
russian armor

The British Forces Commanders

The roar of engines drown out the echo of thoughts during a warm day in Holland. The sun glints off the windows of a majestic manor house before dulling on the ivy growing on the walls. "REGIMENTAL HEADQUARTERS" is hastily scrawled on a plank across the white door. It creaks open as a lieutenant, preoccupied with a dossier in his hand, scurries past, only managing a quick salute. "Sir!"

Inside, a blinding swarm of personnel is bustling every which way, accompanied with the clatter of field boots and radio chatter which fills the air. Through the cacophony, an assembly of officers is situated in a drawing room, with cobwebs and dust dancing in the vaulted ceilings. Radios, maps and charts hastily strewn about, signal its significance as a converted command post. "Colonel, it is an honour, we have been eagerly anticipating your transfer." A Major sporting a sprightly mustache in the middle of the group briskly says, failing to make eye contact. He is too preoccupied with a manila folder, a "Top Secret" label taped stuck across it, in the same crimson as this mans beret. The Major slams the report on his desk, calling the room to silence. His fingers reach for a handle, as he slides open a drawer with a groan and squeak, that cuts through the air. After some rummaging, he raises a pipe, and strikes a match, before stepping towards the door, ushering the other officers out with a flick of his eyes.

The tension is palpable, as the door to the great room shuts with a thud. "Now then..." lighting his pipe. "I hope you have enjoyed your leave" he says, as he glances wistfully through the great rooms bay window, before striding back to his side of the mahogany desk. "We have heard a lot about your prowess during Caen then Arnhem... our forces have come a long way since then" he pauses, taking a long, labored drag, before slouching and closing his eyes, "but I needn't remind you of all people about the slog it's been..." he exhales, before lowering himself in his chair and pulling it up to his desk. His eyes open once more with a steely vigor: "We have learned much since then, and we will need commanders such as yourself, with innovative new ideas, to finally end this bloody war" he snarls, gnawing at his pipe. "I understand you have brought your retinue with you?" motioning with the blunt end of his pipe towards the solemn folder on the desk. The Major digs in his pocket and offers a cigarette across the desk, before peeling the red label off the folder, and flicking it open "let's get acquainted, shall we?"

"As a preliminary, mind telling me why you Used Boat Salesmen are hopping into our party? My men wear maroon berets, when they have been trained to deliver death from the sky."

"Orders of General Relic, Sir!"

"Hmmm... Let's get on with it then."

Commando Regiment

Commando Regiments provide numerous opportunities for hit and run attacks and striking the enemy’s most vulnerable points. Smoke raids can be used to disrupt enemy supply lines before ordering a direct assault with grenades. Mortar and air support can provide cover for advancing troops while glider-borne commandos drop in behind the lines.
4CP - Smoke Raid Operation
"Smoke barrages will occur on all frontline sectors and infantry units will become hidden if in friendly territory when activated. Infantry will neutralize enemy territories more quickly."
60 second duration.

!Squads capture rate increases by 100% COH2.ORG

4CP - Assault
"Infantry sections move more quickly and have better attack. Recon planes will flyover frontline enemy territories."
60 second duration.

!Remember that this only affects Infantry Sections. Use this ability in conjunction with smoke raid to confuse your enemies, and utterly destry enemy units from ambush positions. Increases your troops accuracy by 25% when active, and doubles their speed.COH2.ORG
4CP - Commando Glider Insertion
"Deploy a glider filled with Commandos to the target location. The Glider can act as a reinforce point when in territory.
Effective against infantry at short ranges. Can stealth in cover."


! Try to land in an open area so you don't mess up that poor glider too bad.COH2.ORG
8CP - Mortar Cover
"Nearby teams of light mortars will automatically attack enemies in the target territory with a mix of high-explosive and white phosphorous shells. After a period of time flares will reveal enemy units in adjacent territories."
Requires line of sight on target territory to start. Can target friendly and enemy sectors. 70 second duration.

! Best used to cover an assault by harassing enemy defenders. Attacks with or without sight.COH2.ORG
12CP - Air Supremacy Operation
"After a long period of time, heavy bombers will attack the target."

!Requires line of sight on the target area. Cannot target HQ sector. Roughly 15 seconds of delay, then 15 seconds of bombardment. Anything in the area is obliterated. Try to not build your OKW trucks within too much distance of eachother.COH2.ORG
Royal Artillery Regiment

Focused on reconnaissance and long range firepower the Royal Artillery Regiment caters to those who want to eradicate the enemy from a distance. Abilities are focused around locating the enemy and then deploying powerful ordinance to destroy them.
3CP - Early Warning
"Nearby artillery batteries fire flares periodically over enemy frontline territories revealing the area."
30 second duration.

