there is no cash, and ignores the contribution of a lot of good people.
I really shouldn't be answering this but it really gets me mad so ill answer this one time. First of all I have been here since day 1 (played alpha and beta), I just quit in the process because the game was super bad, now I didn't quit just because the game was super bad but because relic constantly ignored any feedback I gave which ended up being super frustating and not worth the time. Second, writting a guide is all I can do at the moment since I barely have time to play and the time I do have is to play League of legends since I am part of a team there (same for aimstrong, he studies medicine and you can guess how much freetime he has for a game like CoH2, I mean aimstrong plays other games WHILE he's studying just so you have an idea), I don't have access to my desktop (only place where I can effectively play CoH2 and stream it) on the week plus my weekends which is where I am on my desktop I am pretty busy with a lot else especially in these weeks, so writting a guide is all I can do to help out. Playing for OCF was possible because university had not started yet AND I didnt need to study anything just yet. So saying I play when there is only cash involved is childish and honestly im getting quite sick of the circlejerking of the whole community that has NO idea how our lives work. Im probably going to be more active late november since many of my tests are over for me and I wont have to attend any LANs after that. Also Im not sure what you mean by ignoring the contribution of a lot of good people, I havent ignored anything.
Hey I got 2 questions, 1st are you gonna make a guide for the Wehrmacht, question number 2 is I prefer aggressive play aswell with it slowly turning into cautious but what maps are good for vetoing that slows down aggressive play and makes it hard to take out snipers, mg's, paks and other team weapons I haven't mentioned because crossing in the woods or minsk pocket for example I find hard to play on cause I cant flank and I must advance from the front
Im new to 1v1'ing overall and I really like it more than 4v4 which I used to play alot and it really did broadened my views I just have some trouble with fighting the Wehrmacht mostly ( I also plan to start 1v1ing as Whermacht )
A guide for WM wouldn't be a bad idea but not at this moment, can't really expend the time