!This basically lights up the entire fog of war. Use to gain LOS on LEFH howitzers, or as a precursor to a massive attack to pick out the weak points in an enemy line Tips from COH2.ORG

4CP - Concentration Barrage
"Order all available 25-pounder howitzers in the British Army HQ to quickly fire at the targeted location. "

!Boom..boom...boom...out go the lights!Each available 25 pdr fires 3 shells. If you havent teched to Tier 3,you will only fire 3 shells. Keep this in mindTips from COH2.ORG
6CP - Observation Detachment "Valentine"
"Deploy a Valentine light tank to the targeted location."




!Has a IR- Halftrack-esque detection system that when the tank is deployed in place.Tips from COH2.ORG
9CP - Artillery Support Group
"Deploy a Sexton Self-Propelled Artillery to the battlefield."




! Your typical mobile howitzer. Use it as you would use a priest. Remember to make use of the Valentine light tanks vet 1 ability to increase the range of your Sextons!COH2.ORG

10CP - Perimeter Overwatch
" Orders all available 25-pounder howitzers in the British Army HQ to overwatch friendly territory for a set duration. Disables ‘Coordinated Fire’ abilities while active."
120 second duration.

! The perfect defensive ability. Use this to break up enemy attacks.COH2.ORG
Royal Engineer Regiment

Royal Engineer Regiments provide benefits to vehicles and structures and the means to clear enemy positions. Command Vehicles can be designated to provide support to nearby units while vehicles and emplacements can repair themselves. Incendiary Mortars and a Churchill AVRE team can be used to eradicate fortifications.
2CP - Stand Fast
"British Emplacements will automatically be repaired while active."

! Use this ability to repair emplacements in combat. This ability + brace will allow your emplacements to survive just about any attackCOH2.ORG

2CP - Designate Command Vehicle

"Designate a target vehicle as a Command Vehicle. The Command Vehicle will improve nearby units and increase the recharge rates of commander abilities."

!Ha ha! You thought this was AmiPolizeifunk's new Bike? This is a vehicle - deal with it! Command vehicle Buffs:+35% accuracy, - 30% reload, -30% cooldown- 30% received accuracy, 30 range radius auraTips from COH2.ORG
6CP - Vehicle Crew Repairs
"Damaged vehicles will stop and begin to repair themselves rapidly. While repairing, these vehicles will be covered by a smoke barrage."

! Do not count on this to save your vehicles. Use it as an emergency last-ditch repair. And be careful when you cast it. ALL your Vehicles will be stuck in place until they are fully repaired. Tips from COH2.ORG
8CP - Anti-Building Flame Mortar Support
" Automatically attacks enemy structures and occupied ambient buildings at set intervals with 9.75 inch flame mortar rounds in the designated radius."
Line of sight is required for the barrage to continue.

! Make short work of any buildings in the target area that are occupied by enemies. Use this ability to break an urban stalemate.COH2.ORG
12CP - Demolition Specialist "AVRE"
"Deploy a Churchill AVRE tank armed with a powerful Petard Mortar."


! Use it to elimitate single enemy squads whenever possible, draining enemy manpower and veterancy.COH2.ORG

Special Weapons Regiment

The versatile Special Weapons Regiment values combined arms and well-coordinated tactics. Infantry Sections are granted optional anti-tank upgrades and provided with powerful anti-armor grenades. Resupply Half-tracks and Typhoon strafing runs grant your infantry more staying power on the front lines. Use improved Coordinated Fire and devastating Crocodile flamethrower tanks to finish off your foes
2CP - Tank Hunters Infantry Section

Tank Hunter Infantry Sections can be deployed. They are equipped with Boys AT Rifles and can detect nearby vehicles. They also have access to anti-vehicle HEAT grenades.




!Similar to the Tank Hunter Panzergrenadiers of the Panzer Elite from CoH1.
Pretty dank infantry, with two BOYS at rifles, and an infantry snare that UKF infantry lack by default.Tips from CookiezNcreem

4CP - M3 Supply Halftrack

"Dispatch a Resupply M3 Half-track. This unique Half-Track can reinforce units and deploy weapons on the frontline"




! Give your Soviet allies a Vickers LMG!!! OR give Riflemen a Piat! Or give your Engineers 3 Vickers LMGs! You get a Vickers, everyone gets a Vickers. The weapon is "dropped" on the ground by the half-track, so anybody can pick up the weapon:enemies, allies, you, the dog, ANYONE.Tips from CookiezNcreem
8CP - Hold the Line


" Infantry units in friendly territories gain increased defense. After a period of time,Hawker Typhoons strafe enemies on the frontlines with rockets and machineguns."

!Friendly squads in territory will receive -20% accuracy for the duration of the ability. A massive spammerino of 3 typhoons per frontline sector will attack.Tips from CookiezNcreem

12CP - Concentrated Artillery Operation


" Heavy Artillery will fire on the target area. Does not require line of sight."

Essentially a direct copy paste of Ostheer railway artillery. Same sounds,same damage,but fires 6 shells.
Tips from CookiezNcreem
13CP - Vanguard Operation "Crocodile"

"Nearby batteries will fire a quick illumination shot to the deployment point,while a Churchill crocodile is deployed."



!Be aware of where you set the deployment point so you dont tip-off your enemy to the arrival of your Crocodile Churchil. You can also be a daring bastard and drop the deployment point/flare right on the enemy lines and TELL them you're coming to really rub it in.COH2.ORG
Vanguard Operations

The Vanguard Operations Regiment utilizes a mixed force of air and ground support to maintain a strong frontline presence. Launch the Forward Logistics Glider to provide early field support, advance quickly with the Raid Operation, and call for Strafing Support to maintain air supremacy. Finally, the potent Vanguard Operations Crocodile can be deployed in order to make the decisive thrust into enemy territory.
1CP - Raid Operation

"Allows all your infantry and British vehicles to capture points quickly. Use this to break through enemy lines."

!Squads capture rate increases by 100%. It only costs 50 munitions, so spam this ability wheever possible on open maps like Eindhoven Country to quickly capture territory with any vehicles you have.Tips from COH2.ORG

3CP - Forward Logistics Glider
"Deploy a Forward Logistics Glider Headquarters with an Airlanding Officer to the targeted sector. The headquarters provides additional Commandos,medical support, and reinforcements."
Can be used as a forward retreat post




!Add a big fat glider to your sim-city! Spawns an Airlanding officer upon landing, and comes with a pre-researched forward retreat point that must be toggled. This glider can create more commandos for 350 manpower a squad,and a squad of medics for 180 manpower. Will reinforce all squad types when in supply. Its very fragile and easily destroyed, however,so be careful where you deploy it. Enemy Anti Aircraft is a huge concern and will prevent your glider from deploying commandos upon landing from excessive damage.Tips from COH2.ORG
6CP - Vehicle Crew Repairs
"Damaged vehicles will stop and begin to repair themselves rapidly. While repairing, these vehicles will be covered by a smoke barrage."

!Do not count on this to save your vehicles. Use it as an emergency last-ditch repair. And be careful when you cast it. ALL your Vehicles will be stuck in place until they are fully repaired. Tips from COH2.ORG

12CP - Strafing Support
"Two Hawker Typhoons target the designated area with rockets and machineguns."

!krkrkrkrkr....all dead (or the ones that count,anyway)! 'Nuff said?Tips from COH2.ORG
13CP - Vanguard Operation "Crocodile"
"Nearby batteries will fire a quire illumination shot to the target area while a Churchill Crocodile is deployed to the field."




!Be aware of where you set the deployment point so you dont tip-off your enemy to the arrival of your Crocodile Churchil. You can also be a daring bastard and drop the deployment point/flare right on the enemy lines and TELL them you're coming to really rub it in.Tips from COH2.ORG

Tactical Support Regiment

Tactical Support Regiments help out behind the lines, improving existing units and providing fire support to allies. Designate a Command Vehicle to improve nearby forces or use air support to provide equipment to frontline troops. Artillery can cover advancing troops while recovery teams gather resources from vehicle wrecks. A Forward Observation Post can be used to provide rapid response to nearby threats.
2CP - Designate Command Vehicle

"Designate a target vehicle as a Command Vehicle. The Command Vehicle will improve nearby units and increase the recharge rates of commander abilities."

!Ha ha! You thought this was AmiPolizeifunk's new Bike? This is a vehicle - deal with it! Command vehicle Buffs:+35% accuracy, - 30% reload, -30% cooldown- 30% received accuracy, 30 range radius auraTips from COH2.ORG
4CP - Field Recovery Operation
"Dispatch 2 Royal Engineer Recovery squads who can salvage vehicle wrecks for resources. When dispatched, flares will be fired over vehicle wrecks that are in the target area."




!Brits can scavenge with the best of them! Tips from COH2.ORG
4CP - Air Resupply Operation
"Air support will automatically drop medical and weapon supply crates on the targeted friendly territories. Infantry units will move and reinforce faster in friendly territory."
Click to target

!Drops a Vickers MG,Anti Tank gun, and medical suppliesTips from COH2.ORG

10CP - Artillery Cover
"Artillery will automatically attack units in the area. Vehicles will be hit with disabling howitzer fire, while infantry will be suppressed with light artillery fire. Damaged vehicles will be covered by a volley of smoke shells."

!Time well,this ability is expensive, but well worth the cost. Use it to stop enemy assaults dead in their tracks. Vehicles hit by this artillery will suffer Main Gun Destroyed criticals.Tips from COH2.ORG

10CP - Forward Observation Post
"Designate an occupied ambient building as a Forward Observation Post. This building can direct air and artillery support with unique abilities."
Can only be used in friendly territory.




!We can see them, before they can see us. Call in Close-Air-Support strafes, as well as recon runs, smoke artillery support, and high-explosive artillery. Very munitions expensive, so consider investing in a cache or two.COH2.ORG
Advanced Emplacement Regiment
0CP - Defensive Operations
"Infantry sections can repair and build everything engineers can! Except vehicles."

!You can set up your sim city even faster now!Tips from COH2.ORG

3CP - Improved Fortifications
"Upgraded emplacements gain +40 armor and +30% health."

!Your sim city will be made up of Churchillium! For a cost...Tips from COH2.ORG

3CP - Advanced Assembly
"Forward assembly's double as repair stations that can repair nearby emplacements and vehicles."

!Your sim city can heal itself! For a cost...Tips from COH2.ORG
4CP - Counter Battery
"Artillery units, including your base howitzers, can be put on counter battery mode to decimate enemy artillery trying to counter your sim-city."

!Your sim city can fire back at the stuff meant to counter it! For a cost...Tips from COH2.ORG

!When you use your base howitzers as a counter battery, you will not be able to produce any units from your structure. The cool-down between counter barrage mode and being able to build a new unit is around a minute, so be smart when toggling it.Tips from COH2.ORG
10CP - Precision Barrage
"Rapid response powerful artillery."

!That schwerer HQ being annoying? Blast it with this! That Jagdtiger going through some wierd pathing? Drop this on it!Tips from COH2.ORG

!A direct copy paste of USF Mechanized Artillery. Comes down fast, and will stun and damage the engine of tanks if you hit them.Stats from COH2.ORG
Mobile Assault Regiment
0CP - M2 Flamethrower
"Give your engineers some fire to play with, I mean burn down stuff with."


!It's the USF M2 flamethrower, literally. It doesn't shoot special churchill crocodile flames or anything like that.Stats from COH2.ORG
2CP - Advanced Cover Bonus
"Blob your infantry sections in the open like a pro."

!Active ability. You will still perform better in cover.Tips from COH2.ORG

!-40% cooldown, and -20% reload OUT OF COVER penalties will go away and your squad will perform with no penalties.

In cover, with advanced cover combat active, you will get -30% cooldown, and -20% reload, as an actual bonus, not a removal of penalties.Stats from COH2.ORG
3CP - Infiltration Commandos
"Spawn 4-man Commandos to the target building with teleportation.
Effective against infantry at short ranges. Can stealth in cover."


!Dont spawn in front of 30 enemy squads. Watch for door-mines.COH2.ORG

6CP - Vehicle Crew Repairs
"Damaged vehicles will stop and begin to repair themselves rapidly. While repairing, these vehicles will be covered by a smoke barrage."

! Do not count on this to save your vehicles. Use it as an emergency last-ditch repair. And be careful when you cast it. ALL your Vehicles will be stuck in place until they are fully repaired. Tips from COH2.ORG
8CP - Land Mattress
"The Land Mattress was based on the 3-inch-diameter (76 mm) tube of the RP-3 or "60lb" rocket used as an air-to-ground weapon with naval 5-inch shells as warheads, and consisted of a 16- or 30-tube launching system mounted on a towed carriage.
The Land Mattress is light enough to be moved by its crew and can be used against all targets. Effective against massed infantry and static targets.."

!Like all weapon teams it is vulnerable to flanking and small arms. Beware of building spawn units as they can quickly clear your land mattress. Tips from COH2.ORG

!Has slightly better Area of Effect than the Panzerwerfer.Stats from COH2.ORG
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